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Now serving beer at Alabama Okterberfest


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I'm not a beer guy, but why the hell would you have an Oktoberfest if you couldn't serve or drink beer?


Dry Oktoberfest

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I'm not sure what's more amazing...that they'd even bother to have an Oktoberfest without beer, or the fact that they've been doing it every year since 1977. You would've thought that by 1978 word would've gotten around and nobody would've bothered to come. :blink:

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We will have our 2nd annual Oktoberfest in late September this year and we will have 3 breweries as well as the local beers made by the local guys with their home beer kits or however they make them. The winning local Lager actually gets put into one of the local breweries on tap. I can't imagine doing this without Beer.

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