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Hayseed Dixie

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I've heard of them and listened to a few samples. They have toured the UK before, but I didn't really fancy a whole gig. For me, a couple of songs are okay for novelty value, plus it's quite funny, but after that I start to get bored of the joke and bluegrass really isn't my bag. If you like rock/metal and bluegrass, they must be the best band ever!

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  • 1 year later...

Wow... I didn't think there'd actually be a thread about this band, I just searched their name on a whim...


Anyway, I was in the dollar store (!) today and they had a shitload of copies of this band's Kiss tribute CD, KISS MY GRASS. I was picking up some other stuff and didn't have a buck to spare to grab one, but I had to admit that I was curious... so when I got home tonight I checked out a couple of tracks from it on YouTube... holy crap, this is hilarious. I am gonna have to go back and pick that disc up just for the what-the-f*ck factor. :rofl:



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Picked up this band's KISS tribute today; f*ckin' hilarious! :rofl2:

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