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Ok ok I Know Bones is in what the 5th Season now?? But the first 4 are on Netflix and I started watching Season one??? DAMN!! Why have I not watched this sooner????? I DID see the episode with that Black/death metal band a lil while ago and liked it..I think I Have a new favorite show.. Well maybe not favorite, as right now that honor goes to Spartacus Blood and Sand, but Bones is pretty damn good!!! :tumbsup:


Just wanted to say that.. Carry on...... :drink:

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Love this show and have watched every episode since the first one.

I mostly followed it with me being a huge Angel fan and wanted to check out what David Boreanz was doing next but it's a damn good show and adds a little humor in with the CSI stuff.

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I'm not a regular viewer but I do enjoy the show when I catch it. (and yes, the "black metal" episode was a total hoot.)


The chick who plays Dr. Brennan is frickin hot.

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I'm not a regular viewer but I do enjoy the show when I catch it. (and yes, the "black metal" episode was a total hoot.)


The chick who plays Dr. Brennan is frickin hot.



OH yea she is smoking hot!!! :wub:


Her sister Zooey Deschanel (of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy") isn't bad either. :wub:

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