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ice age cd


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good old swedish female metal band ice age has anyone herd of them? anyway, there should be an demo cd put out by their former manager that may not be that legal! does anyone know where to get it? thanx!

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Dunno about any CD but I downloaded their demo from Ian Christe (author of the "Sound of the Beast")'s blog a while ago and it was pretty bad ass stuff...I remember reading rave reviews of their tape in Metal Forces magazine back in the day.


*EDIT* Ian's blog post can be found herein: http://blog.bazillionpoints.com/?tag=ice-age

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I've got a self titled Ice Age that came out in Germany in 1998. Is this the same band? As I recall, the one I have is fronted by a female singer. The cover has a picture of an iceberg floating in the artic.....

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good old swedish female metal band ice age has anyone herd of them? anyway, there should be an demo cd put out by their former manager that may not be that legal! does anyone know where to get it? thanx!


I would like to know too.. :tumbsup:


I heard great reviews from these wimin..


Not in the :quagmire: sort of way either...

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