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NFL - Surprise 2-0's & 0-2's


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Pretty good day of football today (even though my Rams showed once again that they are DEFINITELY the worst team in the league). Argh. It's gonna be a long year. :doh:


My surprise 2-0 teams so far:


Jets & 49ers



Surprise 0-2 teams:


Titans & Panthers



Unfortunately it looks like there will be a Michael Vick sighting on the field soon (unless McNabb's ribs heal real quick). Bitch ass.


Loved the highlight of Ocho Cinco doing the Lambeau Leap and the Packers fan flipping off the camera. Money!

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Loved the highlight of Ocho Cinco doing the Lambeau Leap and the Packers fan flipping off the camera. Money!


That was pretty good....then they showed old highlights of a Packer fan tossing beer another opposing player that tried the Leap. Though I don't know if I would have wasted the beer that was funny too.

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Being a Bronco fan I'm suprised at our 2-0 start especially considering how awful we looked in the preseason.

I'm not suprised we beat the Browns but I was suprised we beat the Bengals. I know we won on a fluke play but the fact is we beat them defensively that whole game and they didn't even score until there less than a minute in the game. I guess the biggest shock is how damn good that new D coordinator Mike Nolan has the D playing with energy and passion in the 3-4. This D sucked ass for the last couple of years so this has been great so far although I expect it to get a little tougher when we actually play someone.

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Very surprised with the Broncos. Some so called experts had them going 0-16.


That Lambeau Leap by Ocho with that guy flipping the bird was classic! And then they replay it as they are going to commercial! :tumbsup:

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