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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. It's a terrible song but all three CDs in General with Solinger kick major ass!


    No they don't. They suck donkey balls. "Thickskin" sucks. "RPM" sucks even more. I do think the new disc was a step in the right direction. The problem with it is, they are trying to be the Goo Goo Dolls on some of the material on "Thickskin". "RPM" is just trash. A lot of punk style tunes and even a country hick song. Just pure garbage. When a cover song is the best tune on a disc, that's a bad sign. "United World Rebellion" wasn't too bad but with only 5 songs, it's hard to judge where they are headed.

    Big shock but I disagree 100%. There is some heavy songs on Thickskin and some of the best ballads they have written. I certainly don't hear the fucking Goo on a girls chest Dolls.

    As for RPM, it's much more straight ahead and punkish. Another Dick in the System is as good a song they have ever written.

    Haha... from the main site, our own whiplash1972 also hears the Goo Goo Dolls when listening to Thickskin:

    From: Whiplash1972Date: August 18, 2003 at 17:56

    First let me say that I like this release. 2nd, let me say that I like Jonny Solinger's vocals...while he's no Bas, he's good.The thing I don't like about this cd is that the Skids seem to have no idea whether they wanna sound like a Slave/Subhuman version of their old selves, or if they wanna sound like the Goo Goo Dolls!(no, I'm not kidding) The funny thing is, I like the lighter stuff better.'Ghost' is excellent;'Born a Beggar','See You Around',and 'One Light' are also very good, and are ...Heavy Harmonies VolunteerFrom: Whiplash1972Date: August 18, 2003 at 17:56

    ...very 'Goo Goo-ish'. I just think Solinger does the lighter fare better.Don't get me wrong,there are some good, hard rockers as well, with 'Lamb' being my favorite, followed by 'Thick is the Skin' and 'New Generation'. This is a good release, but it may confuse some of the longtime fans who wanted a sound similar to 'Slave to the Grind'. Again, a good release, but just a tad on the eclectic side.


    That don't mean I hear it ;)


    Also seems he liked it ;)




    It's a terrible song but all three CDs in General with Solinger kick major ass!


    No they don't. They suck donkey balls. "Thickskin" sucks. "RPM" sucks even more. I do think the new disc was a step in the right direction. The problem with it is, they are trying to be the Goo Goo Dolls on some of the material on "Thickskin". "RPM" is just trash. A lot of punk style tunes and even a country hick song. Just pure garbage. When a cover song is the best tune on a disc, that's a bad sign. "United World Rebellion" wasn't too bad but with only 5 songs, it's hard to judge where they are headed.

    Big shock but I disagree 100%. There is some heavy songs on Thickskin and some of the best ballads they have written. I certainly don't hear the fucking Goo on a girls chest Dolls.

    As for RPM, it's much more straight ahead and punkish. Another Dick in the System is as good a song they have ever written.

    Haha... from the main site, our own whiplash1972 also hears the Goo Goo Dolls when listening to Thickskin:



    From: Whiplash1972


    Date: August 18, 2003 at 17:56


    First let me say that I like this release. 2nd, let me say that I like Jonny Solinger's vocals...while he's no Bas, he's good.The thing I don't like about this cd is that the Skids seem to have no idea whether they wanna sound like a Slave/Subhuman version of their old selves, or if they wanna sound like the Goo Goo Dolls!(no, I'm not kidding) The funny thing is, I like the lighter stuff better.'Ghost' is excellent;'Born a Beggar','See You Around',and 'One Light' are also very good, and are ...


    Heavy Harmonies Volunteer


    From: Whiplash1972


    Date: August 18, 2003 at 17:56


    ...very 'Goo Goo-ish'. I just think Solinger does the lighter fare better.Don't get me wrong,there are some good, hard rockers as well, with 'Lamb' being my favorite, followed by 'Thick is the Skin' and 'New Generation'. This is a good release, but it may confuse some of the longtime fans who wanted a sound similar to 'Slave to the Grind'. Again, a good release, but just a tad on the eclectic side.

    That don't mean I hear it ;)


    It's a terrible song but all three CDs in General with Solinger kick major ass!


    No they don't. They suck donkey balls. "Thickskin" sucks. "RPM" sucks even more. I do think the new disc was a step in the right direction. The problem with it is, they are trying to be the Goo Goo Dolls on some of the material on "Thickskin". "RPM" is just trash. A lot of punk style tunes and even a country hick song. Just pure garbage. When a cover song is the best tune on a disc, that's a bad sign. "United World Rebellion" wasn't too bad but with only 5 songs, it's hard to judge where they are headed.


    Big shock but I disagree 100%. There is some heavy songs on Thickskin and some of the best ballads they have written. I certainly don't hear the fucking Goo on a girls chest Dolls.

    As for RPM, it's much more straight ahead and punkish. Another Dick in the System is as good a song they have ever written.


    Hmmm no discusiion of the fumble by the Chiefs that the Broncos recovered that would have essentially ended the game and somehow even with replay they get the call wrong and it's a drop. I was sure that once you caught a ball and made a "football move" it was a catch. He caught the ball and took three full steps and never bobbled the ball and it's still not a catch. I tell you what that rule seems to be different week to week game to game depending on who is the ref.


    I'll just go out on a limb and say as a Bronco fan we will not win the super bowl even if we have home filed advantage. Losing Vickerson for the season and maybe now Wolfe(seizures?) will kill their pass rush and their DB's are horrible even if Bailey can play. We will score points but the D is not good enough and I really would hate to see what the Seahawks could do to that D is we did meet them in the big game. Of course if they have to play the Chiefs again in the post season I doubt they could beat them a 3rd time in the same season.


    No discussion, I guess they figured why throw salt, I had quit watching by then, plus I dont really care about either team, but I have to axe, was it by chance Avery that fumbled it?

    Avery can't catch a cold. He won't be there next year...

  5. Hmmm no discusiion of the fumble by the Chiefs that the Broncos recovered that would have essentially ended the game and somehow even with replay they get the call wrong and it's a drop. I was sure that once you caught a ball and made a "football move" it was a catch. He caught the ball and took three full steps and never bobbled the ball and it's still not a catch. I tell you what that rule seems to be different week to week game to game depending on who is the ref.


    I'll just go out on a limb and say as a Bronco fan we will not win the super bowl even if we have home filed advantage. Losing Vickerson for the season and maybe now Wolfe(seizures?) will kill their pass rush and their DB's are horrible even if Bailey can play. We will score points but the D is not good enough and I really would hate to see what the Seahawks could do to that D is we did meet them in the big game. Of course if they have to play the Chiefs again in the post season I doubt they could beat them a 3rd time in the same season.

    I disagree on the fumble. The ball was moving and not secure which has to happen before the football move comes in to play.


    That game irritates me and I'm letting it go. The pick to start the game took 7 off the board. It should have been 28-7 at one point. It's ridiculous to blow that kind of lead. Can we play with Denver! Yep...but close doesn't count.


    We have to win a road playoff game before we would see Denver again so we will see.



    Just when I start getting really interested, they turn sh*t. Typical.


    (With apologies to Chiefs fans for jinxing your team.)



    I dont know what your talking about?? My Bucs are shit, they Chiefs are terrific, they just need to make some serious changes at Receiver, and I assure you, they will be shored up. but if your a bandwagon jumper, then thats ok, I heard the Seahawks are killer right now.

    Killer is an understatement as they made Drew Brees and company look like statues last night.


    I'm not a band wagoner just a Steelers first, who suck just as hard as you Bucc's, but damn if those Hawks aren't firing on all cylinders. I might call them bullet proof... If they can keep up the level of play they showed last night and obviously 10 other weeks, they can't be beat.


    Yep, I'd hate to have to play them. And now everything is going through Seattle to get to the SB? Forget about it....

  7. I litterally had a headache after that game. I am tired of watchign them play press coverage and getting burned deep. Smith's pic on 1st & goal on the first drive is unacceptable. It should have been 28-7 with the door shut but of course, we have to get burned deep because we play the same defense every time. Please whatever you do don't mix in some zone blitzes or anything. Fucking unbelievable...then on top of everything else the receivers couldn't catch a cold in the 2nd half. Perfectly thrown balls dropped 5 times that I remember, half of them for 40 yards or more.


    They got what they deserved. Now they deserve the 5th seed and being on the road for the playoffs.


    Might as well concentrate on getting healthy, putting together a few wins and planning on the possibility that there will be a 3rd match up with Manning. The bad though...I think we may have lost Albert for the year....

  8. Great White has some good ones:

    Bitches and Other Women (Twice Shy, Japan)

    Wasted Rock Ranger (Twice Shy, Japan)

    Slow Ride (B-Side)

    Somebody to Love (Psycho City, Japan)

    Burnin' House of Love (Let it Rock, Japan)

    The Good Die Young (Can't Get There From Here, Japan)


    I also like Winger's "Hell to Pay", from "Pull".

    Forgot about the Winger track. That song should have absolutely been on the regular version!







    Good god no. The Shortino album sounded nothing like Quiet Riot.

    It didn't but it is better than 90% of what they released. I would take Shortino in a heartbeat!
    Nah. I will take any DuBrow fronted album over that one. Not a terrible album, but it does absolutely nothing for me. Weak songs and nothing even remotely in common with the Quiet Riot sound, which is the point. I listen to Quiet Riot to hear Quiet Riot, not Shortino.
    Other than the near perfect Metal Health, I will take the Shortino album over the rest. There's nothing weak about that album at all. Motley Crue wasn't Motley Crue with Corabi either but most hardcore fans will tell you that album kicks ass, regardless of the singer. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of the original groups trying to keep their original singer. But in this case, the album released in 1988 with Shortino in his prime was filler free. Sure you could make an argument that QR III and Terrified had their moments but I wouldn't pick them over the ST album. And jesus...Critical Condition was lame as hell and doesn't really leave me questioning why they fell so hard from grace.
    Yes, but as a massive Motley fan (they are one of my top two bands ever) I will out and out say as much as I loved the self titled album, it should never have been released as a Crue album.

    Same with QR. It should never have been released under the name Quiet Riot.

    The difference with those two bands though is that the Corabi album was amazing, the Shortino album didnt have a single song on it that I gave a damn about, and I am not what you would call a mental QR fan. And what made it even worse with that album is that there wasnt a single original member on that album. It had no right being called Quiet Riot, just as the band with Jizzy has no right.

    Not a single original member?


    Kevin is /was the only Original member, Frankie is not the original drummer.


    Oh you guys meant the band when no one knew who the hell they were, not the multi-million selling version :)

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