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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Don't worry my heavy harmonies brethren..... when I win the $550 million and buy out Dan, I won't change things much around here.


    I might add sexy hot naked women up and down the sides of each page......


    Maybe ban Geoff........ just because......


    And a new format on Heavy Harmonies Radio....... All Michael Bolton Christmas jingles..... all the time.......



    I think a poll would be nice....which one has a greater impact? The banning of Geoff or Michael Bolton 24/7? :)



    I'm not sure mate. I was hoping someone out there did. I couldn't find anything on their site that said. More labels should be like Demon Doll. They tell you what you are getting up front.


    If memory serves they did not tell up front in the beginning, but enough people squawked and they now provide the info up front. Glad they listened and made accommodations to the people supporting them.

    I had a big blow out with them a couple years ago. I got a CDR from them one day and sent them a nice yet pointed email that it would be nice if they listed on the website if it was a CDR or not. Whoever replied was a prick and just went off on me, which pissed me off and we went back and forth and they essentially banned me from buying from them. All because I made a suggestion.


    Since then I did send an email commending them on what a nice change they made on their site, listing the type, the website is faster (used to be so slow), etc. Didn't hear back so maybe I am still banned. Lol


    I cannot find the thread, but I shared this experience with the HH folks.


    I would definitely recommend DD today even if I am still banned...their website is up front with everything now. Just don't make any suggestions to them if you want to remain a customer. :tsk:

    It was probably the head asswipe I dealt with. Sounds like him...



    They JUST received the insurance check the day after you make the post on Facebook... after 4 monthis.




    "Please be an adult..."


    Seriously? That would rate a ginormous FUCK YOU from me. I'd be stalking their sorry-assed FB page for a smart-ass reply like that.


    How this entity remains in business is beyond me. Clearly a business without a clue when it comes to customer service.


    I have no fucking idea why any band would want to be there. They are ALL assholes and the leader of the fuckheads is the worst. The BBB did nothing...maybe if more people would file a claim something would be done.

    Because not every band is always up to the minute informed. Let me ask have you ever been in a band with material worth release or are you strictly a fan/collector? Not asking to be a dick or anything just curious and would help me understand why or why you wouldnt see things from a different perspective. Most bands/members dont follow the scene like you do. Hell most walked away from the scene or changed musical styles over the years. I'm one of the rare ones that should have seen or read something and I saw nothing at the time of my signing.


    I have heard horror stories from just about every label except Eonian Records but there didnt seem to be any interest and thats ok I am friends with Stephen and love his releases.


    Obviously I have had zero issues with FNA and I have even done private trades with the owner and always had a smooth transaction and communication with all my questions. Again that does not mean I side with them and everyone else is lying.


    Most bands simply dont know the underlying stuff that goes on with these labels. I certainly hadnt heard anything at the time. Many of us were in bands that nobody knew about and I personal had material I thought was deserving of a release however I have pissed away enough money in this business and wasnt about to invest more of my own money in it. People that follow this site or melodicrock or sleaze roxx are actually the minority and mostly an underground fanbase.


    I have read on this very forum horror stories about Suncity, Z Records, Retrospect, and others...again not my opinions just what Ive read. Obviously FNA is now added to that list here.

    The only band I'm in is every morning in the shower. I'm the lead singer :)


    Look this doesn't have anything to do with anything band wise. The complaints are coming from customers and bands. The labels you mention, from a consumer standpoint have been fine. Suncity was fine until he vanished possibly due to shadyness but I never heard of people not getting what they paid for, could be wrong. I have never heard anything bad about Z Records. Retrospect started out awful from an integrity stand point but I have seen a huge change with Sam. It doesn't mean that there aren't people who don't like him but he has always made good with me.


    I don't have a problem with you at all and am glad you haven't had issues...but clearly there is no other label under more scrutiny right now.


    If you talk to the guy (the one who wanted my address so he could whip my ass) tell him to suck my dick when you see him. My offer always stands if he still wants my address ;)

  4. They JUST received the insurance check the day after you make the post on Facebook... after 4 monthis.




    "Please be an adult..."


    Seriously? That would rate a ginormous FUCK YOU from me. I'd be stalking their sorry-assed FB page for a smart-ass reply like that.


    How this entity remains in business is beyond me. Clearly a business without a clue when it comes to customer service.

    I have no fucking idea why any band would want to be there. They are ALL assholes and the leader of the fuckheads is the worst. The BBB did nothing...maybe if more people would file a claim something would be done.



    I listened to the whole Skid Row discography this week. My thoughts:


    S/T -- Essential

    Slave To The Grind -- Perfection

    Subhuman Race -- Pass

    Thickskin -- Pass

    RPM -- Puke

    United World Rebellion -- Not interested



    Perfect man! You hit the nail right on the head! ;)

    I'm glad we finally agree or something. :whistle:



    You two are getting along well.


    Lol...and thank God everyone is different. Otherwise what is there to talk about and discuss right? I got no beef with anybody on the board. I think over the years everyone just kind of knows I have opinions...sometimes strong ones and they just put up with them :)


    I listened to the whole Skid Row discography this week. My thoughts:


    S/T -- 92%

    Slave To The Grind -- 100%

    Subhuman Race -- 85%

    Thickskin -- 75%

    RPM -- 65%

    United World Rebellion -- 80%



    Perfect man! You hit the nail right on the head! ;)

    I'm glad we finally agree or something. :whistle:


    It's all out of love brother ;)

  7. As the last method to sort out the mess I posted this on their FB page yesterday:




    Dear FnA Records team,


    I am extremely annoyed about your order fulfillment and customer service !!

    I have placed an order for 7 CD's and paid $132,79 for them per PayPal on Sept 20 (Order # 100000951: 5 x Theatre, 2 x Bros. Grimm). So far I have not received them, which I reported on Oct 22 for the first time, but unfortunately I do not have the impression that anyone on your side does anything or actually cares about it. After a number of emails I was informed that the parcel apparently got lost at customs, although on your ordering site (Rock n Roll Relics) the status is "still processing".

    Your order admin was as helpful as she is able to be, but obviously reached her limit. She responds very hesitantly and gives short replies, but does not answer my questions. Not once did I receive an information on her own initiative. She did give me a parcel tracking number, which proved to be useless as it was not a DHL #. This I reported to her, but to my question which carrier was used I got no answer.

    On Nov 20 I was asked by U-PIC to fill in an insurance report, which I did on the same day, but have since not received any feedback to the status of this report by anyone. Instead - after asking if the second parcel had been sent in the meantime - I was told by the order admin to keep off sending emails to her as she was enjoying her Thanksgiving vacation.


    Please note that I did not file a claim with PayPal and I did not cancel the debit authorisation because I trusted you and believed your promises.

    Now - after nearly 4 months - I expect you to either pay me my money back or you give me the exact date of delivery instantly. Thank you !




    This reply I received this morning:




    I am writing to inform you that we just received the check from the insurance company for your order that GERMAN CUSTOMS lost. I am asking if you would like a refund or your CDs sent back out. I did my best in assisting you, but for some reason you still found it necessary to blame FnA Records for the customs department in your own country. If you would like to complain about how your order was shipped in a timely manner, how you received customer service from a rep that did the best she could considering the package was no longer even in the United States anymore then please be an adult and send your complaints to me.


    Thank you,



    FnA Records

    Customer Service Representative




    Nice .......... ! I did send her my complaints, at least 10 times within the last 4 months, but I got nowhere. Until the FB message, which obviously has been deleted in the meantime.


    Anyway, I am getting the refund. Had enough. Useless bunch !

    You should talke to the owner...he's a real peach....

  8. I listened to the whole Skid Row discography this week. My thoughts:


    S/T -- 98%

    Slave To The Grind -- 100%

    Subhuman Race -- 100%

    Thickskin -- 90%

    RPM -- 85%

    United World Rebellion -- 75%



    Perfect man! You hit the nail right on the head! ;)

  9. this is from Andrew's review on melodicrock:


    Skid Row have updated their sound big time. While this remains a rocky and mostly uptempo album, the overall sound is more in tune with (heavier) Goo Goo Dolls and Matchbox 20, than Slave To The Grind era Skids.

    And I disagree...still :)

  10. Oh I know that, just axe the Jets of 2 years ago, but I don't believe those "all star" redskins, are equal to the one or two good seasons they may have had, when the consistency has been set, then I'll buy into it, the way I see it, they have subpar talent, outside of their few players im sold on, and I am sold on RGIII, but if he doesnt change his style, he's not going to be in the league long enough to be an allstar, he's going to get destroyed, IMO

    The consistency will come when both Shanahan's leave ;)


    This sounds better than the crap they had been releasing IMO. I'm pretty excited about it.


    Cartesian Dreams was good. Big Money was forgettable.


    See I thought the opposite but they all haven't been that good except World Upside Down. Absolutely nothing has come close to the awesomeness of the first 3 albums.

  12. REALLY!! you see "major talent" on the redskins roster?? are we watching the same team? that Defense is honestly like watching a mid grade SEC team, you can tell me you think the Washington Redskins defense is talented? I guess i was to stoned or watching a different game then you, something really has to throw me off big time, for me to even notice it, I think that skins defense is suffering from internal issues, they internally drafted mediocre players, and signed bottom feeders, I really don't know what Im talking about though, I just like to chime in with 2 cents, and hope I get lucky and sound like I know what I'm talking about, im probably way off, dead wrong???

    Yes they have more talent than half the league but that doesn't get you where you need to be. The Chiefs are a perfect example. 6 Pro bowlers last year and won 2 games. Was there talent! Yes...but coaches make a huge difference and the turmoil in Washington is over riding the talent. RGIII, Morris, Garçon, Hall, Orakpo, the list goes on. Talent is not greater than coaches, chemistry and family atmosphere.

  13. Hey Mullethead, I love different pressing, different covers, etc. I even buy reissues with different covers but they have to be cheap.

    Sounds like you've got a great collection. I have checked your website lately. You keeping it up to date?

    No, sadly I'm torn. I stopped collecting Japan CDs and am in process of auctioning them. I'm also considering indie next...idk. I have some indies that are worth some coin, such as Eli. I've even thought about going 100% digital.


    Confused these days...


    Yep, I guess Andy hasn't forgot how to coach ;)


    Yeah, well look at the opposition they faced today. Anyone with an IQ at room temperature could have have coached against them. That whole situation is in complete implosion mode. Did you catch RG3's press conference after the game? Washington is a MESS... and I don't mean politically, which goes without saying.


    P.S. I enjoyed watching my Eagles play in the arctic circle today... yeesh.


    Yeah, Washington is a mess but for me more importantly we needed to blow somebody out to get some swagger back. It was still a road game in the NFL against RGIII and the #2 rusher in football. I expected a shootout with Houston still out but I got my blowout. Your game was even worse weather wise but those are fun games. I was just praying constantly...no fumbles! :)

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