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Posts posted by Mullethead



    I don't think anything they've done gets close to this tune:


    Yeah their old shit kicks some major ass!



    Wish I could afford that CD. I'm no Vengeance fan, but I think 'Arabia' was pretty special...


    Geez, the remastered edition with extra tracks goes for more now. I may never own this damn thing...:(

  2. And I still did not receive the refund, believe it or not ! After I sent 3 emails which could not be delivered due to mail server problems on their side I wrote another message on the FB page last Thursday. 5 minutes later .....:




    Hello Bernd. I will be issuing your refund either this evening or tomorrow morning. I just have to get final approval from my supervisor and then it will take just a couple of minutes for me to finish the transaction.


    Thank you,



    FnA Records

    Customer Service Representative




    Obviously her supervisor is not around. What a bunch of morons !! :fu: On Monday I will get nasty on their FB page. Watch the space !!

    The supervisor is the dickweed I dealt with directly. Good luck...




    My bad, I missed the total yards bit. Truth be known, I wouldn't kick either off my team... :lol:


    What do you think of Nick Foles? you sold on him yet?



    Not sold, but VERY optimistic.I want to see what he can do with (1) an entire off season to prepare as the #1 guy, i.e., getting all the reps with the first team that Vick got leading into the season, and (2) without the "sword of Damocles" hanging over his head as to who the real starter is for the team. I want Chip Kelly to come right out and name him the permanent starter before we even come close to next year's season.


    He's nowhere as injury prone as Vick, and has put up impressive numbers this season: 23 TDs against 2 interceptions with a season QB rating of 117.0, which actually has him #1 in the NFL out of all QBs with more than 50 pass attempts. Peyton Manning is 2nd with a season rating of 112.9.


    In last week's pathetic 48-30 blowout loss against the Vikings, his QB rating was 103.5. The problem was NOT Foles. If our defense wasn't a cellar dweller in the NFL, who knows what we'd look like.


    This is only his 2nd year in the league, and he really hasn't had anyone to mentor him, so QB is the least of our worries, IMO. The defense?... oy vey.


    Now I use this comparison as OBSERVATION ONLY! but during a game I was watching Arizona vs Cal, the way he operated out of the shotgun and would lead the Wildcats down the field drive after drive, I for a brief moment thought this guy looks like Joe Montana, how he would fall behind, and just mellow as hell call his play, read the defense, make changes, then just look off each receiver, 1,2,3,4, then 5, he never suckered into one receiver the whole game, I was very impressed by him, and thought he was way underrated, I knew he had size for the NFL, but never in a million years believed he would be doing as well as he is, watch him bro, I know the NFL is completely different from college, but when he gets his feet settled, and gets in a rythem, he is one of those QB's that operates like Montana, Elway, Marino, Brady, where he can lead his team back and make you hate him if your a fan of whoever the Eagles are playing, I like the guy, wish the Bucs would've drafted him.


    Don't get me wrong, I think he is very talented. We've seen talent like his before though and seen it disappear as quick as the name on his locker. You just never know...I was only saying you can't compare him to the greats of the game at this early stage of his career. He might just get his first ring this year :)




    New album out end of October.


    Snippet of 'World Arena': https://soundcloud.com/steamhammer-spv/vengeance-world-arena-snippet




    Tracklisting:1. World Arena 04:392. Tears From The Moon 03:403. Raintime Preload 00:364. Raintime 03:315. Sandman 05:086. Back To Square One 04:547. Headquake 03:448. Train 05:079. Mirrors 03:1510. Piece Of Cake 03:2711. Goodbye Mother Sky 06:30


    Snippet is killer! For fans of early PC69!

    And 'Back To Square One' is on Youtube. It's very bluesy and I'm not usually into that kind of stuff, but a good song with some great guitar.

    You mean this one. And it is a great song.




    And some deleted scenes:


    I never thought I'd say this but I thought this song was comical until I realized he was serious. Just terrible and not what they normally sound like....ugh.


    I'd rather see Russell Wilson get the MVP than P.Manning.


    I agree. Russel is a stud, flat out and I hope to see him continue to forge forward as one of the soon to be greatest qb's we will see play. I do love me some P. Manning, but he is not as consistent as Russel imho.


    Speaking of Seattle. EASILY the best team they have ever had this year. I am quite concerned that next year may see some of our young stars moving on to bigger paychecks elsewhere.


    This is their year and as Jarrad mentioned earlier in this thread "the road to the SB, goes through Seattle".



    And for fun: the Steelers are still mathematically in the hunt for a wildcard, course I have a better chance of winning the Megamillions, but hey???

    I'm the last person who would defend a freakin Bronco but if you compare him to Wilson you're not comparing apples to apples. Wilson hasn't been in the league long enough to compare to Manning. Let's see what he looks like in 12 years.


    Watching Manning is like watching Marino, Favre or Montana. Just like when Michael Jordan retired, everyone missed watching him and what he did for the game...even if you aren't a fan. He has been very consistent over his career.


    As for MVP...if anyone breaks any kind of NFL record they will and probably should win MVP. That being said, it's not right based on the definition of MVP. It has nothing to do with records...what player can a team least handle losing...that's your MVP.


    That's why I made a plea for Charles. Without him, we would sputter. The same could be said for Manning and Wilson honestly.



    My bad, I missed the total yards bit. Truth be known, I wouldn't kick either off my team... :lol:


    What do you think of Nick Foles? you sold on him yet?



    Not sold, but VERY optimistic.I want to see what he can do with (1) an entire off season to prepare as the #1 guy, i.e., getting all the reps with the first team that Vick got leading into the season, and (2) without the "sword of Damocles" hanging over his head as to who the real starter is for the team. I want Chip Kelly to come right out and name him the permanent starter before we even come close to next year's season.


    He's nowhere as injury prone as Vick, and has put up impressive numbers this season: 23 TDs against 2 interceptions with a season QB rating of 117.0, which actually has him #1 in the NFL out of all QBs with more than 50 pass attempts. Peyton Manning is 2nd with a season rating of 112.9.


    In last week's pathetic 48-30 blowout loss against the Vikings, his QB rating was 103.5. The problem was NOT Foles. If our defense wasn't a cellar dweller in the NFL, who knows what we'd look like.


    This is only his 2nd year in the league, and he really hasn't had anyone to mentor him, so QB is the least of our worries, IMO. The defense?... oy vey.


    I like the guy as well. In fact Reid must have saw something in the guy as well because he "inquired" about him when he got to KC before we signed Smith and the Eagles shut the door immediately. Good call looks like :)

  7. New album out end of October.


    Snippet of 'World Arena': https://soundcloud.com/steamhammer-spv/vengeance-world-arena-snippet







    1. World Arena 04:392. Tears From The Moon 03:403. Raintime Preload 00:364. Raintime 03:315. Sandman 05:086. Back To Square One 04:547. Headquake 03:448. Train 05:079. Mirrors 03:1510. Piece Of Cake 03:2711. Goodbye Mother Sky 06:30

    Snippet is killer! For fans of early PC69!

  8. The New Video Of Darren Is Better Than The First Night. Kelly Was Really Cool At MRF But Very Disorganized On Stage But Sang Great. His Big Problem Was What He Was Drinking And Whatever Else He Was Doing That Made Him Seem Out Of His Mind That Weekend. Everyone At Firefest Says He Was Horrible And AOR Magazine Bashed Him Bad. Lance Talked On The Mafia And Firefest Pages About How Bad It was.

    He def seemed drunk. Something that can't help I'm sure. I have always loved his soulful voice though.


    As for Darren, he can't come back from what happened even if he sings great going forward. He has been nailed to the cross already acting like a buffoon and singing like shit and the internet is not very forgiving it seems. The pictures Sludge posted from his Facebook page don't help...



    I believe he leads the league in total yards and has 15 tds.

    A great year, no doubt, but let's not get too carried away. ;)





    Who do you favor Dan? your not a Bears fan are you? you wouldn't possibly be promoting LeSean McCoy would you? I don't know how anyone could possibly not talk about Charles as one of the top possibility's, when you really think about it, he is basically the reason that offense can score with any type of consistency, and he is one of those few players, that if he gets hurt, I think the Chiefs are finished, that's scary to have a player the team depends that much on, but I truly cant think of any play off bound team, who depend on one player so heavily for their success, i might b wrong, but thats just off the top of my head.


    Okay, so I wrong. Sort of...


    Charles - 1181 Rush yards with 11 Td's, 65 Rec. 655 Yards with 7 Td's, 4.8 yards a carry & 10.1 yards per reception. Total yards 1836.

    McCoy - 1343 Rush Yards + 507 Rec. Yards. Td's total is 7 Td's.


    Forte has had a quietly awesome years as well with 1722 total yards.


    All three players are great, and it appears McCoy has Charles by a whopping 14 yards total rec. & rushing but I will take Charles 18 Td's over McCoy's numbers. Which makes Charles, my unbiased MVP ;)



    I believe he leads the league in total yards and has 15 tds.

    A great year, no doubt, but let's not get too carried away. ;)





    Who do you favor Dan? your not a Bears fan are you? you wouldn't possibly be promoting LeSean McCoy would you? I don't know how anyone could possibly not talk about Charles as one of the top possibility's, when you really think about it, he is basically the reason that offense can score with any type of consistency, and he is one of those few players, that if he gets hurt, I think the Chiefs are finished, that's scary to have a player the team depends that much on, but I truly cant think of any play off bound team, who depend on one player so heavily for their success, i might b wrong, but thats just off the top of my head.


    More importantly Dan, I said TOTAL yards. He is the top back in receiving yards & receiving td's. That much I know for a fact. I was guessing that since he has almost 1200 yards rushing that he was near the top in total yards. I will confirm though :)


    Manning will get MVP (and deserved) when he breaks the TD record this year but Charles has to be mentioned. In my opinion (trying to be un-biosed) he is the MVP otherwise. He is the BEST RB in the NFL and is a great combo of power and speed. Strange thing is, he seems to get stronger as the season goes on.


    I truly believe no one wants to play us in the playoffs. Once we get a few guys back healthy (especially Houston) and the defense comes back together it's on. The offense has put up 101 points in 2 games...wow.



    Charles should really be talked about in it, I don't know if he leads the league(havent stayed up on it)but for a RB from a little market, really has to go above and beyond to get the bandwagon jumpers, and lemming sports writers to notice, thankfully, the NFL seems to be one of the only sports leagues where there is not an all out biased, but still the biased does exist, and Charles would need to really explode

    I believe he leads the league in total yards and has 15 tds.

  12. Manning will get MVP (and deserved) when he breaks the TD record this year but Charles has to be mentioned. In my opinion (trying to be un-biosed) he is the MVP otherwise. He is the BEST RB in the NFL and is a great combo of power and speed. Strange thing is, he seems to get stronger as the season goes on.


    I truly believe no one wants to play us in the playoffs. Once we get a few guys back healthy (especially Houston) and the defense comes back together it's on. The offense has put up 101 points in 2 games...wow.


    Eh, DL needs to sue BB Steal, Sleeze Beez and more before this shit band lol!

    Sleeze Beez, BB Steal and Loudlion etc all barely make the airwaves or sell the album numbers that this shitty boyband do sadly, so who ya gonna sue, a band that will give you $5 if you are lucky, or a band that you could potentially make a pretty packet from?


    If they are smart they won't waste their time. They have no case from what I hear. It's not really a matter of money. If you're DL then you have plenty of money. You would sue anybody who is stealing from you but in this case, DL should feel blessed that they came up with a certain "sound" that people love and use. It's not copying at all...


    Last time I checked you can sue for being an influence.

  14. He doesn't sound any different than most of the guys his age now. He never sang real high anyway but I would go see them. I absolutely love their first 2 albums. Perfection!


    Now if you want to hear a train wreck and look like an ass at the same time, go to Metal Sludge and watch the video of Jake E Lee's new band with Darrin Smith (Harem Scarem) on vox. He sounds and looks terrible. And he has a great voice so of course the excuses are flying now but I am giving him a pass once.

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