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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Kind of reminds me of Ozzy Osbourne meets Beautiful Creatures.


    I'll definitely check it out.


    And for those who don't know, DJ Smith is Darren Smith (ex-Harem Scarem drummer) who released the awesome CD Darren Smith Band's "Keep The Spirit Alive" back in 2005. He was also lead vocalist for that disc.



    His voice is being used different here and will take time to get use to. If you want to really hear his voice, check out Harem Scarems Staying away.


    Mike and Oliver-Brothers for Life - WHAT is this?

    Mike Tramp and Oliver Steffensen, songs they put together before Freak of Nature. Apparantly Oliver Steffensen released this as an album at some point under the name "Mike and Oliver-Brothers For Life". But according to this link, the album is unreleased. So the songs to be pre- Freak of Nature, must have been written/recorded pre- 1991 and Oliver planned to release them on an album in 1995-1997 but for whatever reason this never happened. Just guessing though.

    Reading the booklet from the Tramp set I thought I remember them having a falling out?

  3. I know this was addressed in a thread or two earlier this year, but in case anyone missed it:




    Of particular interest, the last post in the thread:




    And for the cherry on top, his GEMM store has been updated TODAY:




    He's either just fired it up again, or has done no transactions there. Either way, it looks like he's on the prowl again.

    What a douche....bad thing is he could be among us under a different name or anonymous.

  4. That Colts game was tremendous. That took more than a little "Luck".


    Saints finally win a road game in the cold.


    I'm rooting for the 49ers so there will be back-to-back brothers winning the Super Bowl.

    Thee was definitely some luck as well. Please see the RB fumble on the goal line and Luck pick it up and dive over the pile to score. Unfuckingbelievable...

  5. At the moment, KC has opened up a can of whupp-ass on the Colts... yikes! 31-10 at the half.EDIT: Oops... may have spoken too soon. 41-38 KC with 10 minutes left.EDITING THE EDIT: Welcome to the Andy Reid era in KC. *THIS* is what gave us Eagle fans perpetual indigestion.

    This is NOT a Reid issue. I was at the game and am. Completely gutted right now. It's was 38-10 with ten mins in the 3rd quarter and we had an EPIC defensive meltdown. If the offense puts up 44 points on the road they did their job. This is all defense and unspectacular special teams. Bob Suttons head should be on a platter. TV doesn't do justice to what I dealt with at the scene. And then drive 4 hours home in disgust.


    The bitter taste is still there this morning and it's not going away anytime soon.


    Dan please make this thread die. I beg you....





    I think this is one of the most uncertain wildcard weekends in recent memory. None of these games are easily predictable. I wouldn't even dream of laying any moola this weekend.


    I was just having that same discussion with my Dad, he was talking about calling in some bets, to Nevada, and I told him dude, seriously, even if something looks certain, I really do not feel that there is a single certainty in the wildcard games, and I dont think your smart to put a single dime down on any of these games, not to mention I got told theres not a whole bunch of wagering going on over this wildcard series, which tripped me out, thats so trippy you say that Dan, I mean do any of you even know what the spreads are on any of these games? I didn't even see that in my USA Today, WTF? I wont be watching any of these games, other then 1, outside of that, I have zero interest, JUST GETTING HOPPED UP AND EXCITED AS FUCK FOR SPRING TRAINING TO START! Baseball time is only 3 months away!!

    I will watch them all. Because in a few short weeks there will be nothing on TV again until August. :)


    And for the spread or betting, that was what I meant by "suckage", any of these teams have the potential to win, which will make for some good games this weekend and should mean some big spankings next week when these wild card teams play the big boys...

    Your just a fucking wanker, just a typical American, NFLs over, nothings on, cause Soccer is to intelligent for you to understand, and what about the womens finals for ncaa division 1 volleyball? that not good enough for you? dude seriously theres plenty of shit on, NBA is right in the heat of the season, Always Sunny Reruns, NCIS, any of the provided pornographic channels provided by your cable or satellite provider, MMA, fuck isnt it about Lacrosse season? dude I just watch the Jazz games every other night, and when it's an off night,, I pretend that I am going to get some pussy, and mislead myself into going out and meeting these fucking nasty skanks, that I find nightly make me sick, and so I go back home, thankful I dont have one of them with me, and I watch Married With Children, and did I mention, 3 months to spring training, BASEBALLS ABOUT HERE MOTHER FUCKERS!! I cannot wait

    Your a better man than me, cause I despise TV and the programming that passes for entertainment, for the most part. There are a few shows that I will watch and sorry bro pro football does it for me. Baseball, yawn. Basketball, same and the list goes on and on...

    Yep...and baseball sucks. Just sayin :)



    Terry I lost it when I heard that Brees had been officially outed in favor of Rivers, it blew my fucking mind, and I agree, Alex Smith got a raw deal in SF, and love watching that fucking Harbaugh regress after believing he had shit locked down, when in all reality, Smith more then likely would have taken SF to, and beat the Ravens in the SB, just what I believe, it's great seeing them go backwards, thats what I think anyways.

    I sure have no problem having Smith as a QB. It's not sexy, but it's very sound ;)



    No, nothing sexy about it, and I often find myself wondering what kind of a QB he really is, all those years in SF seem lost, and not one of them give a real good description of him, he is smart enough to be a top tier QB, but I cant figure out if he just gets bored, or what, cause he will just up and play a shitty game, and really look like he is helpless, you know those games when it seems your team is just outmatched all around? and cant even move far enough for a 1st down? you know like watching any Tampa Bucs game this past season, well it's usually the QB that promotes those games where the offense stays in one place, it happens allot more in college, Smith sometimes goes into those modes, then he will snap and make a mind blowing play, then back to whatever it is that happens to him, you know what Im trying to say dont you?? Like that Cardinals\Seahawks game I think was week 15, and Carson Palmer played like he had a big set of cement shoes on, and it didn't seem he could even drop back in time without being sacked, they would try running, and its like they couldn't get off a run for more then 3 or 4 yards, just stuck, all things would go right, if Andy Reid, through caution to the wind, and blew his offense out into a Spread 4, if you ever noticed, Alex really plays much more loose, out of Shotgun, and seems very uncomfortable under center, I just know how he played at Utah, people who never saw him run that Urban Meyer Spread 4, have no idea just how different he was, people dont know he was a running QB in that system, and made many plays with his feet, I never see him run since he's been in the pros, he's fucking fast, like really really fast, Im sure you know Mr.Mullethead, the Chiefs just need a fucking all pro receiver, and to be honest, you were right in asserting that they needed a Tight End, because he throws much better on crossing and post routes, and struggles throwing Flys, and Outs, so a sure handed Tight End, in the middle of the field would more then click with him, look at Vernon Davis numbers while Smith was the QB in San Fagsisco, since he's been gone, I dont even know if Davis has double digit TD's, anyways, I am rooting for the Chiefs and Seahawks in the playoffs, I try to like one team in each division, but once those teams are out, I have zero interest in the NFL, I just wait on the new SB Champ, so I can announce my new favorite NFL team for the 2014 season!!!


    I don't know what the final score will be this weekend but watch Charles get off big time on turf. And another name to watch...Dexter McCluster.

  8. Terry I lost it when I heard that Brees had been officially outed in favor of Rivers, it blew my fucking mind, and I agree, Alex Smith got a raw deal in SF, and love watching that fucking Harbaugh regress after believing he had shit locked down, when in all reality, Smith more then likely would have taken SF to, and beat the Ravens in the SB, just what I believe, it's great seeing them go backwards, thats what I think anyways.

    I sure have no problem having Smith as a QB. It's not sexy, but it's very sound ;)






    Thank you San Diego !


    More like thank you 'Succup" At least he will always live up to his name or at least half of it...


    Here is hoping that KC gets destroyed next week and they fizzle back into none existence as they have been.


    At least Seattle bounced back and gets to host a game or two.

    Wtf? Why would you say that. Two things...the field goal had a missed call by the officials. It's all over the news with Steeler fans pissing and moaning. There should have been a five yard penalty and another kick. Second, when we ripped the ball away and ran it in during ot that should have been the end but they called him down.

    You can blame terrible officiating or just the fact that Pitt played like shit early in the season.

    I know the Steelers played for shit all season,well at least the 1st 4 games or so, but why miss to begin with. :) I mean all 7 other stars aligned over the past 2 weeks WHY couldn't a guy who gets paid a kings ransom for 41 yard chip shots be bothered to make one???

    And no offense but I hated your head coach in Philly and I don't like him anymore in KC. I do like to see Alex Smith succeeding, I think he received a shafting in SF and I agree, the officiating on this game was certainly skewed to benefit the SDC. The penalty on the field goal (OMG!!!) and I agree with you on that td/stripping in OT, I hate hearing "none reviewable on..." calls. WHY AREN'T THEY REVIEWABLE?


    Side note: I still can't begin to imagine why you can't have an official in the booth phoning stuff down to the field when they fuck up... and coach challenges should be on anything.


    And for why, KC is the team that pooched the immaculate comeback, I mean Phillip Rivers is a cry baby who really is a shitty QB and he rolled all over KC's defense or lack there of. Now KC is the team that blew the comeback of the ages. :)


    Diatribe over for now...

    They haven't blown anything that I can see. They had no where to go up in the seeding and played their second stringers so yes, the Chargers have no business being in the postseason. Technically, none of the 4 teams trying to get the 6th seed have any business in the playoffs but someone has to get it.


    And why hate Andy Reid? He's a solid coach and never says jack bad about anybody?He has so far been able to stay off the field during a big kick off return... ;)


    PS - There is no suck thing as a chip shot field goal in the NFL.



    I don't know, something about him has always sat wrong with me, just like those Harbough brothers and those other brothers in Dallas and NY...


    Upon rethinking however, I'd rather see Alex Smith move forward than Andrew Luck...


    We shall see.


    Ultimately at least Baltimore didn't get a shot.





    Thank you San Diego !

    More like thank you 'Succup" At least he will always live up to his name or at least half of it...


    Here is hoping that KC gets destroyed next week and they fizzle back into none existence as they have been.


    At least Seattle bounced back and gets to host a game or two.

    Wtf? Why would you say that. Two things...the field goal had a missed call by the officials. It's all over the news with Steeler fans pissing and moaning. There should have been a five yard penalty and another kick. Second, when we ripped the ball away and ran it in during ot that should have been the end but they called him down.


    You can blame terrible officiating or just the fact that Pitt played like shit early in the season.


    I know the Steelers played for shit all season,well at least the 1st 4 games or so, but why miss to begin with. :) I mean all 7 other stars aligned over the past 2 weeks WHY couldn't a guy who gets paid a kings ransom for 41 yard chip shots be bothered to make one???

    And no offense but I hated your head coach in Philly and I don't like him anymore in KC. I do like to see Alex Smith succeeding, I think he received a shafting in SF and I agree, the officiating on this game was certainly skewed to benefit the SDC. The penalty on the field goal (OMG!!!) and I agree with you on that td/stripping in OT, I hate hearing "none reviewable on..." calls. WHY AREN'T THEY REVIEWABLE?


    Side note: I still can't begin to imagine why you can't have an official in the booth phoning stuff down to the field when they fuck up... and coach challenges should be on anything.


    And for why, KC is the team that pooched the immaculate comeback, I mean Phillip Rivers is a cry baby who really is a shitty QB and he rolled all over KC's defense or lack there of. Now KC is the team that blew the comeback of the ages. :)


    Diatribe over for now...


    They haven't blown anything that I can see. They had no where to go up in the seeding and played their second stringers so yes, the Chargers have no business being in the postseason. Technically, none of the 4 teams trying to get the 6th seed have any business in the playoffs but someone has to get it.


    And why hate Andy Reid? He's a solid coach and never says jack bad about anybody?He has so far been able to stay off the field during a big kick off return...;)


    PS - There is no suck thing as a chip shot field goal in the NFL.

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