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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. This was an exceptional score......my hearty congrats!!!!! Both of the Devil's In Heaven EPs are mega rare, but not only that, they are super high quality melodic rock too. Andy traded copies of both to me a few years back after they had been on my want list for ages.......Thanks again Andy!!!


    I can't say as I've ever seen either on E Bay before and probably many people have no clue about them!!!


    Again, what a super find........



    Thanks Del,

    i must admit it was a bit of fun. Id given up on hunting for Cd's like this, and never bother to go into these shops anymore and i randomly find one in the first shop i go into amongst Spice Girls Cd's :).



    Spice Girls..... :yikes:

    You are the ultimate cd hunter Matt.

  2. I think there may have been 2 singels/eps released.


    yeh i think you are right Lindsay.


    Have you ever heard these guys? Its pretty damn awesome!


    I think someone uploaded the 2 eps quite a while ago. I think i did listen to them on my pc, but can't really recall them. From memory I thought therer were a couple of killer tracks and a couple of alright/average tracks.... maybe a few too many keys for my liking. I may be thinking of the wrong stuff so I'll have to have another listen.

  3. Here's a bit I could find out about them...





    The only reason I know about them is becasue this guy I used to work with was right into the band scene back in the 80's and was telling me how many times he'd seen BOSS and this other band 'Almost Human'. When I asked if he had anything by 'Almost Human' he lent me this scratched up 7" he had from back in the day. I really liked what I heard and have always kept an eye out for them since. I was completely surprised when this re-union thing popped up.

  4. Adeladie 80's hard rock band 'Almost Human' are refroming!

    At LA Guns the other week I picked up a flyer with Almost Human on it thinking 'no way!!!'. It turns out it is the original 'Almost Human' wiht the original line-up. I've only heard 1 scratched up vinyl 7' of them, but what I head it was great.


    Wihtout knowing too much about them, I'm lead to undertand that member of this band were in the early incarnations of bands such as Heaven and BOSS/BB Steal.


    December 15 here in Adelaide, not sure if they're playing anywhere else at this stage.

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