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Everything posted by T-BONE

  1. Khymera - A New Promise 91 Suite - Times They Change The Darkness - One Way Ticket Frost - Out In The Cold
  2. I think the main reason he charges so little for the cd's and so much for the shipping is the fact that he's avoiding the eBay fees. I've reported this in the past, but then eBay sends me back the usual autoresponse and it says that sellers can set their own shipping within reason. $8.99 for a cd is "within reason"?
  3. Metal Jay still at it?!?!?!?! I never even knew he started to begin with.
  4. Don't count your blessings yet.....
  5. People who may not look further than the title of the CD they're after maybe. Original and reissue don't belong together. He should say: 2005 reissue of the 19XX release on ______ Records, etc. it makes it a little more clear.
  6. On the other hand, they don't need to be misleading either.....
  7. Johnny Lima - Version 1.2 Line Of Fire - Line Of Fire Swingin' Thing - Keep Swingin' Blue Tears - Dancin On The Back Streets
  8. I love The Rising.....just as good??? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> From the previews I heard, it seems to be pretty good. I'll find out when I actually get the cd from NEH Records.
  9. Gun - Gallus Edguy - Superheroes EP Edguy - Hellfire Club Edguy - Mandrake Hotshot - Hotshot Hinder - Extreme Behavior Bruce Turgon - Outside Looking In TNT - All The Way To The Sun Avian - From The Depths Of Time Shakra - Fall Concerts on DVD Kiss - Animalize (1985) Queen w/ Paul Rodgers Motley Crue - Carnival Of Sins
  10. Notify eBay before taking any money, shipping the cd's and before he can jip you or leave negative feedback. eBay's Previously Suspended Users Report Page Make sure to use the info on this thread to report him. They like when you give them a full list of facts. They have more to act on then. Send them his address and previous usernames. http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=5897 I usually just say something like: This is James Arwine again. He's been suspended from eBay many times over now for fraud, theft, non-paying bidder, and many other offenses. Please remove him before he screws someone over again. His address is: James Arwine 68 North Main Street Apt. # 2 Red Lion, PA 17356 OR Dennise Peresolak 68 North Main Street Apt. # 2 Red Lion, PA 17356 Previous Usernames: cdcllctr musicfan045 almar356 rockerherc hrdrckr356 aln908 arw17356 prouddad044 maintguy044 metallvr044 fentynja rabidmadman pttsbrgh2005 Then just add whatever new usernames he's been using
  11. Q- How many luthiers does it take to change a lightbulb? A- One, but it will take 6 months... Q- How do you know if a drummer is at your door? A- The knocks aren't evenly spaced apart. Q- How do you know if a lead singer is at your door? A- He cant find the key and he doesn't know when to come in. Q- How do you know if a guitarist is at your door? A- His hat says "Domino's". Q- How can you tell if the stage is level? A- There is drool coming out both ends of the bassplayers mouth.
  12. Candace Cameron turned out really cute too
  13. She definately turned out to be a hottie
  14. Little Stephanie from Full House is all grown up now. She really turned into a doll! Jodie Sweetin The Full House girls all grown up
  15. Nah...he just thrives on being a fraudulent, deadbeat, piece of shit, no good, lying waste of space, air and life. Is there something wrong with that?
  16. Mwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! NLARU'd AGAIN!!!!! Suck It Fucknuts! http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?...d=musicclctr356
  17. Thanks Martin. This will tide you over (NSFW) 100 Best Bodies Fantasy Babes
  18. New Tara Reid shots: New Boobies hard at work
  19. I just watched the movie Convicted with Aiden Quinn and Connie Neilsen. She's not too bad
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