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Everything posted by T-BONE

  1. Jaded Heart - Helluva Time Nickelback - All The Right Reasons Letter X - Born Into Darkness Waltham - Waltham
  2. Aria Giovanni (NSFW..This is a Google Image Search, uncensored. Use the regular Google search to get regular pics of her.) She also has a shitload of awesome wallpapers for the computer
  3. I would wait on the Negative for a little while. If eBay gets ahold of him, then he may just buy it. Don't forgt that he also still has the chance to give you a negative out of retalliation too
  4. If you cannot contact him and eBay tries and cannot contact him, they may shut his account down until he replies.
  5. Get their contact info and call them. Inform them what will happen if they don't pay
  6. Care to Share where you heard or got it?
  7. WHY LATINOS CANT BE TERRORISTS... 1. 8:45 am is too early for us to be up. 2. We are always late, we would have missed all 4 flights. 3. Pretty people on the plane distract us. 4. We would talk to loudly and bring attention to ourselves. 5. With food and drinks on the plane, we would forget why we 're there. 6. We talk with our hands, therefore we would have to put our weapons down. 7. We would ALL want to fly the plane. 8. We would argue and start a fight in the plane. 9. We can't keep a secret, we would have told everyone a week before doing it. AND MY FAVORITE..... 10. WE would have put our country's flag on the windshield.
  8. The 25 post rule was made for a reason. You obviously saw it, but went around it? People here usually prefer to go to know you first before trading and sending stuff....that's why the 25 post rule is in place. Stick around and talk shop for a while...then go to the buy,sell,trade section You must have a minimum post count of 25 in order to post or respond in this forum. This will help prevent drive-bys and potential scammers.
  9. Will the other cd's in your collection reject you if you do?
  10. I'm guessing HSF will be "away" for a while
  11. This is NOT safe for work! This chick Raylene is absolutely Stunning!!!!! Raylene
  12. Do you think he really cares? He's getting away with it time and again. Ebay needs to contact his local law enforcement and issue a cease and desist order against him using eBay.
  13. Interesting....4 Positives in a row now from 3 different people.
  14. I didn't know you were the topic here. He said right in his original post that he wasn't going to give out names, but since you volunteered yourself now......
  15. Showing a pic in an auction usually means that's exactly what's for sale unless the seller states otherwise. If there's an OBI in the pic, then you should have recieved it. Otherwise it can be considered false advertising and you can report that seller for Bad Seller Performance to eBay
  16. Impelliterri...... Now this one's got me interested. I always thought he was even better then Malmsteen. He can't Unleash Da Fookin Fury, but he still shreds still the same
  17. Wow...he's up to a whopping 1 positive! How long will it be before he neutralizes that?
  18. You totally missed the point LVKIX. If the bands are aware, then fine...we wouldn't have a problem with it....BUT!!!!!!!!!!...Are they totally aware of HOW he's releasing them is the question at hand and the point we're making here. I'd be very willing to bet that if half the bands he says gave their permission, have no clue that he's only selling them on eBay one at a time. They also probaqbly have no clue thay they're being printed on cheap-ass CDR's and NOT in a legit Silver pressed fashion. They also probably have no idea that he has a God Complex and plans to keep the cd's out of the hands of people he has personal problems with. It's probably their fault for not looking into it any further, but most would "assume" that when a supposed record company plans on "reissuing" a cd, they would do it legitimately through an online store, website, or through a retail store......NOT one at a time where they can control the amount it brings in by law of supply and demand. No matter which way you try to spin it, Sam is being shady as usual.
  19. Too funny...the last 2 times I've seen XYZ, there's been no Sammy boy. Sam, just because you played a tune with them on stage one time hardly makes you a member of the band
  20. He's already used the name cdcllctr in a previous eBay name, so it's gotta be him
  21. A great price would be when they're ALL listed for EVERYONE to buy from a website in the range of $10-20 each and not at Sam's bullshit prices, whether on eBay or his website.
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