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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. https://youtu.be/xWdpuJ7QIz4
  2. https://www.facebook.com/theatomicdogs/ http://www.theatomicdogs.com/
  3. Spaniards Gun Machine and their debut LP Balls To Wall out now. https://www.facebook.com/Gun-Machine-748549448539614/ https://youtu.be/XFQmDMNZ5VQ
  4. To be fair, there's not much humor in the original Evil Dead either. The slapstick didn't really kick in until Evil Dead 2. As for the remake ... the gore-hound in me greatly enjoyed it. I must have seen a different ED than you as I found the original laden with quirk and laughable moments. Sure ED2 cranked it up to 11 but ED still had its moments. The only watchable or redeeming factor in the ED reboot is the liberal use of Raimi's Oldsmobile. otherwise pure rubbish. On topic: The Final Girls again. Still quite funny and campy and just plain well done.
  5. That is nice. They appear to have hung up there spurs as of Thursday: Love CreamJune 23 at 2:00am · This is the end of Love Cream, its namesake shall live on inside all of us, occasionally leaving us in times of inspiration but will always be quick to return. In the same vein, this is not the end for the moving parts of Love Cream; some of us have been looking to the future and working together on our next big project, which will cum later, and some of us are pursuing more personal goals. We hope that you stay in touch and wish us well in our future endeavours, whether together or apart. Jokes aside, we would like to thank all of our fans, anybody who came out to see us, bought an album, repped a t-shirt or supported us at all along the way. We've had an absolute blast, and we look forward to whats coming next. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all. We'd like to have one last hurrah and host a farewell gig so we can party together one last time, and give anybody that's ever been on the fence or curious about seeing us live one last chance to be creamed. We'll keep you updated with details on this as they come. We will also be releasing the video of our full show at Taubertal in Germany soon. Message us if you want an early screening Goodnight and Sweet Creams, Warmest Regards, Yours forever in memory, Vinnie, Nick, Gallo, Jim and Marc
  6. https://www.facebook.com/Shadowrisemetal
  7. Seems to be above bar symph power prog metal with the obligatory female lead vox.
  8. New proggy hard rock band from Cardiff. https://www.facebook.com/StarStormBand
  9. https://www.facebook.com/taberah.tas
  10. This should appeal to the broad minded music appreciators around these parts. Competently played "rock n roll" with some eclecticly funky and jammy overtones. The vocals are tight as all heck. I dig it. https://www.facebook.com/rockandwolves
  11. Not sure why there is no mention of this band and its 2015 release Desecrator as they are really quite good. https://www.facebook.com/Ambushsweden http://ambushsweden.com/ From the 2014 album Firestorm:
  12. Some early Metallica and Motorhead (Hence the band name) influenced thrash. https://www.facebook.com/DamageCaseBand?pnref=lhc
  13. So this Hungarian "dirty rock" band has been around for what appears to be a LONG time, but no mentions here and not a lot of chatter online but after listening to the samples the band is really quite good. The guitarist Daczi Zsolt (RIP) was a riff machine for sure ( see the 3rd video as he gives some lixxx tutorials)! Give them a spin or two and share your thoughts. Certainly worthy of a mention and again a spin or two. https://www.facebook.com/TiranaRockers/ A sampling from Sex Dealer: THE Sex Dealer "official" video:
  14. Production aside the song is quite listenable. Obviously as stated its a demo. The guitars and drums are so very muddy and why back in the mix where as your vocals are front and center and clear as a bell. I am assuming you recorded this? There are some basic rhythm guitar works that may be improved with some keys and certainly some more snap in those drums. Not sure I heard any bass??? Toss in some backing vocal overdubs and your off to the races.
  15. Od'd Thomas in memorium of Anton rip.
  16. Your son has good taste. ? The soundtrack is also nice.
  17. Well, Dory sucked, so it wasn't a full rebound. Though, I haven't seen The Good Dinosaur or Zootopia. Bummer on that Dory bit but maybe it's not Disney but Pixar that's bringing down he bell curve now? If you enjoy Jason Bateman you will like Zootopia as he is all over this in all his epic sardonic glory. The Breaking Bad bit is truly epic as well.
  18. Touché. But Tesla is certainly a favorite and this record is great. The second may be my favorite though. .. Interesting they are touring with Leppard again as I saw Tesla open for Leppard why back when they dos those concerts in the round many moons ago. And of course tesla was amazing.
  19. Zootopia Glad the Disney animation franchise rebounds with a solid movie after the two Pixar turds Inside Out and The Good Dinosaur.
  20. My wife's theory is Donald is a plant to make Hillary look better.
  21. Such a talented kid and an insanely tragic demise. RIP young man your talent will be missed. Having a fuck of a time pasting pix from my phone but you all will remember this kid from the new Star Trek franchise. I thought he kicked ass in the Joe Dante zombie rom com Burying The Ex. Here is the story. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/06/21/business/jeep-that-crushed-anton-yelchin-had-been-recalled.html?_r=0&referer=https://www.google.com/
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