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Everything posted by zacharyamelie

  1. No neg, but I didn't file a non payment claim so gave him no reason to get back at me. Glad he's gone.
  2. Too late for Michael Butt and I. I sure hope the neg he left Michael gets removed because this idiot got NARUed.
  3. UPDATE His last reply: Grasped the rules and regulations. Let me tell you something and you can pass this on to all the other little friends on your laughable website heavy metal harmonies, where you all give honestly the most ridiculous opinions on bands and ebay members, wishing you had their talents. Look at yourselves in the mirrors, your making a profit off other peoples music,a major profit, which they deserve not you all. How some of you start the bidding at ridiculous prices, sell cdrs and have there little buddies hike up there auctions so they make more of profit. Before you judge judge yourselves, I crack up at that sight very insightful, it's funny half you guys don't know squat about music. Cheerio I won't even bother responding, nothing in his response really gets my goat, I'm not motivated to respond because he's basically talking rubbish and out of his stinky ass. The not knowing anything about music comment is the thing that pisses me off the most. Also that ridiculous comment about Geoff constantly having to touch himself is kinda funny....wait that's from somewhere else, not Levine....nevermind!
  4. Him and I have been exchanging e-mails. Me acting with respect..sorta, him not so much! Here are the exchanges so far, this is in a response to asking him to leave my auctions alone after refunding his money after once again getting NARUed from Ebay just a few days ago: His original message: Don't worry I won't bid on your crap anymore, your not worth my time and energy, got get your self a life instead of standing in front of the computer and play ebay patrol-have a nice day My response: I don't "stand", I sit in front of a computer. Your piss poor reputation is widespread amongst the top sellers on Ebay. By creating new id's just to bid on my items and each one getting blocked, one after the other and yet you come back, now who really needs to get a life? May I suggest using your windsoreyes2 name and keep your self out of trouble. I've spent too much energy already on making sure you don't mess with my auctions. Websites have threads dedicated to your bad habits on Ebay. BTW, If you bid on others auctions I can't see your ID and I can't get you removed, so stay out of business and I'll stay out of yours, I promise. Cheers! His retort: My piss poor reputation, OH I forgot there is that fag site you all have, funny thing is you are all guilty of something you great ebay sellers, whether your hiking up your own auctions with friends or selling cdrs and not originals. You see I have been doing ebay longer than you I know what goes on with half you frauds. CHEERS My reply to that one: Our "fag" sites help us out so we can protect ourselves from chronic bad bidders like yourself. So how many Ebay ID's have you had 50...100...200. I'm still on my one and only. You must earn respect from others, something you badly need to work on. You may have been on Ebay longer but you certainly haven't grasped the rules and regulations. Let's hope the saga ends and he stops replying, because I'm way too mouthy not to reply back. BTW, here is his e-mail for those who want to enroll him in gay porn CUNNINGHAMFREAK@aol.com
  5. The Koogle train seems to be up and running again, no killer auction listed yet, but the next one should be MASSIVE. This reminds me of Paul Pierce in game one for the Celtics the other night against Lakers. He went down and was hauled away on a wheelchair with the hopes of all being dashed......However he came back soon there after only to take over and dominate, much to the delight of the fans. I feel we have a similar situation here. No longer extinct, only ENDANGERED. Welcome back!!!!
  6. Ebay lets idiots like Jamie Levine and James Arwine roam free and register time and time again, yet a stand up guy and one of the best sellers on Ebay bar none gets yanked for no reason. Ebay is a crooked as they come. Let's hope everything works out for you Koogs.
  7. You want a prime example of a scammer at work check out the bidder helterskelter2008. He is trying to scam me and just gave Michael Butt a negative feedback for not allowing enough time to pay before filing an unpaid item strike. I reported this fuckers ass to Ebay yesterday and they said they had no proof it was this idiot Rob/Chris. Whatever!!??!! I have to stop selling demo cassettes, too big of a headache....yet the money can be excellent. Ebay is going down hill real fast if they can't control these scammers. Here is the item in question I feel for you Mike, you are a quality seller who doesn't deserve this kinda of shit.
  8. What a surprise this piece of shit wants a refund on tape they just bought from me claiming it's not hair metal. IDIOT!!!
  9. To no ones suprise. The seller rare-raritaetencds is you got it Thomas Ringseis. Every single time he bids he always has an excuse why he has not yet paid.
  10. This piece of shit's feedback just keeps getting worse. I can't believe Ebay hasn't NARUed this idiot. I also can't believe the feedback comments he leaves are acceptable and that they are simply not removed. He's calling everyone a retard or idiot in the feedback. Check out the crappy feedback since the start of 2008 Reasons to get NARUed
  11. That's not a bad deal. It would cost me 24$ at Canada Post and that's without including the price of the bubble cushion mailers at 50 cents each. So 23$ for 6 cd's, with the jewel cases sounds about right.
  12. Here is the proof he came back 3 times and got NARUed each time...you'd think he would learn his lesson and stay away, but no. Eric Steel auction with Levine's attempts at bidding So I got nasty in the end, but I'm sick of his shit.
  13. The stinky twat is back again bidding on the very same item I got him NARUed on a few hours ago. New id soon to be gone 1271rc UPDATE: It took Ebay 20 minutes to dispatch of the piece of shit. 1271rc is toast!!! I received a message from Ebay saying they'll try and focus on this guy. Whatever!!!!???!!!! they told the same thing to Jim last month and Levine's been back 5 or 6 times since.
  14. Update: He's GONE!!! For about 5 minutes because just like head lice on school kids he'll be back and festering around trying to create havoc until he's caught again. I don't know why he even bothers bidding on my things, I get rid of him instantly. The last dozen or so times he bid on my things I got rid of him before auctions end and reported him and he got NARUed. IDIOT!!!!
  15. His new one is eyecantdrive55. He should be toast in about 5...4...3...2... I'd update his new id getting NARUed within the next few hours, but it would be a waste of time.
  16. This guy must own all the rarities because for almost every cd in the HH database he has left a rating. This guy must be guessing for some of his ratings.
  17. Classic White Lion for me. Waltham has put one of the best cd's in the past 10 years, so they would get my vote for 2nd. Warrant also put out some amazing releases like Cherry Pie and Dog Eat Dog. Whitesnake is also excellent. Butch Walker has released some great stuff, Wow! Wig Wam, I love W. What A Wicked Wonderful Wetter, I mean Letter.
  18. Gotta be Van Halen. In general V is a pretty impressive letter.
  19. Still an impatient cock suckin' asshole. Check his feedback collapse and it's only about to get worse come next month when he can't, as a seller, retort with a neg. Metalismylife's piss poor feedback Simply avoid this idiot as both a seller and a buyer.
  20. The band is from my neck of the woods. They used to be called Great Beyond (heavier sound) and then changed to Torn a few years back. To my knowledge they haven't released anything lately. If they release someting locally and or independently, I'll let you know.
  21. I can't believe I'm the only vote for Love Machine, I always seem to vote with the majority in these polls. BR ripped it up on that release. Take A Deep Breath was good but safe, Love Machine was to me a terrific last gasp effort, thus letting go of the mainstream AOR sound of the previous releases and going a bit more Metal. Still The One is a great ballad and the rockers Mr. Mistreater and Nightcrawler are amazing. I know the album hasn't been heard by as many people as the first two, but it's worth searching out for.
  22. NOW WHAT HAPPENED? Looksdirty = No longer a registered user, Explanation: Administrative Cancellation About 6 emails happened....LOL I think I finally got through to them about these fake ID's from 'Jaime Levine'.....we'll see how the rest plays out.... I did my weekely duty of reporting Levine after he placed a bid on one of my auctions and got his looksdirty id NARUed. Ebay told me they have no control over new memberships because it's automated. Ebay makes too much damn money off these ass clowns and that's why they don't want to get rid of them. Ebay is as crooked as are the bad bidders and bad sellers of the world.
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