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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. Kinda with Glen here.
    You'd expect that there is a range of people who are responsible for potentially dangerous items like this.
    You'd also think that by the time it gets to an actor, it is 100% safe for them to click it, drop it, throw it etc.

    Even if there should be some responsibility on the person handling the weapon, that would mean that the weapon would have to be able to used in that way (I would have assumed that all prop guns on set cannot fire bullets - go figure if they allow real guns on set - that's just weird)
    Also, you'd think that if the above is so, that there would be some standard in place as to protocols. Do actors generally check that prop guns aren't loaded? 

    • Like 1
  2. I heard this earlier.
    Sounded the same.
    As I was listening I heard the drums were a little heavier, and as mentioned I'm sure it's less synthy.
    And I am not a big fan of synth at all.

    I really like the original, but this cover just sounds like the original updated a bit.
    Nothing fresh or exciting about it.
    I love Hell In The Club, but this is an average cover.
    I'd put it on a best of mix for the band, but only because it's kinda the same as the original.

  3. The most fucked thing, is that our state government is taking a hard line of double vax. You lose your job if you refuse.
    BUT THEN, it's being reported that Australian Open tennis players will be allowed in, with no vax, so long as they quarantine for 2 weeks.

    The argument would be good for the economy.
    Guess what else is good for the economy? People working in jobs lol

    • Like 2
  4. Not sure if it's been the case in other places, but in my state, no double jab = no work in health care, police force, construction & trades, and all retail.
    Looks like if you haven't had both jabs you also won't be allowed to shop in retail as well.

    So health care, duh, but all other areas, I mean I HATE mandatory jabs in these areas, and so do many people as well.
    I know a shitload of people who have been forced to leave their jobs.

    Now for me this is a fucking stoopid decision, but they are so passionate against having a 5G chip injected into them or whatever, that they are leaving their jobs. Great if you're looking for a new job, they are everywhere.

    The policing of people in shopping centres will be interesting.
    We are expected to reach 80% double jabbed on 29 Oct and 90% on 10 Nov.

  5. As Geoff said, freedom day tomorrow, as we have got to 70% double vaxxed.
    Will be at 80% around 30 Oct and 90% 10 Nov

    But the 'freedoms' are pretty limited
    I mean the curfew is gone.
    But all retail still closed, masks outside and inside, shitloads of people leaving their jobs because they won't get jabbed.
    We supply a wholefoods store and they have lost more than half (22) of their staff .

  6. On 10/15/2021 at 1:34 AM, Leykis101 said:

    Thats the only reason I was originally OK with him winning in 16, cause I couldn't wait to watch the circus for 4 yrs, to be honest, at the end of those 4 yrs, I realized Trump was a fucking blowhard, and fun to watch, but he did what was best for our country, the exact opposite of what Joe Biden is doing, it tells me Trump really loved the US, Biden is just using it as a means to connect China to it, laugh if you want, this is starting to self destruct, as I predicted months ago, the silent majority will not put up with this forever, eventually the country is going to lose their patience and  any number of scenarios could be possible, but make no mistake, Americans are to fucking pompous to just be taken over, and right now, Biden is breaking records, he's personally sold more guns for Browning, Smith & Wesson, Rutger, etc then any spokesperson, or individual in modern history, gun sales records have been demolished, Biden has brought capitalism to one of the very category's he's hell bent on destroying, that dudes a fucking tool, and thanks to him, 3 million first time buyers have registered guns since Feb 1st. LOL

    I mean I used to watch Celebrity Apprentice.
    Was always gonna be a ride.

    But sadly (and this in not a left or right opinion) a lot of what Trump achieved was overlooked or buried by the press and the lefties.
    I've listed some of what he did in another thread, and much of it was great.
    He also was a strong leader and countries need strong leaders.
    China had no idea how to handle him.

    I am not a US citizen, so my observations are merely that>
    I didn't live under him, so in some ways don't kn ow shit.
    But facts are facts and overall, he really should have been treated with more respect.

    People will always slam their leaders, but Trump was really treated with NO respect by many people and was belittled.
    Democrats probably through it was hilarious, and jumped on that bandwagon, but all it did was weaken America and make it a laughing stock.
    Sadly, that had been carried over by Biden.
    Press seem to be overlooking it all for now, but eventually they will jump on board.

    Kind of sad overall.

  7. 16 hours ago, auslander said:

    So the idiots who used deception to get into the police state of WA to watch the grand final were given 10 months jail time (3 months to be served)! People can steal cars, sell drugs, beat someone up, and get no jail time at all. Yet the media are gleefully so pleased with this ridiculous sentence. FFS Australia is insane right now.

    This was what was actually said: "If they had covid (they didn't) they could have infected thousands (they didn’t) and could have led to many deaths (no-one died)"

    Yeah, that's pretty harsh, but kind of funny.

    Sad thing is that those who broke all kinds of rules and brought copvid into my state from other states were not penalised at all because they cooperated with contact tracers etc.
    And some of these knowingly travelled with covid.

    But still, those two dudes got to see their team win the flag. Imagine if they'd lost, that would have really sucked lol

  8. 14 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Yeah the restrictions, lockdowns, masking, vaccinations etc have been a real pain in the ass for everyone. But I haven't heard a better option for dealing with this virus. Should we have done nothing and just let the virus rampage through the world killing off the weak and unfortunate among us? Yes our personal liberties have been fucked over but shouldn't we sometimes just think of others and not just ourselves and do the right thing.....or have we gone back in time to when the weak must perish so the strong can survive....

    Well, the world is supposedly overpopulated :) 

  9. Biden getting a fair bit of press over here.
    Lots of clips making him look somewhat senile at times.
    Hard to argue most of the time.

    I've said before, the thing I miss most about Trump was the entertainment.
    Biden is doing  his best to perform I guess lol

  10. 6 hours ago, Geoff said:

    I don't really get mixed up in stuff like this, but thought this was quite a good presentation-

    I'm no conspiracy theorist and certainly have no persuasion either way to say where it may or may not have come from, but I'd have a hard time watching the above and not coming to that conclusion. Like I said, genuinely thought it was recognised by all by now. 

    For anyone who wants to watch it but doesn't want to invest an hour of their time in it, I watch all my youtube at x2 speed and it doesn't hinder my enjoyment of it one bit... just means I watch twice as much in the same time.

    I saw that clip a couple of days ago.

    Well worth the watch.

    Compelling and pretty definitive.

    Trump himself says it wasn't intentionally leaked from the Wuhan lab in his opinion.

    In the clip they state that bars can't even be carried by bats.

  11. On 10/11/2021 at 7:07 PM, Darkstone said:

    Surely, that question alone says it all.

    If this virus was such a plague on humanity that it's been touted to be, causing major World wide social, financial and mental turmoil, then nobody would have to prove they've had it because they would be dead.

    People throughout history haven't had to prove that they've had Bubonic Plague, Ebola, Malaria, Polio, Gonnorhea, Syphilis, etc.



    Your opinion is just that.

    I also have one. 

    I guess I'd fall somewhere between you and Glen, but it is somewhat swayed by STILL being in full lockdown and STILL under curfew.

    But, I'd be looking at the whole thing a bit more pragmatically as far as the severity of covid goes.

    Easy to say it's the worst plague ever and easy to say it's a flu. There are stats for everything.

    But think about this. Every single country pretty much treated it the same way. Individual assessments all came to the same conclusion.

    So who is right? Darkstone, or every government in the world?

    That said (and in hindsight) things could have been a lot differently.

    Unlike Glen, my vaccinations took over an hour each, both with appointments. Lots of other bullshit ways of working through it. Hopefully next pandemic will be easier 😀

  12. 13 minutes ago, auslander said:

    Australian federal government is conservative, but every State government is Left except NSW. 

    Well, federal govt, as well as states of NSW, SA and Tasmania are all liberal (conservative)
    Victoria, ACT, Queensland, WA and NT are all Labor (left)

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