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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. 8 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    I would like to know what Trump would have done differently....


    What does it matter?

    Would you also like to know what Obama would have done differently?


    It's just a means of deflection from what ACTUALLY happened. What Biden actually did.

    • Like 1
  2. Trump laid down the plan to withdraw troops.

    Biden took office.

    Biden has always wanted the troops out so he took over the plan.

    The way he executed sucked, and its a cluster fuck now.

    Whether Trump would have handled it better or worse is irrelevant.

    It's all about how big Biden fucked up here.

  3. Of course all governments have gone too far, and they know it.
    The did the same with Astra, and they ended up having to backtrack.

    here's the thing though, here is why they get away with it.
    Everything they do, they can claim they re doing to save lives.

    And yes, they've got it wrong, and it's going to fuck our country.
    Ironically, I feel that the way it's happened will end up resulting in a very high percentage of people vaccinated, which will be a good thing, but  good thing we will need to offset the shitshow that our economy will have become, and decline in mental health.

    And here's the kicker.
    My father passed away in March, he was a lawyer.
    He was so pissed off with Daniel Andrews and his lies, but they weren't unexpected.
    Before the 'inquiry' into our governments actions he filled me in on what was up.
    The Andrews government brought in workplace laws that now allow responsibility to be attributed to employer negligence in the case of injury or death in the workplace.
    And hiring unfit security for quarantine, and all the other fuckups they made, would have been strong grounds for him to be held personally responsible for over 800 deaths.
    This is why they initiated their own kangaroo court inquiry, and why they all 'couldn't remember' who made what decision.
    They gut is a crook.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

    This actually *IS* a joke, right?... please tell me this is a joke.

    If it isn't, y'all are giving credibility to the old notion that everything is upside down in Australia.

    it is not :( 



  5. 2 minutes ago, Glen said:

    gradual, trump wanted it done by 1st May. lol.

    hes a few months late ;)

    Its the overall decision that is wrong imo. All parties, including UK and other NATO allies made this decision. Trump instigated the withdrawal for US and was banging on about America first etc etc so he's not getting off scott free in this one. He claims he would done things differently but that's bollocks sorry.

    Its a mess though and I feel sorry for the Afghan people, especially the women, who will undoubtedly have their rights stripped away again ! its like going back 20 years. 

    Sorry, but I just watched the clip posted above, and Biden not only reinforced what Trump wanted, but confirmed his strong beliefs, some 'to his core'.
    He inherited this, and took control.}
    For me this has very little to do with Trump and everything to do with the Biden administration.
    If he'd come out and said "Trump put this plan into action and I could not legally stop it" or something like that, then maybe there would be some reason to give him some leeway, but he hasn't bothered to do that.
    At least he's owning his decisions, good or bad, I guess

    In this case very bad.

  6. Oh, and we be under curfew again. 9pm to 5am
    Have a feeling this will last a while.
    Kids playgrounds closed and roped off
    Police out in force
    And here's one for a laugh. Our state leader imposed a new rule.
    You are now banned from lifting your mask when outside to drink alcohol. Punishable (supposedly) with fines :lol:

  7. 3 hours ago, martinsane said:

    Elbow bumping is the new reach around, shhh don't tell anyone.

    I guess if you miss, it's an elbow-tit
    On the other hand, if I miss with a fist bump ;) 

  8. I mean didn't Trump initiate the withdrawal?
    I'm guessing that Biden could have changed that decision, but didn't?

    imagine if Trump was in office what a reaming he'd be getting now lol

    Anyway, I've seen people starting to him Talibiden :) 

  9. 2 hours ago, auslander said:

    Never should be forced on anyone. I may support vaccination but by hell I am against taking away a person's right to not be vaccinated if they are against it for whatever reason. 

    Of course it is also on the conscientious objector that there may just be things they can't do then, such as visit sick people in hospital or work in health care. That's just being pragmatic.

    Good comment. Agree.

    Some people, unfortunately, will be forced to get the jabs if they want to continue in their jobs.

    Life sucks for them, but not the worst thing in the world.

    • Like 1
  10. Woke up today to talk of a potential curfew being reinstated, because we are getting 20 odd cases a day.
    What this means is that we are definitely getting a curfew and it has been leaked to soften the blow.
    makes me wanna go live near Geoff with his 500 cases a day but relative freedom compared to us.

  11. I'm going to change my POV on the vaccines.
    I waited for Pfizer due to its effectiveness.
    But upon further research, it appears that the stats (as always) are interpreted any way you like.

    Pfizer and Moderna were gauged in the US when infections were in a relative lull.
    Johnson & Johnson, and some of the others were tested when there was a fair outbreak.
    This in itself skews results.
    Then we have all the other variables, such as ages of those tested etc.

    I guess the short conclusion is that any of the vaccines do what they were actually designed to do.
    Not to prevent infection, but to prevent death, hospitalisation and severe illness.
    In these areas it seems all vaccines are doing their jobs.

    I am kinda shocked that with such massive sample sizes, there is still suck limited information available (publicly at least)

  12. 21 hours ago, auslander said:

    Someone earlier mentioned the flu Vax. The flu Vax changes every year to target the new strains. I know and get it yearly. Same will probably happen with the covid vax  with yearly vax to target newer strains of the virus. 

    By the way, studies have shown that Modena and Pfizer are far ahead of Astra Zeneca. Pfizer is at about 90% efficacy, Modena at the same if not better, but Astra is at about 74%. So there is a difference and to me that is pretty big. If you have a choice go with Pfizer of Modena.

    I'd rather have a vaccine that is 9/10 times effective than one that is 3/4 times effective. Just sayin'.

    I mean I waited for Pfizer
    Happy to have to have boosters.
    Like you said, always expected to need an annual vaccination for new strains, like the flu.

    Your stats were the reason why I waited for Pfizer, not the stoopid blood clot worries.

  13. Yeah, and it's not really widely reported.
    Likelihood is most of us will get covid of some sort.
    The choice is how sick you are prepared to get I suppose.

    That said, things are changing all the time.
    Reports that Pfeiser does not last as long and you need a 6 month booster.
    Astra seems to have more endurance.

    Then there is lambda that is more resistant to all of them.
    It could be argued to wait for a vaccine that targets these new variants better.
    still don't see a valid argument not to get a jab of any sort. Not trying to start shit, just my humble opinion that nobody has made a convincing argument for no vaccines.

  14. One dose of vaccine offers little protection.
    I reckon the double jabbed percentage would look like around 40%

    Bruce Dickinson has covid. He's been double jabbed.
    Said he sneezed for a few days and then got a bit drowsy then it was all gone.
    Says they he thinks it would have been far worse without any vaccination.

    On a bright note, Australia, who have been far behind the rest of the world with vaccinations, seem to be catching up rather quickly, with 19$ of the population vaccinated and if we keep up the rate, we can be at 80% by December, particularly with Moderna on its way to support the others.
    The scaremongering with Astra has died down a bit and people are going out and getting it.
    This of course will only last until the next blood clot case.

    Finally they have ease the bullshit you need to go through to get the jab.
    I have to go through 90 minutes of queuing up in 3 different queues, checking my name off at every point, downloading documents to read, etc etc
    Now they have drive through vaccinations, where you pull up, get a needle and wait for 15 mins and then go
    Not sure why they just didn't release to pharmacists at the start.
    It's only a fucking needle in the arm.


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