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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. That clip above was yesterday.

    Today there was a much bigger protest that lasted 10 hours or so, and they will likely be back tomorrow since they have all been shut down for two weeks.

    Here's what happened.
    Government says all tradesmen need to get first jab by Friday or they can't work.
    Tradies say "fuck off", ask their union ($1000 per year to be a member) to represent them and do something.
    Union says "too hard basket"
    Tradies visit union HQ to get answers.
    Union boss runs and hides and off siders say he'll be out in an hour.
    They wait, and in the meantime hear him on the radio stating that they are all ring in protesters and not tradies.
    They get pissed and attack.
    State leader Dan Andrews say "fuck you, you wanna start shit? How about you're all banned from work for 2 weeks, sites are all shut down.
    Tradies have nothing to do now, so a 700 person protest turns into a few thousand today, and they shut down freeways etc.
    The shut down will cost the industry over 2 billion dollars.
    Also, the tradies are entitles to $750 disaster payment, which will be over 500 million dollars paid by taxpayers.
    But the state government don't give a shit about that, because it's a federal payment, and state and federal governments are not the same and oppose each other.

    Think I'll just sit and watch live stream of shit going down again tomorrow,
    Thank god Victorians have grown some balls and are standing up.

    A mainstream news reporter was put in a headlock, a bottle of V hit him in the head, and he also had a bottle of urine thrown at him.
    Lots of people pissed at the way the media have being portraying them and mislabeling them.

  2. Here is one of the best videos I've seen of the union 'attacks' on their HQ.
    The dude who presents this 'news' is kinda extreme right wing who runs around defending people's rights for not wearing masks etc, and also rips on cops a bit. Generally he's a bit of a tosser, but in this video he's ok, and the people he talks to do all the talking and it explains why there was the attack on the building etc

    Clear in the clip that the protesters are all tradies, not neo nazis, extreme right wingers or anti vaxxers.


  3. 3 hours ago, auslander said:

    We already know that the Federal government has no influence over health matters. I used to be a States rights man but now I feel the opposite after seeing the abuse of power from State governments in Victoria, Queensland and WA. Would happily vote to give more powers to a federal government over States in Australia now.

    There has to be a point where federal intervene.
    There has to be a 'national interest' clause or something like that.
    But why would they?
    Look how much shit all the state leaders are getting, why would you want ti inherit that.

    But yeah, as Darkstone said, Andrews just said "Yeah? you wanna start shit, you 700 people? We fuck it, I'll shut down the whole industry for hundreds of thousands of people, see how you like that?"

    They are gathering again in the city, pretty sure Labor picked the wrong fight here.
    Labor and unions go hand in hand, if they destroy that relationship, Labor are completely fucked.

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

    This is why I don't really trust the shots. Too fast to shove in everyone's arms.

    From the FDA's website:

    Typical Timeline. A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.

    There are far worse things I've put in my body I'm sure. :) 

    • Haha 1
  5. 100% sure.
    Everything I mentioned before was 70 and 80% DOUBLE vaxxed.
    Not only that, the 'freedoms' we are getting are only for those who can prove that they have been double jabbed.
    We have a shitload of Pfizer and Moderna arriving and recently hit our shores.

    Everyone here is desperate to get a needle in their arm as the only way to realise some sort of freedom.

    Victoria is now at 70% single jab, and we got an extra hour exercise outside of the home.
    At 80% single jab rate, we get to go out and play tennis or gold, but must be masked. Can travel up to 15km from home (not sure what you'd be travelling for, everything still shut and can't visit friends or family)
    70% double jab (around 26 October) , all retail still closed, masks mandated everywhere, 10 people allowed in pubs, more in restaurants but only if outside. Curfew gone, 50 people at weddings  and funerals, but only if outside and filly vaxxed, cannot visit friends and family, can only meet in a park.
    80% double jab (around 5th November) - must wear masks everywhere indoors, retail open under restrictions, public gatherings outside 30 people, only if fully vaxxed, etc 

  6. also, I would suggest that any percentage of single jabs does not count for shit regardless.

    The % of people who then go on and get the second jab would be somewhere between 99 and 100%

  7. 5 hours ago, Glen said:

    UK roadmap was in 4 stages of at 6 weeks apart so it took us at least 24 weeks to lift all restrictions once they gave the go ahead 

    You're missing the point.
    At 80% vax rate we are still severely restricted, and even then, if the hospitals start to get full, back into lockdown. At 80%
    Weirdest thing is that pubs are opening at 70% under restriction, but no retail can open until 80%.

  8. Just announced.
    Melbourne should come out of lockdown on 5th November

    At that point we will have done 278 days in lockdown.
    Of course coming out of lockdown means less then everywhere else in the world.
    Still will need to wear masks inside, gatherings on no more than 10 people, 30 people at funerals, etc.
    Kind of a mini lockdown, or perhaps better thought of as the fucking restricted life will will be for the foreseeable future.

    But all businesses pretty much shut for another month or so.

  9. We have medical workers coming out begging our government not to exit lockdown too early.
    They are saying if we come out at 80% double vaxxed, they will struggle to keep up.
    Like our government needed any encouragement to keep us in lockdown (and still under curfew)

  10. I've heard this album a couple of times.
    They've done some weird stuff with it.
    It's blended really well - too well.
    To the point that the mashups become their own songs.
    Personally I find the fun in switching back and forth like the first album.
    This one is good, easy to listen to and play in the background.
    Bit weird that they put Nirvana in the mix.
    I know they use other pop bands etc, but Nirvana seems a step too far lol

  11. Will be perfect karma if the Demons are favorited by the umps like the dirty Dogs were in 2016.
    Worst game of umpiring ever and slammed by all sections of the media and experts.
    Moving on, I hope to see many Dogs players crying at the final siren.

    Don't give a shit the Melbourne haven't won a flag for 57 years or whatever it is, this is a spite game for me.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, auslander said:

    ACDC are one of the most influential bands ever.

    Great White destroyed their legacy by becoming a Led Zeppelin tribute band.

    Seem like unpopular opinions :)

    ACDC are boring. pretty much everything after Back In Black is the same song, with a few exceptions.

    A better argument for GW would be Jack leaving. I don't like the Led Zep albums, but they didn't affect their legacy with me at all.

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