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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. Well you don't fall into that category.
    You're more like "I wanna make a stance, but this virus could make me pretty sick, oh, hang on, I can just say I need the jab to keep my job"
    Only joking, I have no idea as to your reason, but I'm sure there are people in here who play that line out...

  2. 6 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    Not long term tested. That's a fact.

    That's what I said.
    It is impossible for it to be long term tested, until, um, we reach a long term...
    Which is the same for shitloads of stuff in life.

    This sooking about vaccines smacks simply of haters of governments and oversight.
    Same as ACAB and the like.
    People should be thankful we have a vaccine.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

    Yes, but many wouldn't. 

    100% and I am 100% against mandated vaccines.
    And I hate that it has effectively been mandated, but forcing workers and travellers to get it.
    My preference would be to let people choose and sit back and call those who choose not to be vaccinated selfish assholes :) 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    You could've created a vaccine a couple of years ago and managed to persuade everybody in the world to trial it, then claim it was the most tested vaccine ever.

    It doesn't mean shit. 

    When it comes to trialing new vaccines, it's all about time.

    And it TOOK TIME, around a year.
    When I say it is the most tested ever, I'm referring to being injected into humans. This is of course the most real and best test.

  5. 4 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    When it comes to vaccine development, these vaccines have been fast tracked. There's no question about that.

    Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen.

    I'd say it's an average thing.
    I bet in todays PC society there is a lot of unnecessary testing done to tick some boxes.
    It came through faster, but there were a hell of a lot more people working on it.
    Sure it was rushed, but I don't think it was to the extent that people put forward.

    Regardless, you could make an argument that it COULD have been bad, and we dodged a bullet.
    Risk vs reward, in this case it came out ok.

  6. 3 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Not sure how it works in Australia but flu shots have always been free in Canada.....

    We have a pretty good health care system.
    I know you guys do as well, and you're one-upping us here.
    There could be an argument for the cost of loss of productivity to the economy from sick people vs cost of a jab making it worthwhile and of course protecting more people in society.
    Pretty sure Scandinavians have it the best with things like health care and being looked after, but it also costs the most to live there

  7. 30 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    Moderna is aiming to launch a single booster vaccination that will protect against both Covid-19 and flu within two years, its chief executive has said.

    Sounds great, but realistically, it's more likely that this is well supported by governments to enable covid/flu combo vaccines to be paid for by the person rather than just free covid shots and paid flu shots.

    Which is actually how it should be, but people won't like it.

    Kind like when they extend a freeway with a new tollway extension, but in the process of doing so 'improve' part of the existing freeway to allow that part to be tolled as well.

  8. 4 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    When a new cancer is found in 5 to 10 years caused by the vaccine that hasn't been tested that long to see what it will do to you years from now, then tell me how you feel.

    And how is it protecting you?

    Unvaccinated? You could get covid, be hospitalized, or die.

    Vaccinated? You could get covid, be hospitalized, or die.

    That's hilarious.

    I'm as worried about that as much as I am about 5G

    All of these vaccines are the most tested vaccines ever.
    There are NO significant short to medium side effects, which is all that any further testing could weed out.
    as for long term effects, they said the same thing about microwave ovens, mobile phones, etc
    I could ask you a range of questions and identify many things about you that could have long term side effects, whether it be lack of sleep, drinking coke, eating McDonald's, vaping, proximity to overhead power lines, anti depressants, alcohol, etc etc etc

    • Like 2
  9. Nah, people will draw the line.
    I've stopped checking in at shops etc when the health minister came out and said that there was no legal protection for our collected date being released.
    Fuck 'em. OK, they never said it was legally protected, but they also indictaed that there were safeguards in place.

    Anyway, I really don't give a shit who has my data, but I don't like being lied to.
    So I stopped checking in for that reason
    had they said, "we wanna collect your data and we'll do our best to protect it, but no guarantees", I'd still be checking in and be ok with it.

    But microchips, nobody will accpt that big brother shit.
    Backlash will start soon, and hopefully will start with pronoun use and gender confusion...

  10. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Love the Big Bash. Don't follow cricket, as such, other than checking up on scores. Haven't watched a second of the Ashes this series, but I do thoroughly enjoy the BBL. I actually play BBL Supercoach too, which really gets me into it. Been a complete fuckaround this year with all the covid stuff, but still have a crack. 

    Yep, it's weird that I topo find state cricket the most desirable to watch.
    Even when we play the 20/20 at the end of summer - Aust vs England, I probably won't bother.
    That said, I follow the renegades :(

  11. Yeah,  but the whole tennis star thing was pretty fucking funny.
    I mean I really don't care for tennis much.
    Even test cricket I tend to follow the scores.
    But the Aussie Open will be over before I have any idea who won, nor care.

    It was fun to watch the news go ape shit. The Ch7 newsreaders leaked video calling Novax an asshole, Facebook feed full of people throwing their opinions around.
    It was good for a laff, kinda sad it's all over. :(

  12. Viruses are strang things.

    But in the end, they want to live.
    They see that if they are too aggressive, they kill their host, which is not good for them.
    Tghey now know that vaccines are around that hinder their spreading.

    So they find a way to spread more easily without killing their host (and themselves)
    It will be more like a flu soon enough, when they find a way to keep on perpetuating they virus and efectively living with human, just like the flu.

    Omicron about to downturn now.
    I'm hoping I don't regret not getting this mild one.

  13. No doubt Australia is the idiot looking at the bigger picture.

    But we are lookinga t the picture that is being faced withing that idiotic big picture.

    Would piss me off if they weren't consistent.

    And like I said, it's not just Australia here.
    try travelling to most countiers without being double jabbed and you won't get far.

    No doubt we've made a fucking mess of everything (IN MY OPINION)
    Mandatory vaccinations, not allowing for those who have natural immunities from having had covid, perspex screens, wiping down self checkouts, fucking masks everywhere.
    I could do without it all.
    Easy to say in hindsight, but I'm now acting with foresight taht most of the rules in place are a waste of time, so have stopped wearing masks, checking in etc. Fuck 'em.
    But I'm not a fool, I csarry a mask and will put it on if I think I'm gonna be in trouble.

    But now we live under these shitty rules they have to stick to them or it just becomes more of a mess.

    And that is now reflected with Novax Djokovic about to board a plane hiome after 3 judges upheld his visa cancellation.

    Love the footage of his smirking family celebrating a few days ago now lol

    • Like 1
  14. One daysers a re a nothing, will be the first to go.
    Yesys may n ot last either.
    I never learnt to appreciate them and was never prepared to waste 5 days watching.
    I stay in tough with what's going on, but if it wasn't there, I wouldn't miss it.

  15. To be fair, we set rules (rightly or wrongly) that you need to be double vaxxed to come to Australia.
    Certainly not the only country with that rule.
    Add to that he has been out and about while covid positive before, and also that he admitted to lies on his visa application, and there is no way he'd make it in if he was any regular guy.
    Pretty sure 99% of Australian's are happy to see rules apply to everyone and are would be happy to see him on a plane home.

    • Like 1
  16. Rule of thumb for watching test cricket - don't.
    Just click over to see the score every half hour and keep up with how badly England are doing.
    In fact England's horrific performance is the only interesting part of this series - at least there is SOMETHING interesting, unlike most years.

    One dayers are pretty much just as boring now that we have 20/20
    The Big Bash is the only game worth watching, and the Renegades are doing average so interest in that is low as well.

  17. I've heard of this band. Pretty sure my kids are into them, but I've never heard any of their stuff that I know of.
    My son said they replaced their singer and got good.
    Listened to some of their other stuff and it's pretty samey and average, but this song is killer.


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