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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. Nah, I reckon he ran the risk and failed.
    They say that the onus is on the traveller to have the correct paperwork.
    I've always made sure I'm 100% set when i travel to countries that have strong requirements.

    As for the booing, if he plays, it will be fucking funny to watch him booed every game.
    Even though he's just doing what he needs to do to play the game he loves (and also pays of his 10th mortgage ;) )

    I kinds hope he wins his court battle and gets in and plays, just to watch the shit show...

  2. 7 hours ago, auslander said:

    I don't support any of the draconian measures. I certainly don't support mandates. But I do hate that the hypocrites in Victoria keep making exceptions for the rich and powerful. Yes, I want all the ludicrous restrictions gone ASAP but I don't want only millionaire sports people to benefit from reduced impact while the rest must suffer in the meantime. If a family member can't visit a sick relative in hospital but a champion can play tennis, that is not a good thing. If one should get an "exception" it should be the one for compassion. But, really, none of these restrictions in freedom should be in place at all.

    Thanks, saved me writing that.

    I'm getting my 3rd jab in 2 days.
    Would take more, more often if it was offered.

    I'm not pro vax, but I'm happy to pump that shit into me to protect me.

    But I have never agreed with vax mandates, except for people dealing with vulnerable and sick etc.

    But fuck celebrities and sports people who get a free ride because they are in the public eye.
    Aside from that, tennis hasn't been interesting sinve McEnroe.

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

    I get that, and I would be pissed too, but the problem isn't that he wants to come and play, but rather the overreaching idiocy on the part of your government(s) that have made the bed everyone's lying in, so to speak. Denying him the opportunity to play just doubles down on the stupidity.

    Denying exemptions to people wanting to see loved ones is deserving of a bullet IMO. There were some cases of that early on here where people were denied access to visit dying loved ones, but shit like that fell by the wayside pretty quickly.


    His 'exemption' that was granted was from the Victorian govt and Tennis Australia.

    He still needed to get in to Australia, which required getting through the federally run boder.

    His medical exemption didn't hold up, so his visa was refused.

    He played the game, he lost. Probably thought he'd get in because of who he is. Everyone, tennis fans or not, are wrapt that he wasn't given special treatment.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, auslander said:

    Who's your favourite supergroup*? Damn Yankees, Mr Big, Bad English, other?

    *band made up of already successful artists from a variety of other bands.

    All bands are made up of members from former bands.
    Not sure I would class Mr Big as a supergroup.

    My first thought was Damn Yankees.
    Slash did some great stuff.
    Also wouldn't class Sammy Hagar's post VH groups as supergroups. Except Chickenfoot who ironically I don't rate nearly as much as the Wabos etc
    Sixx AM?

  5. On 12/25/2021 at 12:57 PM, Dead Planet said:

    So you guys have no issue with taxpayer money being spent on this?...at least they could have found a decent band to back.....

    I mean what's the point having an issue?
    Can't control it or change it, but yes, the govt should stay away from commercial concerts unless there are some $$$ to make by them.
    On a lighter note, anyone hear Seb Bach trying to sing some Skid Row songs today?
    Came up in my Facebook feed and was Vince Neilesque...

  6. It's at the MCG, one of the largest stadiums in the world.
    Holds 100,000 people.
    At a GNR concert, maybe 60 to 70,000
    I got tickets and realised how stoopid I was to see a show there when i sat down so far away from the stage the guys may as well have been stick figures.
    Huge TV's were all you could look at.
    Luckily my view was obscured so we got moved to some great seats, probably in the premium section.
    But I'll never go to a show there again, even if it's free.

    Waste of time

  7. 6 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    I also love "Rockaholic" 

    I've always been a huge Robert Mason fan and he can do no wrong in my book.

    I particularly love track number 4.   ;) 

    Never ever really tried Lynch Mob I am pretty sure.
    When I heard him with Warrant, for me, it was the first time I'd heard him sing (probably)
    Many people hang on to the past - refuse to listen to Skid Row without Bach, etc
    I am generally able to go in with a clean slate and thought what Warrant did on Rockaholic was incredible.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Their first two albums are absolute light years ahead of anything they've recorded since. Straight from Victory's handbook on how to be an awesome band. Highly recommended, whereas you can pass on the rest of the discography, sadly. 

    I'm hoping you know what I like, so I'll give them a go.
    That said, often you are bewildered at what I like :) 

  9. I mean, people are gonna hate mine probably...


    1. Cherry Pie

    2. DRFSR

    3. Belly To Belly

    4. Rockaholic


    1. Stronger Now

    2. Sad Theresa

    3. I Saw Red

    4. Cherry Pie

    5. Letter To A Friend

    6. Home

    7. Inside Out

    8.  Let It Rain

    9. Chameleon

    10. Life's A Song

    11. Heaven

    12. High

    13. Sometimes She Cries

    14. April 2031

    15. Uncle Tom's Cabin

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