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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. 9 hours ago, Geoff said:

    I know you said you thought you'd be okay in the last post, but on the page before you thought it might hit you hard, so I met you in the middle. All I mean is that if you fear covid, do you also fear everything else that can harm or kill you and alter your life to accomodate that fear?

    Did I think it might hit me hard?
    Don't recall that and too lazy to look, but if I did, then I changed my mind.
    You do know that you're allowed to do that?
    Regardless, in reality I have no idea how hard I'll get hit, until it happens.

    Yes, I do alter my life to suit perceived dangers.
    I generally don't get a flu shot, but if there is a bad flu around I will, because I don't wanna get sick.
    I wear a seat belt in a car.
    I have never smoked, it was always weird to me that people would harm themselves like that.
    I've never done drugs, and these days only drink 4 or 5 times a year.
    I'd love to skydive, but don't know if I ever will.
    Once in the UK, I was on the subway and my daughter and I changed carrages because I saw what i believed was a danger (not going to describe it as it is easily seen as racist)
    I don't text and drive.
    I won't get into as car with someone if they have drunk too much.
    Not sure if you do these as well, or if you just live life on the edge...


    9 hours ago, Geoff said:

    If you honestly think that is a valid reason for someone to be deported from this country, I pity you more than I can say, and dread the type of country you want to live in. 

    Don't confuse my opinion with me really giving a shit.
    If you think my opinion on this makes me a hypocrite in some way, then so be it.
    Maybe next week I'll be on board with you.
    Sometimes I hate that we still have boat people sitting in detention, sometimes I think "fuck them they shouldn't have tried to junp the queue to get here".
    Sometimes I think both things at the same time.
    That's pretty hypocritcal, so what? Who cares, I won't deny being a hypocrite at times.
    Doesn't ever make anything I say less my opinion.

    9 hours ago, Geoff said:

    ARGH! You can't possibly think like this. I don't feel healthy in this discussion. Did covid shut everything down, force us to weak masks and "affect everyone?" Or did our government do that? Fuck, mate. You honestly can't understand why I think your opinion might be warped by what the media feeds you? It's really too hard to comprehend how I reached that conclusion? 

    Rwally? no the governemnst reacted to a virus around the world, all pretty much the same way.
    So yes, and this might be a weird concept for you, effectively covid shut down the world.
    ie: if covid didn't happen the world wouldn't have shut down.
    ie: it was the cause.
    Not sure I can explain more.

    9 hours ago, Geoff said:

    but I'd think hospitalisation would generally have far more to do with your pre-existing health conditions rather than your vaccination status. Generally speaking. 

    Yes, a shame that many people choose not to want to help these vulnerable people.
    Let me summarise for you.
    all people get to go to hospital due to getting this virus.
    Vaccination helps you not end up in hospital, and helps you not get severely ill.
    Vaccination supposedly reduces the spread of the virus.
    People with pre-existing conditions are more vulnerable.
    You think this info came from the media and is wrong? OK......

    9 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Haha, at you asking if I read your posts. The irony is delightful. Yes, I read your posts and this whole pile of horse shit started with you and DP basically saying how it's okay for unvaccinated people to die as if they're a lesser part of society now that all the vaxxed people are doing the right things and the unvaxxed are not. 

    Really I said unvaxxed poeple were a lesser part of society?
    And yes, vaxxed people are doing the right thing by society and unvaxxed are not.
    this is my opinion. so what? I'm allowed to think that.
    I'm not running around preaching it, only stating it when I need to like right here.
    Just because you don't agree doesn't make my opinion less valid.


    Fuck, I'm niot quoting you any more.
    It's redundant.

    You think I am controlled by the media.
    Irony here is that the only media I ever watch is the odd sky news clip on youtube. And they are far right.
    You probably think I sit watching the ABC or the Project.
    That's ok, think what you will.

    I've found that my argument here with you is basically me defending my thoughts and you telling me that they aren't my thoughts, but thos of the media nad hysteria and maybe some sort of sheep cult mentality.

    Sad that you couldn't discuss it without having to constntly default to some sort of brainwashing all the time.
    Smacks of weak arguments to me, so I'll just leave it alone.

    Until I feel like arguing again. Hypocritical maybe, but I;m cool with that :) 

    Just keep in mind that any comments to you on this from now on are either taking the piss, having a laff, or just provoking.
    I will enjoy that far more.


  2. 5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    But you still seem to have this unreasonable fear that it's going to mess with you. Where does this come from, if not the media? They're the only ones feeding that narrative. 

    It is not a fear, I expect to get it,a nd as said, I expect to be ok.
    But it is not unreasonable to


    5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    lol, what is that? Why not get it and move on? Here's the better question - why get it? 

    I could insert water into my body via a syringe if I wanted. I could do a whole bunch of things and move on, but why would I? I don't get flu vaccines because I don't think that being sick and getting through it is a bad thing.

    k that I might just roll through it.
    It's pretty simple, some people get covid and are ok, others get really sick, and some die.
    I simply decided to reduce my risk of illness.
    Media has nothing to do with it. You seem to think nobody can form their own opinion without being heavily influenced by the media.
    Here's what really helped influence me - the whole damn world shut down.  That doesn't happen because of media.

    5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    And I also didn't understand your thoughts on Novak without them being monstrously influenced by media opinion. I can't understand how anyone could possibly justify him being kicked out of the country, again, unless you just swallow all the bullshit the media feeds us. 

    I like rules and  laws. They help us live.
    The rule was no entry without double vax. He tried to get in without that, and he also lied on his visa.
    Fuck him, he gets no special treatment.
    Take away the double vax condition and I still say he doesn't get in because of the visa lie. 
    Not everything has to come back to vax requirements only.


    5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    But that's not how this country works. If someone is admitted to hospital with measles, mumps, whooping cough, chickenpox etc. we've never asked them to pay their bills, have we? If you're going to charge people for being in hospital with covid, fair enough, but then they must also be reimbursed that same amount of money, from the government, if they get covid and don't need to go to hospital... as is the case in the overwhelming majority of cases. Sounds stupid? Of course it does.

    Yep, fair pointy.
    See I can alter my opinion, unlike others. You should try it. :) 
    One thing I would say is that the other things you mentioned don't affect everyone like covid, as in shutting everything down, forcing masks to be worn etc.

    5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    There is absolutely no way in the world that you can say someone is in hospital with covid just because they're unvaccinated, and by the same token say that they wouldn't be in there if they were vaccinated. That's just a complete grasping at straws. 

    Seems the radical anti vaxxers have got to you and influenced you.
    Pretty widely accepted that vaxxed people are less likely to get seriously ill and require hospitals...

    5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    The amount of sympathy you or anyone feels for anyone else is completely irrelevant. It's the fact that in any context you'd feel a different way about an unvaxxed person compared to a vaxxed person. Again, this Us vs Them thing is a complete byproduct of what is being fed to us by our media and government. 

    Wow, do you read my posts?
    I've said over and over, I don't give a fuck if you're vaxxed or not.
    Most of my customers are unvaxxed.
    It's their choice, this is part of being against mandatory vaccination.


    5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    lol, what is that? Why not get it and move on? Here's the better question - why get it? 

    I could insert water into my body via a syringe if I wanted. I could do a whole bunch of things and move on, but why would I? I don't get flu vaccines because I don't think that being sick and getting through it is a bad thing.

    Why would you?
    If you have no particular aversion to it, just do it to do the right thing.
    You can take that as in spreading less covid if you get it because you're vaxxed, and not endangering vulnerable.
    You can that that as in doing the right thing by society, and being a part of a community.
    You can that that as in helping to end this shit show.

    Like I said, you need to decide if the vaccine is bad, or if it's more about the mandate.
    If it's the mandate, then cool, I stand with you, and raise my fist with you, etc etc
    But why there are so many pussies running around saying "vaccination bad" "untested" "scared of it, but it's useless" etc etc I don't know.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    Haha, very good. So basically I am paranoid because I don't have the same opinions as you? Excellent logic. 

    And just to clarify; What have I ever said, in any thread that makes you think I'm anti-vaccine? I've had plenty of vaccinations in my life, I encouraged my parents to get this one and about two posts ago I was saying how this vaccination is a good idea for a lot of people. Just because I, personally, would rather not have taken this particular vaccine, as I don't think it benefits me at all, I am now anti-vaccine? Based on this one decision, even if I've actually had the stupid thing? What a stupid thing to assume. Am I against vaccine mandates and people having the choice stripped away from them, assuming every single person is identical? Fuck yes. But if I'm not mistaken, you also said above that you don't like vaccine mandates, which, I guess, means you're as paranoid as me? 

    Anti-mask - yep, if you need to label all this stuff, you can 100% sign me up to this one. Absolutely despise the stupid fucking things. And again, I am entirely happy with anyone who wants one to wear one - I don't care. But why do I need to walk around with one just to keep other fuckers happy? My apologies for enjoying breathing. 

    Anti-government? Wrong again. I have never had any cause to really give much thought at all to governments, let alone be anti-government... before the last two years. Now I am paranoid because I question the insane measures that governments have taken in the last two years - and continue to take - in the name of covid? Because everything that's happened and happens is completely okay, proportionate and logical? Go, you. 

    So in order to not be paranoid, I was meant to sit in front of the 6pm news every night and be fed my opinions so I could agree with you and yours alike? Interesting thought process.  

    I'm not saying you need emotional breakdowns every time someone dies from covid because you believe you know their body and health history better than they did, but the mere fact that in your mind there is a difference between an unvaccinated person dying and a vaccinated person dying shows that you've swallowed your nightly dose of how to think just perfectly. 

    Yep, fair point. Like I said, it was a number I saw the other day and at the time I thought it was interesting, but I admit I haven't looked or heard about any numbers for months and don't put thought into it. My main point was merely how idiotic it is that everything that's happening is based on people dying with something, and not from it. When has that ever been acceptable before? And like I said, imagine the panic we could stir up if we mentioned how many people died with a common cold? 

    What about the amount of people who die with two arms and legs? Could be something in that... 

    It's weird that you refer to me in this as I agree with most of what you put up there.

    My only question from it is that you say you don't want the vaccine because it doesn't benefit you.
    That is very different from saying it is harmful, or may have side effectes, or whatever else.
    If this was the case, why wouldn't you just take the jab and move on?

    Of is it only really about the mandate, rather then the vaccine.
    I would understand that more, and it's a fair argument, mush like the one I made with checking in and sharing information and not checking in to protest the govt lying to me.

  4. 4 hours ago, Geoff said:

    What am I paranoid about? What have I seen that is not before my eyes? You said you don't care about unvaccinated people who die from covid. So I'm wrong then to assume that if an unvaccinated person and vaccinated person both die that you'll only feel sympathy of the vaccinated casualty? Don't try and backtrack, cob. If you're going to make statements that you don't stand by, don't make them, and don't pretend you didn't write what is in plain text above these very words. I haven't made any conclusion that is not based on exactly what you've written. 

    To be fair, I don't show remorse if someone dies who I don't know. covid or not.
    Happy for you to look back through all the RIP threads for anyone who has died and you won't see a peep from me.
    I didn't know Meat Loaf. I liked his music, and there will be no more.
    If you tole me your sister died from covid, or anything else, I would feel sad for you for a few minutes and then move on.
    I see on the news that 80 people dies from covid, some vaxxed some unvaxxed, I don't really care at all, because I knew none of them

    Is that cold, or just realistic?
    Don't wanna sound like an asshole, hust being honest...

  5. 6 hours ago, Geoff said:

    It's funny what this thing turns people into. And how not wanting a vaccine is how people like you and CTS now define a human being. 

    I'm sure there are a billion people out there, like me, who'd have looked at the stats and facts and quietly decided, with no fanfare, that like many, many other vaccines, including a flu vaccine for example, maybe I'm comfortable with my health and I don't believe I require this particular vaccine. 

    As with everything else, I'm 100% happy for anyone with any doubts to quietly take the vaccine and we all get on with life happily together. I even encouraged my parents to get it. Undoubtedly, the vaccine is a very good idea for a lot of people. But not everyone. 

    But looking at the way people like you and CTS speak about unvaccinated people irritates the shit out of me, to be honest. I doubt you guys were like this before all this, but it's interesting what it's turned you into. Like that other muppet... Was it Rob Badcock, who made the other thread celebrating unvaccinated people who died. Hope you're all comfortable with your new outlooks on your fellow human. 

    wow, i'm feeling pretty misquoted.
    As I said, I agree that if you choose not to take a vaccine that is proven to reduce the effects of covid and therefore the drain on our medical system, then you should maybe have to pay the bills you rack up if you get sick.
    Trust in your health all you like, but if you need to go ICU, pay the bill as well, yeah?

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Yep, a lot of people I know have now had it and either it's been super mild and not even noticeable or they get one really bad day and two average days before and after (like a bad flu). My unvaccinated brother experienced that, but less severe than his vaccinated partner. 

    I can see the media's got to you good and proper, CTS, and you just keep believing that Meat Loaf is the rule, not the extremely rare exception. Allegedly. I don't even think the story is validated and he's already the poster boy for pro-vaxxers. It's just embarrassing. :(

    I've been pretty clear through all of this.
    Get vaccinated, don'e get vaccinated, I don't really care.
    I chose to get vaccinated and appreciate that I was able to be.
    If you don't get vaccinated and die, then that's a big price to pay for your beliefs.
    I mentioned either in this thread or otehr threads that I know people who have been through covid, and their symptions were mild, even the 80year old.
    Then you have Meat Loaf and a customer today who got Delta and was laid up pretty fucked for 2 weeks.
    Believe it or not, if you get covid, it can fuck with you, or kill you, or maybe you won't feel any symptoims.
    Not sure how the media has infultrated me.

    I am anti mandate, and hate how the govt has made us sheep.
    I don't believe covid will hit me hard when I get it.
    I rarely wear a mask unless I am forced to.
    I don't check in any more because the goverment admitted that the date was not secure.
    Don't give a shit about the data, but don't like the govt lying to me.
    I tend to agree with Auslander that people who don't get vaxxed should have to pay for their medical treatment, but I didn't like his arguments, so it may have appeared that I was the opposite.

    Anyway, nobody got to me, it;s all 100% my opinions, developed by me.
    Agree with me, disagree with me, whatever, I really don't care and I don't think I've tried to influence anyomnes opinions here (at least for a long time) on covid.
    I like to hear otehr opinions, and to disagree with Glen when he used to post :) 

  7. Many of my friends have had it, all with minor symptoms.
    Was talking with a customer of mine the other day, who is 80+ and has had medical conditions recently, and he had it, and said it was like a mild cold.
    But on the other hand, with my luck, I'll get it bad, so I've had my booster.
    Went with moderna to change it up.

    FWIW pretty sure Andrews in mandating boosters. Saw a clip on the news last night.

    Doesn't really worry me either way, people can do what they like.
    They wanna be like Meat Loaf and say "I'd rather die a free man than take the vaccine" then they may end up like him.

    Good news is that if unvaxxed people die from this, you don't really hear them complain :) 

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Doug said:

    To add, we expect singers of the 80s (and some from the 70s) to sing the same way today. We all PAINFULLY know senior citizens Paul, Don and Vince, for example, can't sing like their former 20 year old selves. 

    That's true.
    And in the case of Vince for example, the only issue I had was spending money to see him singa nd feeling like I was ripped off.
    If he can't pull it off he should stop trying, and he should have stopped many years ago.
    Same with Meat Loaf when I saw him like 10 years ago.
    First time seeing him and I wanted to sing along with the songs I loved.
    But he changed the way they were sung and everyone was confused lol

  9. It's the only way to deal with these opinionated woke radicals.
    Just play their own game.
    When you attack me, it doesn't make me FEEL GOOD, Stop belittling me and my opinions, I deserve to be heard, why should I alter what I FEEL because you don't agree with it. etc etc
    In the end, the only reason people argue with them is because what they say is generally so stupid and wrong, that they feel compelled.
    And it's a trap. It's the same as arguing religion or politics, there is no winning. There is no changing of minds.
    Either ignore them, laugh at them, or use their weapons back against the,. however you feel on the day I guess.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 32 minutes ago, auslander said:

    Personally I find it amusing how people think denying others medical treatment due to lifestyle choices is the way to go (i.e. no vaxx, no hospital). So smokers, the obese, people who participate in sports, people engaged in risk-taking behaviour (eg. hiking, rock climbing,  swimming), people with diseases contracted through illicit drug use - none of these groups with preventable conditions should get treatment either. Fair's fair.

    I'm guessing that if you offered most smokers something that would greatly help them quit smoking and/or help reduce the occurrence of lung cancer, they would take it. If they don't, fair enough.
    Same with the obese, if you offer them a jab that will generally help them lose weight and they choose not to take it, then fair enough.

    Fair's fair only when comparing apples to apples.
    Comparing a virus, to an addiction isn't really fair.

    Not sure where you get swimming and sport as a risk taking activity, you could basically call anything a high risk activity

  11. Just more fucking woke shit.
    Dare to do have an opinion on something that doesn't sit with the woke agenda, and basically you're fucked and cancelled these days.
    Here's a clip from a the snooty Australian of the year 2021 ignoring our prime minister and the blowback that follows when someone dares to call her rude.


  12. 5 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

    "WAAAAAH! That icky Joe Rogan said something I disagree with! I don't like what he said! WAAAAH!! He needs to be canceled! WAAAAAH!!! I'm taking my music and going home!"

    Fuck straight off. Twice.

    How ironic is it that in the 1980s it was the right wing that wanted to censor and ban things (PMRC, banning Dungeons & Dragons, heavy metal), and now a few decades later, it's the Left that wants censor and ban all dissenting opinions. So much for the "progressive" party. Might as well rename Democratic Party to Orwellian Party.


    Reading between the lines, I think I understand where you stand :) 

  13. I really don't care about any of that as a general rule.
    maybe a specific band rotating members may piss me off at times, but I haven't complained about QR, and they prolly deserve it the most.
    I just don't listen to them, but they need to make a living and if that is the best way, go for it.
    I mean there are a lot of people who gave up on Warrant when Jani died and missed out on a lot of great music.
    Same for Gotthard and others.
    Even Gun, yep, I like their later stuff.
    and there is always new music being made in the exact way that I want it to be made, just takes longer to find it and it isn't being shoved down our throats like it was in the past...

  14. I'll just leave this one here.
    Not much I like about this cover.
    I mean it's ok, but the drums are too electro there seems to be heavier keys and he ad libs a bit too much, made me cringe at the start.

    But, I will say that he pulled off a pretty hard song, kudos to him.


  15. 3 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    I find that Rogan, Young and all the others who use their personal platform and fame to spew their personal opinions like they came directly from the mouth of God to be irritating assholes....

    To be fair, I also find them irritation assholes when they are not in line with my beliefs.
    When they are in line with my beliefs, I find them endearing, insightful and intelligent :)

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  16. Saw No Way Home, and it was good.
    Wasn't in line with End Game like my son said, but a great movie.
    Rumor has it that Tom Cruise is playing Iron Man in the next Dr Strange movie.
    From a multiverse.
    On the subject of Dr Strange, he has to be the worst superhero ever, constantly fucking things up.

  17. I don't go out of my way to listen to Rogan, but generally enjoy it when I do.
    Would have been nice if he said "I stand corrected, I had bad information" and moved on.

    Surely that would have created a different narrative over this thing and he'd come out looking a bit better than before even,

    • Like 1
  18. I'd probably say you're fairly right with the quality of medical proceedures in the US, but not all. Some are leading the way in other countries in some area, including Australia.
    Ironically people source some of these proceedures overseas because there are less strimgent oversights involved (see debate on covid testing)
    But I'd say if you talk to make US citizens, they wouldn't agree that US health care overall is a good thing.
    Many would say it suits the rich.
    As to us an elective surgeries, well, people love to complain about that, but they are elective, they key there is in the wording.
    Anything serious enough is dealt with as a metter of urgency, and if you have NO public health insurance, it's free.
    Private health insurance only covers part of the cost, with the main benefit being more choice (surgeon etc)

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