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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. So announcements today.

    My state, Victoria, is now officially in lockdown until population has 70% double vaccinations. Looking at lockdown until at least sometime in November.

    BUT some easing of restrictions. Still under curfew 9pm to 5am, but at least under 12 year old kids can visit playgrounds,  so long as they are there with only one adult and they are not allowed to eat or drink at yhe playground. lol

    No school this term.

    At 70% single jabs, we MAY be allowed up to 3 hours exercise.

    Sooooo fucked. At least two more months of fucking nothing.

    Sorry,but I start to feel like Geoff.

    Our country is cutrently fucked.


  2. Australia are a laughing stock around the world with our covid measures.

    In the last couple of weeks, Biden has become a bit of a laughing stock here.
    I posted earlier how we stopped seeing US politics on our news when Trump left because the shitshow was over.
    Now it's back with a new star. Checking his watch when the dead US soldier were returned, falling asleep with the Israel leader, falling down, not taking questions, reading scripts, stuttering and not making sense, etc
    People currently horrified at the arsenal he left the Taliban when the US started leaving...

  3. 14 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Said the only person ever. ;)

    haha, it's what it's :) 

    Tesla are one of those bands who make a lot of music that I don't really like as much as others.
    If I posted my best of compilation for them, people would be crying out for popular songs that were omitted.

  4. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    Now, if masses of people are dying that are fully vaccinated in Israel, then tell us that (at this point in time I hope you now I'm not talking to you, CTS - purely just my general thoughts on what's going on in the world at the moment).

    Ha, all good.
    I lean very much towards your standpoint.
    as of now, I expect to be in full lockdown for at least another 30 days.

    My comments are basically addressing what is happening around the world, which like it or not, and rightly or wrongly, define how we move forward.
    My main concern is that Australia won't, even at 80% or in the unlikely event we even get close to 90% vaccinations, won't have the balls to 'release us'

    The big revelation out of all of this applies to most of the general public who know little about the roles of federal and state governments.
    I HATE how much control the state governments have over our lives and how effectively little the federal govt is able to oversee.
    People sook about state borders closing, and how we are one country, etc etc, but it has become very clear that this is the way the country is set up. We live in mini countries rules by our state governments.
    What happens if the federal govt says "open up", and everyone does, except WA, who say "no"?
    Basically WA form a new mini country.

    Based on what I've seen during this covid shitshow, it would appear that it would be hard to reel them back in and act in the national interest...

  5. Lots of talk about Israel.

    78% vaccinated and spiking again.

    As they were one of the first vaccinated seems the vaccine is wearing off.

    Reports that Pfizer goes down to 75% efficacy after 3 months, and Astra to 68% after the same time.

    Looks like 3 month boosters at this point to try and keep covid at bay.

  6. With my local politics, I lean to the right.

    But I do consider myself fairly non partisan and am happy to slam the right and agree with the left (like I did in replying to Geoff re Daniel andrews recently, who I gave credit to)

    Generally I see most others as being more hard line. I mean I enjoy listening to Ben Shapiro but at times what he believes doesn't match his intelligence and he is hard line right unapologetically. I would enjoy more if every now and then he would slam republican policies he doesn't agree with and applaud left policies that are good. But politics doesn't work this way.

    People here aren't politicians and should be able to waiver more than they appear to.

    As much as Glen seems left  at least he at times shows some middle ground. Would sit better if he recognised that he is fairly left. But in this case I think it's more about playing a devils advocate role and arguing for the sake of arguing.

    It's a strange day when alpha or Geoff are able to say something without a rebuttal....


    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Glen said:

    you seem to think we are not blaming Biden? Why?


    Probably because, pretty much every post you've made regarding this is referring to Trump in some way.

    It's kinda creepy and obsessive.

    Everything a new administration inherits has something to do with the one just passed.
    Some things were made law, other initiated, others suggested.
    In this case, if Biden could have done a backflip on what Trump wanted to do and planned to do (no matter what that actually was) and he chose not to, then it's 100% on him.
    Pretty simple.

  8. 56 minutes ago, auslander said:

    Thanks mate. Me too. Love his guts. But, maybe it's an Aussie humour as others don't seem to get it.

    Not many got the NZ mosque shooting standup but he did.

    About as close to the limits you can get...


  9. 5 hours ago, auslander said:



    I fucking love Butterfield.

    He has the same values as me. Anti vegan, fuck cyclists, and moist is a great word 😀

    Everything he says makes sense and rings true.

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    So... what's happening in Australia? I try to avoid the news, but someone brought it up yesterday, and now it's being mentioned here. Just send me a link to an article, or something, if you can't be bothered to type it all out. 

    Just lockdown/curfew shit.

  11. Heard this song today for the first time in a long time (the QR cover) and what hit me is how heavy it is.

    As time moves on sometimes you recollection of these older songs change.

    This really was a string heavy cover.

    Gonna give the full album a spin again tomorrow.

    • Like 2
  12. Not me. I love my country.

    For everything I can criticise it for (and there are a lot of things at the moment) I can find many times those things to criticise in other countries.

    I still see Australia as one of the best countries in the world for many reasons  and others would kills for many things we take for granted, such as free health care, etc

    We will move on from the covid shit and hopefully learn from the mistakes made and be better for it.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Out of curiosity, what are the WA and NZ approaches you wanted Andrews to adapt? I thought they were all as fucked up as each other? 

    Well, at first I sooked that Vic was screwed and lockdowns were harsh.
    There was the quarantine security and a lot of other things that made me hate Andrews,
    Then last couple of lockdowns he acted fast, like WA and NZ and the threat was eliminated.
    So credit where it's due, he seemed to be learning and I was happy to be wrong on that fast lockdown issue.
    So just when I give the fucker a bit of credit, he is now feeding off being able to get to zero a few times and does what he did before.
    I didn't complain about the lockdown, Wasn't happy with many parts of it, but overall just dealt with it again.
    Problem is that he is not going to bend of give in now, so we are on a path with no light at the end of the tunnel until 70% jabs,
    So we're digging in for at least a month more down here.
    And I have taken away any credit I gave him and spend my time searching internet memes about him and watching Sky news to make myself happier lol


  14. We are in around day 205 of lockdown. This is our 6th. In the past Gladys has managed to control it, but this delta got away from her.
    She seems to resist being harsh.
    Until recently Bunnings was open, and only certain areas in lockdown.
    We went full lockdown when we had 10 cases or so, and it hasn't worked.
    Will see if we continue to grow of if it actually controls covid.
    I hate Andrews, the guys is a smug motherfucker control freak who seems to have everyone around him scared to hell of him.
    But when we did this latest full lockdown, I thought that maybe he'd learnt from past mistakes and started to follow WA and NZ approaches.
    Problem is the guy won't bend or admit when it isn't working and we all suffer in the meantime.

    I honestly hope Gladys devises a plan to ease things up for you and allow some movement and maybe visits from family etc.
    I haven't seen most of my kids for over a month.
    I can't even walk out side with my wife and my adult kid who lives with us in the same household. Max two people walking together at one time.

    I really shouldn't complain.
    Business is picking up again and we are able to go to work. Pretty sure we need work permits - better look in to that.
    Some businesses are really stuffed.
    Support is crap. Need to show that you are only doing 30% of trade over a recent 2 week period compared to the same period 2 years ago. I should just close for a couple of weeks and pick up the 14K lol

  15. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Some really interesting language in PM's address to the nation today. A step towards that turnaround in mindset (a word he himself used today) I have been hoping for. 

    I wonder what finally got this out of him. The fact that the premiers have more control over this country than he does? Perhaps ridicule from overseas? As above, rising amounts of people voicing their anger about what this country has become? I'd be really curious to know what tipped him over the edge. 

    As I alluded to before, they have essentially... I believe the saying is, "made a rod for their own back." After 18 months of pedalling fear and panic, he wants to try and wind it back around now? Good luck with that, captain. There are obviously still plenty out there wondering what the fuck is going on, but for the most part, him and his premiers, via the media, have created a nation of petrified idiots. Something tells me it's not going to be easy to try and undo what they've been drilling into everyone for so long. Maybe they'll learn for next time it wasn't the way to go? Unlikely, but this was the first promising sign I have seen for 18 months. I just wish I had any faith at all that he had any control whatsoever over what the states want to do. I still see no end to lockdowns and restrictions, but let's see how it plays out, as we all suffer in misery for months before it even begins to come to fruition anyway... 


    Yeah, was discussing with my wife tonight, Andrews in particular.
    This guys will never back down. Doesn't matter what anyone thinks.
    So we're on full lockdown and curfew until the 2nd September.
    60 or 70 cases today, 50 out in the community.
    No way in hell that will change much in 8 days, so now he is faced with a bit of a dilemma.
    Keep us all under curfew well into September and really build the anger, of reneg on what he's doing and be more like NSW.
    I know you guys hate your leader up there, but from our point of view, in comparison, she hasn't been as harsh.
    She has always said need to learn to live with covid, but down here they seem hell bent on zero cases again.
    Persoannly, I suspect we will be in lockdown until at least 70% vaccinations.
    Sadly, Pfizer will only be available to 18 to 39 year olds for the first time in 6 days...

  16. As mentioned before, I've been shocked at how happy Australian citizens have been to accept the limits on freedom for so long.
    Seems that there is a swell of people who have had enough now, and protests back on in Melbourne and Sydney.
    Fines from Melbourne's came in at 1.8 Million.


  17. Yep, in a nutshell, considering if and by how much Trump might have fucked it up more, the same or less, is about as relevant as how I would have handled it.

    The Biden administration carried out the operation. Everything good or bad falls in them/him.

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