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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. Came upon some sad news on this release in doing some research on it and trying to find out more about it.

    Found that the vocalist for this passed away in December 2020 shortly after the first single was released.  His name was Jason Witte but he went by penn name J Adler for this project (Adler appears to be his son's name).  Looks like it was cancer that he had been dealing with for some time and it took a turn for the worse.  Very sad....looked to be probably in his 40's or so and he had posted on Facebook in mid December how proud he was of this release.  Damn disease.

    No idea what the future will hold for this project but clearly uncertain at the moment if there will be any more releases with a new vocalist.

     Freaking bummed as this one has been growing on me quite a bit and would like to hear more in the future.

  2. 5 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Sounds good,hoping for that big Lep sound if im honest,their debut though having its moments mainly passed me by,so this is showing promise.

    Agree on the debut.  I liked it some initially but I almost never play anything from it now.

  3. I dig that one.  Very catchy....reminds me a bit of Unskinny Bop Poison combined with Hysteria era Def Leppard.

    Nice hearing them mix it up a bit and doing something totally different than anything else in their catalog also.  In listening to this song and the album samples, it does sound like they are trying to expand their boundaries a bit on this album and not just do all the same things as they did on the first 2 albums.       

  4. 1 hour ago, Nick said:

    Hi guys- If you prefer the more ‘melodic’ side of Alex’s voice, check out the Nitrate album ‘Renegade’ coming later in the year for some ‘Leppard’ influenced 80s melodic rock :headbanger:

    I am looking forward to hearing that one!  I think I liked Art Nation better on their first album than on their later ones and he sounded better with those melodic songs than modern rock sounding songs.

    Enjoy what you've done with those Nitrate albums as each album has it's own unique flair.  It's almost like each album is a new project which is pretty interesting as each signer gives the songs a different flair.  

    Maybe Erik Gronwall for the 4th Nitrate album!  Or Joe Elliott!!!!  Coming from a huge Leppard fan, I'm not afraid to say your songs are better than a lot of what Leppard has done on their recent albums.

  5. On 12/27/2020 at 4:18 AM, Aordave89 said:

    Very much looking forward to this one. 

    Jona also has a new project called ‘New Horizon’ out late 2021. Heavier than Crowne and H.E.A.T by the sounds of it. 

    Any idea who the singer is on that heavier project?  I saw Erik Gronwall post a video of him laying down some pretty heavy vocals on Instagram recently and just wonder if it might be for that project?  

    Wish it was Erik on this Crowne project.  I'd think a project like this would be a great way for Erik to still record some music without having to invest too much time and worry about touring or whatever.   I'd like to see Erik Gronwall and Erik Martensson hook up for a project.  Now that would be something!

    As for this Crowne thing, it's okay I guess but for whatever reason I'm not a big fan of Alex Strandell's voice.  I don't know exactly why but I gave Art Nation a lot of chances and it just never really won me over.  It's hard to say if it was Alex's voice or the direction the music went though.  I did like a couple tunes on their debut album....Need You To Understand was pretty darn good.

    I'll probably still keep my eye on this though to see if anything grabs me.

  6. 18 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Yeah this isnt too bad at all, a nice suprise,really like the opener Heavens On Its Way Down,this may not reinvent the wheel but I dont care,vocals aint amazing but im enjoying it for what it is... just a nice solid melodic rock record with its various influences.

    I agree.  I've been digging it more and more. 

    Agree also on the vocals.  Nothing great and probably a bit rough around the edges but the whole thing together sounds fine to me.  Heck, many of those singers in the 80's weren't great singers lol but the music was melodic and fun to listen to.  That's sort of the vibe I get from this.  

    I suspect this will probably fly way under the radar though, especially with many great releases expected this year.  I haven't seen it being heavily reviewed on the various sites I follow and even googling it yields very few review results.  Really haven't heard much promotion on this....Even the band facebook page is pretty quiet.

    Either way though, pretty good melodic hard rock with an 80's vibe to it.  

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    That cruise sounds incredible. I've never been on one, but they've always fascinated me. Are there many chicks on board?

    LOL....I guess there are quite a few.  I'm not sure if "chicks" or "cougars" would be the better description though!

    It was a fantastic time and I'd highly recommend it.  I've only been the one time as I also always wanted to go and finally bit the bullet and went.  Hopefully will get the chance to go again in the future if things ever get back to normal.

    It's just amazing having basically 3-4 concerts going on every hour for 4-5 days straight.  Also just really cool walking around the ship and randomly bumping into band members everywhere you go.      

    I've told my wife I don't think I'll ever be able to do a "regular" cruise again lol.

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/20/2021 at 1:10 AM, Dead Planet said:

    Excellent release and the only thing that Lynch has done other than Dokken worth having...imo


    What I was going to say.

    I absolutely love this album....Just excellent.  What's strange for me thought is that nothing else Lynch Mob ever did really did much for me for whatever reason.  Think they just kind of lost me with their constant bickering and lineup changes.

    This is one album that has seemed to always get pulled off the shelf at least a few times a year for a spin and I enjoy it every time.  It still sounds fresh to me as just didn't get overplayed like some other stuff.  

    One thing I really enjoyed on the last MORC was finally getting to see Lynch Mob live with Oni at the helm.  They played this album in full and while Oni was a bit under the weather and couldn't hit the notes like he wanted, I still enjoyed it.

    • Like 1
  9. Saw another tune from this out.  Not really sure what I think about it.  Think my initial reaction was kind of "meh" but it's interesting....It's got a little different vibe to it.  The vocals have a bit of a modern rock edge to them but the music seems more AOR/melodic rock based.   Still probably give the album a listen when it drops.



  10. 1 hour ago, Aordave89 said:

    Bet Lepp ‘In The Round’ was awesome.. I’ve watched footage from that era and they looked on top of the world. 

    Really was fantastic.  Wish they would remaster and reissue the In The Round DVD at some point and do it on Blu Ray with updated sounds codecs.

    From a band that has reissued basically everything I'm surprised they haven't done this.

  11. 1 hour ago, AlphaMale said:

    Worst halftime show in a long time. Almost as bad as Maroon 5.

    Agree.  It was absolutely brutal.  I had to leave the room and go do something else.

    Amazes me that they can't do something better and that they basically recycle the same types of acts over and over every year.

    Why not do a rock act one year?  Then maybe a country act the next, then a pop act and so on?  

    Instead it's a lame pop act every year.  Is the target market for the super Bowl half-time show really like 15 year old girls?  Because that's mostly what their halftime shows seem to be geared for.

    • Like 1
  12. 40 minutes ago, Glen said:

    So many Firefest highlights - miss it & Rockingham immensely - my highlights (in no order) were :

    Boulevard - 2014

    Jimi Jamison - the first time....What a rock moment - immense

    Harem Scarem 2007

    Valentine 2007

    Gotthard with Steve Lee

    Alien 2011 - perfection

    Work of Art 2013

    WET 2013

    Babylon AD 2014

    White Sister the first time

    Beggars & Thieves - amazing performance

    Nelson - first time with Mark Slaughter. Incredible 



    Firehouse - walked out both times

    Lynch Mob - walked out

    PC69- just thought Readman was weak as a frontman and not v confident

    Kane Roberts- ditto. just really shy and embarrassed - was weird

    Drive she said - bad sound

    tall stories - Augeri voice shot. Still is

    Unruly child - wanted it to be awesome....it was ok. just. 

    Surprising about Firehouse.  I've probably seen them 5-6 times over the years, most recently twice last year on the MORC, and every show has been fantastic.  

    What made them so bad for you? 

  13. First concert - Beach Boys and Jan & Dean lol.  Can't remember year...late 70's or early 80's I think.  I couldn't have been more than 8-10 yrs old.  Was basically told I was going by my Dad lol but really wasn't a bad show.

    Last concert - H.E.A.T on the Monsters of Rock Cruise Feb 2020.

    Best concert - Def Leppard in the Round 1988

    Worst concert - Think I'd have to say Ratt in summer 2019.  It just wasn't good.  Pearcy just lacks charisma it was a boring show with all the replacement members.  We left with probably 4-5 songs still to go and many others were doing the same.  

    Loudest - Kiss & Def Leppard in 2014 I guess.  Aren't they all pretty loud lol?

    Seen the most - Def Leppard

    Most surprising - Guess I'll say Crazy Lixx in 2017.  I had heard a few stories that their live show could be a bit subpar so wasn't sure what to expect but they were excellent.

    Next concert - Def Leppard and Motley Crue in Aug 2021 if it holds up.

    Wish I could have seen -  Elvis Presley

    • Like 1
  14. 58 minutes ago, The Rocker said:

    Just listened to the 1 minute samples on itunes, this is going to be a very good year for our music!

    Thanks for the heads up....Just checked them out also.

    Agree...sounds killer.  Honestly, I think I like the sounds of basically every song more than the one they chose for the first single.  

    After hearing those samples I think this will definitely top their last album.

  15. On 2/2/2021 at 6:09 PM, The Rocker said:

    Just listened to the 1 minute samples on itunes, another hit album coming from them!

    Just got around to listening to the samples also.  Hell yeah, gonna be great!

    Think what stood out to me was there seems to be a bit more variety than maybe they've had on their previous albums.

    Sounding excellent to me!

    • Like 1
  16. It's okay but to me, there were quite a few better tunes than this on their last album which I thought was great.  I feel like the vocals sound strained here and are kind of the weak point in the song.  I think the music and production is what saves the tune and not so much the vocals/lyrics.

    Maybe I'm just not awake yet lol.

    Still interested to hear what else this album has in store.

  17. 38 minutes ago, gooup said:

    I'm still building my site which strives to create THE ultimate list of power ballads by AOR, hair metal, 80's rock band and heavy metal acts. If you look over my list and notice i'm missing your favorite or some obscure gem, let me know!



    Probably a bunch I could come up with but he's a few that quickly jumped out at me.  I'm not sure if you're looking for only "older" tunes/bands though or if newer bands/songs qualify.  I do see Eclipse on the list though...

    Pretty Maids:

    Would You Still Kiss Me (If I See You In Heaven) - Undress Your Madness 2019

    Bullet For You - Motherland 2013


    Eye Of The Storm - Into The Great Unknown 2017

    Midnite City:

    Everything You Meant To Me - S/T 2017

    I know there are plenty more but those are a few that quickly jumped into my head.




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