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Everything posted by Jez

  1. Vishusgruv - Dirty Little Secrets Kick - New Horizon Kick - Consider This..
  2. GAMES Without Frontiers - Peter Gabriel
  3. par⋅a⋅graph   /ˈpærəˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [par-uh-graf, -grahf] Use paragraph in a Sentence –noun 1. a distinct portion of written or printed matter dealing with a particular idea, usually beginning with an indentation on a new line. 2. a paragraph mark. 3. a note, item, or brief article, as in a newspaper. –verb (used with object) 4. to divide into paragraphs. 5. to write or publish paragraphs about, as in a newspaper. 6. to express in a paragraph. Origin: 1515–25; earlier paragraphe < Gk paragraph marked passage; see para- 1 , graph Related forms: par⋅a⋅graph⋅ism, noun par⋅a⋅gra⋅phis⋅ti⋅cal  /ˌpærəgrəˈfɪstɪkəl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [par-uh-gruh-fis-ti-kuhl] adjective - ''Fuck yourself'' - [ph-uk yo-wers-elf] 1. Common phrase in English used toward clever ass Australian type weirdo's 2. To fuck ones self - to insert ones old chap into ones trap 2 2. used when someone wants you to errr... fuck yourself 3. Fuck off, get lost and get a life, 4. You suck
  4. I thought it was another word for anal beads... Yep, me too. Love beads and love eggs, love them all.
  5. Jez


    You do make a good point. Well said. Damn, another Aussie on here we can't understand!
  6. You lead, i will respond and bring the love beads. Nice! Good thing that she didn't say anal beads... She did, she just whispered!
  7. You lead, i will respond and bring the love beads. Nice!
  8. AIIZ - The Witch Of Berkeley Bobby Barth - Two Hearts One Beat Axe - S/T Axe - Living On The Edge
  9. What'ya think ?? Really good mate. Some really nice tracks on here. Only the last bonus track is a bit of a duffer.
  10. A couple of us from England and one from Germany, Jez could enlighten you on the reliability of the postal service in England! Our postal system is in great shape mate I think I have my Foreigner and Kiss discs sorted aswell.
  11. Agreed. Total crap ! Backed... Utter Pig Shit.... And all of the other truly shite pop punk copyist's and spin offs which came out of the woodwork.
  12. Image wise they were definitely in the sleaze/glam genre and got lumped in there for that mainly I think. Compared to their peers musically, they had a whole lot more going on and were a lot more interesting to listen to than your average band in this genre for me. A very hard band to pigeonhole really. A great band that will be missed now they have finally split, especially after their last few releases, which were well back on track quality wise.
  13. is coming up roses... Where ? In Morrisseys bottom?
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