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Everything posted by Jez

  1. 'Knocking One Off'! Is that the same as bashing one out or choaking the chicken? Yeah mate, it's the same as answering the Bone-A-Phone, baiting your hook, batting practice, bashing the candle, beating the bishop, being your own best friend, bleeding the weed, bludgeoning the beefsteak, boppin' your bologna, buffing the banana, buffing the wood or burping the worm. Ah, ok - you mean jerkin' the gherkin? Yeah mate. I mean calling down for more mayo, calling all cum, casting off, changing your oil, charming the cobra, choking Charlie 'till he throws up, choking the sherriff and waiting for the posse to come, choking Kojak, choking your chicken, cleaning out your rope, cleaning the pipes, cleaning your rifle, clubbing Eddy, playing couch hockey for one, cranking the shank, crown the king or cuffing the carrot. Well.....since ya guys are on this subject......I saw a bumper sticker (which was actually on the back window ) a couple of days ago that said "I'd rather be cummin' then strokin".....kinda strange but, does it fit in here? Certainly does mate, do ya wanna join the party?
  2. Ride Into THE SUN - Def Leppard
  3. 'Knocking One Off'! Is that the same as bashing one out or choaking the chicken? Yeah mate, it's the same as answering the Bone-A-Phone, baiting your hook, batting practice, bashing the candle, beating the bishop, being your own best friend, bleeding the weed, bludgeoning the beefsteak, boppin' your bologna, buffing the banana, buffing the wood or burping the worm. Ah, ok - you mean jerkin' the gherkin?
  4. 'Knocking One Off'! Is that the same as bashing one out or choaking the chicken?
  5. Jez


    Nice line-up! Junky: Honey, I'm goin' to the U.K. for an all day gig. Mrs Junky replies: Unfortunately this has been cancelled. I was thinking about going at one stage.
  6. Never seen a photo or heard anything ever about them since the album. I heard they all look a little like Matt, hence why they disappered into oblivion . It's a bloody good disc though for sure.
  7. How sad is it that I kind of want to hear this, but not the rest of the album? It sticks really close to the Cheap Trick version. Darren Wharton's voice really suits this song, although I wouldn't say it is better than the original. The rest of the album will depend if you liked the last 2 or not mate really. All pleasant enough, and very nice for doing the ironing to.
  8. Dare - The Flame Very Impressive version of the Cheap Trick tune.
  9. REO Speedwagon - Hi Infidelity Dare - Arc Of The Dawn Saga - The Human Condition
  10. Dare - Arc Of The Dawn What's it like you ask? Well it's like the last couple of Dare CD's isn't it. Seriously - no change whatsoever here, Celtic inspired very light AOR, which is very pleasant, well played and recorded, but hardly makes you want to jump around the house with your tennis racket. The first 6 tracks only feature 3 new songs, the others being 2 reworkings from 'Out Of Silence' which are even more laid back than the originals (and definitely no better) and a cover of the Thin Lizzy classic 'Emerald', which admittedly is nice. The second half features 5 new songs and a rather nifty cover of Cheap Trick's 'The Flame' which they have done with some style and is one of the real highlights of this album. The rest is of a similar nature and as before, is all well done without getting the pulse racing too much. IMO these guys need to get back to what they do best and rock (a little) as 3 albums worth of this stuff is now enough. Overland - Diamond Dealer The last Overland disc was a little patchy, although did at least contain a few good tracks. With this 'ere new one, although alot more AOR orientated than 'Break Away' and more to Steve's style, I am struggling to find more than 2 or 3 songs on here that I really like. Steve Overlands voice is brilliant as always and the whole things sounds excellent, but what use is that if the songs don't have many hooks and ain't up to much, like they are on this. Maybe a few more spins will change my opinion, but first impressions are that Mr. Overland deserves much much better material to sing than this I tell ya. At least there is a new FM album on the way which will hopefully change that.
  11. Touch The SUN - Honeymoon Suite
  12. You suck. What the hell does that mean? When we say 400k are we walking money? As in $400,000 - or pounds? Or is this some shitty Facebook thing? 400K= 400 Thousand you idiot!! It's just some stress release game on facebook
  13. Sixty fucking two I believe!
  14. Hairy Pie is much fuckin' nicer A Hairless one even fuckin nicer Hairless Hairy Pie = Fucking delicious.
  15. Hairy Pie is much fuckin' nicer
  16. I just got 400k On Bejewelled Blitz
  17. Sleeping at home today, and tomorrow as it happens.
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