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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. Actually, most of the studio bass on that record was done by Brain Lake.
  2. from Michael Leigh Horseman of IROC: So very sad to hear of the passing of my old friend, Brian Lake!! Been a tough day!! Brian was in The band Intuition, back in the day with my dear friends Ronni Santmyer, Dean Watkins, Mike Snyder, and Chris McCoy!! He was a sweet soul, and great guy, and we reconnected a few years ago!! Rest In Peace, my friend!! Intuition was an awesome band and here is a link to their 1994 release "Turn It On!"
  3. Who the hell was second on his list? He's coming off as an ass.
  4. Frankie..... please end this joke: The plans for a video clip have been rejected by Quiet Riot as a result of these recent developments: “The dilemma is that I should ask James to move his lips to the vocals of another. I do not want to put him in an unpleasant situation, which could give the fans a wrong impression. But I’ve already started writing new songs for an album with James, which will be released next year.”
  5. Time is a LAME ASS excuse. I veiw HH on my phone during commutes and such and yes I put some extra time posting up about bands that noone likes but still, to hit the latest posts add a comment or two takes less time than taking a shit. I give you a hard time but it's all in good fun. I really appreciate all the work you do finding these bands. Besides, you were very supportive in the Baltimore Rocks thread! Much appreciated!
  6. That whistling ruins the song. Who are they trying to be..... Reckless Love??
  7. Tape Deck: FREAKSHOW - Songs To Stay Awake By (1988 demo)
  8. More demos? You got it!! Demo from 1988 from Pennsylvania's FREAKSHOW!! Just got this demo tape:
  9. This is a definite contender for Best Of 2017!! Awesome stuff!!
  10. Wow.... that's dreadful. And sounds 0% like Quiet Riot. Bonfire and Quiet Riot should both abandon the band names.
  11. Yep, immense difference. Love the TMF production job. Confess is even better imo....immense sound. Agree! That Confess is a scorcher!!
  12. Play a Tokyo Motor Fist song after this and the difference is huge.
  13. Just don't call it Bonfire and I'm good with that. Song isn't bad but calling it Bonfire is blasphemy!
  14. Agree. Pretty nice song kinda ruined by a weak vocal. Not bad though. Probably the best of the 3 so far.
  15. Wow.... I agree with Geoff.... again! This is a solid disc with some nice melodies but I'm 100% in agreement that it's just too damn soft. I was really hoping for a debut type album. But this kinda picks up where Down The Rabbit Hole left off. Just too much "softness" and not enough bite.
  16. Here's what John Kivel said on FB: Ok folks!!! Some news from the Kivel Records Desk!!! We’ve always prided ourselves on Quality vs Quantity. There are plenty of other outfits out there to meet that demand. We want to focus on being selective with our bands, product and sound. In order to make sure we can offer the listener the best that Kivel Records has to offer. With that said, we are happy to offer you something that is NEW to the Kivel family, while at the same time someone from our past. We always try to leave the door open for some of our artists that have moved on to other things. Life has a funny way of working out and sometimes new paths lead to previous destinations. Now before we announce “who” this is, let me preface this with, music is sometimes about channeling emotion and feelings. Which can range from happy and sad to frustration and anger. All making ingredients for an art that is driven not only by talent, but passion. So, what better name for a band than wearing two powerful emotions on it’s sleeve. So, we are happy to announce a band that we promise will not disappoint fans of arena guitar driven rock!! Ladies and Gentleman, I give you…… LOVE & REVENGE. The new band featuring Singer, Guitarist and Songwriter, Damon Kelly. The new Album KARMA is due April 4th on Kivel Records . Produced and Mixed by musical mastermind Vic Rivera. Who delivered something that is nothing sort of sonic ear candy for the lovers of this genre. Proving once again that his talent as a musician is rivaled by his abilities as a great Producer. Which he has left his distinctive sonic fingerprint on this great slab of music. Of course, when having a meeting of elements such as, songs, band and producer. You need that Guitar “Hero” to complete the equation. John Lisi is nothing short of that title, and quite deserving we might add. All these ingredients combined = arena guitar driven rock at it’s finest. Also…please note that anyone that pre ordered this release through Damon Kelly. Kivel Records will be honoring those pre orders on behalf of the band. We will unveil the artwork later today. Monday expect to hear a song sample. Including pre order details
  17. Welcome back to hell!!!!
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