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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. I wonder what the hell happened to this?? Been a year nearly and no news........... Anyone have an update???? Well, Dave is back in H.E.A.T. But I did see this on Kenny's FB page: Kenny Leckremo Yesterday at 7:04pm · it's happening. And: Kenny Leckremo its coming v soon! Spread the word! Like · Reply · 38 · Yesterday at 2:09pm
  2. Shawn Pelata out as singer of Livesay: From Shawn's FB page: It has been brought to my attention that, via a radio interview, Livesay has announced they have acquired a new singer. I have been sitting on this info for a while, but since it's out in the open now, I can confirm that I have indeed stepped down as vocalist for Livesay. Last November it had become apparent that I was simply not the right fit for their situation, so I excused myself. It was a fun, albeit short, ride and I want to thank the guys for the opportunity. They're a great band and will do great things! Go see for yourself when they take the stage with Tango Down, Loudness & Y&T at The Chance in April! Cheers! Onward and upward!
  3. I agree. The ones you like are pretty cool (besides the weaker vocals) and I agree that "Grains Of Sand" and "Concussion" are very average at best. I rated Indestructible 71% and this album got the same score 71%. Like they are treading water these last few discs. I don't hate this band (much to the chagrin of TheRocker!
  4. Here's Sean Nichol's fronting the fake RATT:
  5. Great pun!! And I agree. This appears to be their weakest disc yet. I hope the rest of the songs are better.
  6. That sounds real nice! Stoked!!
  7. Hellfire Club and Rocket Ride are by far their best. All the rest are 65% - 75% tops.
  8. Yup. Agree with that too. A friend of mine said it perfectly, "He's got a voice that will grow old real fast." He wasn't saying the dude had a bad voice. He's just saying that he couldn't listen to Steel Panther for very long because the vocals wear thin on him.
  9. Yeah I dig it but I think it's a trend. Their covers have been getting better but the albums worse! Nothing has been in the same stratosphere as "Hellfire Club" for me. A few songs here and there but nothing even close to that masterpiece.
  10. Yup. Agree with that too. A friend of mine said it perfectly, "He's got a voice that will grow old real fast."
  11. Oh man, that would be horrific. I dare someone to sit through this one. agreed!
  12. This new story makes me really excited to hear it. Especially the bold part. http://bravewords.com/news/rhino-bucket-to-release-the-last-real-rock-n-roll-album-in-april-hello-citizens-track-streaming RHINO BUCKET TO RELEASE THE LAST REAL ROCK ’N’ ROLL ALBUM IN APRIL; “HELLO CITIZENS” TRACK STREAMING Rhino Bucket will release their seventh album, The Last Real Rock ’N’ Roll, on April 21st via Acetate Records. The album track, “Hello Citizens”, is available for streaming below. "We never did a ballad. Never will," states Rhino Bucket singer/rhythm guitarist Georg Dolivo. And the dozen songs on Rhino Bucket's aptly titled seventh studio album bear witness to his statement: The dirty dozen tunes on The Last Real Rock 'N' Roll are no-holds-barred rockers boasting irresistible sing-along choruses, stellar solos, and gut-roiling rhythm section, making for riff-tastic bluesy bar-band rampage. If you don't stomp your feet to "Falling Down The Stairs" and bang your head to "The Devil You Know," check your pulse. The irresistible "Last Call" boasts stellar female backup vocals and Hammond B3 organ for a bit of a stylistic departure, which leads Dolivo to laugh, "Are we in danger of growing up?" The answer is still an emphatic NO. Rhino Bucket has lost none of the hunger, propulsion, beer drinkin' 'n' hell-raising that they began with in 1988, leading Jesse Fink, author of The Youngs: The Brothers Who Built AC/DC, to boldly state: "More than any other band, Rhino Bucket has awakened the ghost of Bon Scott. His spirit lives in their music. They're more AC/DC than AC/DC - and that's saying something." The Last Real Rock 'N' Roll was produced by Supersuckers frontman Eddie Spaghetti, who Rhino Bucket first met when the bands toured North America together in 2006. "We got to know Eddie and really got along. We had great respect for his talent, especially as a songcrafter, and when we got into the studio he was such the positive force," says Dolivo. "He really understood the band and helped us elevate the songs." The band sequestered at Studio 64 in Highland Park, CA, for about a month with Spaghetti to lay down The Last Real Rock 'N' Roll, leaving egos at the door, and turning amps up to 11. The Last Real Rock ’N’ Roll is Rhino Bucket's first album since 2011's Who's Got Mine. Featuring founding members Dolivo and bassist Reeve Downes; renowned guitarist Brian "Damage" Forsythe (of Kix fame), who's been with the Bucket for more than 15 years; and drummer, Dave DuCey, the quartet's years of road work show in the drum-tight playing and vibe. Loud, proud and unapologetic, Rhino Bucket signed with Warner Brothers/Reprise in 1989 and recorded two albums with the label. Their song "Ride With Yourself" from their second LP, Get Used To It, was featured in the hit movie Wayne's World. After parting ways with Warner Brothers, Simon Wright (AC/DC and Dio) joined the band for the next album, Pain (1994). In 1996, the band took a hiatus but roared back to life in 2001 when guitarist Brian "Damage" Forsythe of Kix joined up. The past dozen years have seen the band record the soundtrack for cult stoner film Rolling Kansas, and place songs in several movies, including “Welcome To Hell" in The Wrestler and the title track to The Outdoorsmen: Blood, Sweat and Beers. Rhino Bucket teamed up with Acetate Records in 2006 and has released three all-original albums since then: And Then It Got Ugly (2006), The Hardest Town (2009) and Who's Got Mine? (2011), along with two compilation albums, No Song Left Behind and Pain And Suffering (both 2007). The interim between Who's Got Mine? and The Last Real Rock ’N’ Roll proved fortuitous, as Dolivo explains: "Sometimes you just to wait for the stars to align. We has numerous starts and stops throughout the years, but it never felt right until we got Eddie on board and the right batch of songs to chose from." Additionally, Rhino Bucket were (and remain) in constant motion - "like 43 gigs in 46 days, with 21 in a row to start the tour. Several Monsters of Rock cruises and countless other gigs all over the world. It took a while but we didn't want to rush or push anything, the if I may be so humble, we think the results were worth waiting for." From the opening entreaty of "Hello Citizens" where Rhino Bucket urge fans to join them on their rockin' "revolution" (a call to arms in the spirit of AC/DC's "For Those About To Rock" and Cheap Trick's "Hello There"), the band rallies the troops with such relatable, irresistible rock anthems as "Last Call”, “Swing And A Miss" and "I'm Your Doctor”. While Dolivo writes a majority of the lyrics, three of the songs were co-written with original guitarist and co-founder Greg Fields, with Dolivo observing, "It was nice to combine the beginning spirit of the band with where we are now." Rhino Bucket are humbled by their faithful fans, longevity, and consistent creativity, as Dolvio concludes, "We've seen the world together and are still friends. It's a miracle, right? Brian joining the band after Greg left was a godsend, as was Dave. Musically we all have our shit down, and finally we have four guys who all have the same goal: To simply be the best Rhino Bucket that we can."
  13. Your top 4 are correct, but my order is slightly different. As much as I didn't expect it, I agree Eclipse is the best album so far, followed by TMF, Confess & Lionville. So I'm right.
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