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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. This slays the last 2 Tora Tora albums. Easily.
  2. Race The Rat. Formed in Baltimore, MD in 1991, the band played all the local scene for 2 years before calling it quits in 1993. In 2015, the band reunited after yours truly sparked their interest when posting the bands original recorded off a radio show back in 1993. After multiple lineup changes, they solidified a solid lineup and make the change from cover band to all originals. The songs have been released on a weekly basis and a CD release is possible if the interest is there. So far 7 originals have been released (1 an old redo). I would appreciate everyone's feedback: Feel The Thunder All In Or Nothing Why Do You Love Me Love Serum I Can't Talk To You Hollowman Race The Rat (original from 1992 redone) Struggles Alcohol And Idiots Make sure you check out the band here: https://racetherat.bandcamp.com
  3. Definitely a great disc from the middle on. But all of it is solid. Top 5 contender.
  4. various sources: Former Tesla guitarist Tommy Skeoch has a new band, SKIN SUIT, which are releasing their self-titled debut “Skin Suit“. Is there any reminiscence of Tommy’s previous group? While listening to it I ask myself; is this a solo album? Yes, there’s a lot of Tesla here, but that’s inevitable, this type of classic hard rock is part of Skeoch’s DNA. The stylings of Skeoch’s former band Tesla are different these days without one Skeoch in the fold. I mean this in the most flattering way possible. I felt that the band’s ‘Shock’ album last year was very well done and rocks. Where does that release sit in comparison to The Great Radio Controversy or Psychotic Supper? Well, that’s where that key ingredient that I mentioned earlier comes into play slightly. Honestly, that opinion though is not going to be pursued much further because frankly Tesla always release great music. Well, let’s go with Skin Suit’s album now. After the first track, I was completely floored. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! As I put on opener “Knocked Down”, I immediately got excited. There was that in your face guitar styling that I had been missing for years. Skeoch was always classic for the use of the whammy bar just at the right moment. It becomes apparent that Tommy Skeoch still has that killer instinct within him. As for the vocals of singer Rob McManus, it is different than Tesla singer Jeff Keith, but still gives me chills. McManus is more of an articulated, intense vocalist where Keith is more raspy and laid back, but always brings it. It’s like apples and oranges. What also stands out on this track is the use of the ride cymbal, very close to late ’80s / early ’90s Tesla albums. Next, “Dream Girl Nightmare”, again, sounds like Tommy Skeoch. Balls out everywhere. It’s like being at a nude beach. There’s nothing to hide or hold back. It’s just you and your Skin Suit. “Skin In The Game” has more of a ’70s Alice Cooper vibe to it. Skeoch starts solely playing the chords on and off as McManus makes his presence felt as the drums carry the beat in typical high-hat, snare / kick combo. The band builds up nicely leading into an infectious chorus. “Legacy” may be the closest song on the album to the classic Tesla sound. This tune has a very ‘Modern Day Cowboy’ feel to it. Tesla fans will be quite impressed. The vibe really brings you back to early days of the young band from Sacramento, California. “I Forgive You” could possibly be the hottest track on the album. This really has a Psychotic Supper vibe to it. With the band laying back in the verse allowing Rob McManus’s vocal to be executed perfectly, it also gives the song the chance to build up to the chorus. What is also obvious, is the guitar stylings of Skeoch. I think back to those old Tesla albums where Skeoch and Frank Hannon would play off of each other’s strengths. Obviously, Skeoch is doing this all on his own, but gives the perception that if done live, the band would possibly need two guitar players? What is also apparent is Skeoch’s tone. The vibrato and feel in each note is so enlightening and it really sounds like, well, Tommy Skeoch. “It’s Finished” starts off slowly with acoustic guitar and some background effects. Almost the ‘Heaven’s Trail (No Way Out)’ type of sound. This song also makes me wonder if in some ways did Skeoch have an influence on the Tesla music in terms of changing timings and feel within the song. It kind of brings me back to The Great Radio Controversy where songs like ‘Lazy Days, Crazy Nights’ or ‘Did For The Money’ really had that kind of energizing vibe. Now, I am not going to analyze every single song. I wanted to give the readership an early indication of what this album has to offer. Possibly, you’re sitting at home, on your computer, reading this very article and are wondering who or what Skin Suit really is. Well, if you are reading this, you now know in some ways. If you are like me and want to relive the early days or a continuation of what Tesla may have been had Tommy Skeoch remained in the band, this may be it. I truly admire and love Tesla for all that they do year in and year out. They are one of the true, genuine rock n’ roll bands of the ’80s generation. With all that said, who’s to say we can’t love both Tesla and Tommy Skeoch’s Skin Suit? What I take out of all this, is that in these uncertain rock n’ roll times, we are lucky enough to now get music from two great artists. I don’t see it as a competition. I see this is as artistry at its finest. What more can I say? Honestly, I can’t find anything wrong with this release. It is an in-your-face, all out hard rock album that will surely please the old Tesla fans and those who love straight ahead classic 80 / 90s oriented hard rock music.Welcome back Tommy Skeoch. Great to see you kicking ass again! Highly Recommended 01. Knocked Down 02. Dream Girl Nightmare 03. Skin In The Game 04. Legacy 05. I Forgive You 06. It’s Finished 07. Bebe 08. Fire, Dirt & Maggots 09. Other Worlds 10. Sum Yung Punk 11. Sugar Machine 12. Into The Vat / Madeira Tommy Skeoch – guitar, bass, backing vocals, percusion Rob McManus – vocals, bowed Washburn on Bebe, percusion David Parks – drums BUY IT skinsuitmusic.com/product/skin-suit-cd/
  5. Another demo from Vicious Wishes. The killer "Bullet In The Back".
  6. That was playing during your first scene with Cody in Boys Who Blow Boys Volume 6
  7. Dylan's ass has many YouTube fans. Her ass is spectacular.
  8. The album was horrible. Horrendous pile of dog doodoo if I remember right. That song above is why I bought it at the time.
  9. Total Eclipse Animal Bag Contagious (loved Larry!, the rest hideous) Green Jello
  10. Should've named this New Album - Same Producer
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