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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. As a whole, I like the debut better, but "Imaginator" contains my all-time favorite Nelson song, "Kiss Me When I Cry." Penned by Jack Ponti, that track has a super-killer chorus hook, and combined with the massive harmony vocals, results in a melodic hard rock masterpiece. :bowdown:


    Unfortunately, like most Nelson albums, this one had too many fillers and came up short in the consistency department. If you compile all the best songs off Nelson's releases, you come up with an awesome bunch of melodic hard rock tunes; the actual albums themselves are too patchy.


    Just my opinion, of course. :)

  2. Just picked up (off eBay) a DVD of an Australian western called "The Proposition" (which is having a limited theatrical run here in the States). A real grim, gritty, bloody film, with a whipping scene that is so graphically gory it might just surpass the scourging sequence from "The Passion of the Christ."

  3. HOOBASTANK: "Every Man for Himself"


    What do you think, Mark? Disappointment? I was actually expecting a pretty cool disc, even though I only liked 1 or 2 songs off the first two albums... but this really did little for me - I think it's their worst yet. They sound much worse than before, IMO, and the the crappy single sort of reflects the feel of the entire disc... IMO. :D

    Actually, I like it. I thought it'd be a little bit better, but I'm still happy with it. Not as good as their last one, but better than their debut. Really, what it boils down to is that this is just more of the same. The band hasn't evolved one iota and I think most fans of their previous releases will be content with this one. I do think the overwhelming "sameness," though, is going to hurt their sales, and nowhere on this new CD is a breakout commercial hit like "The Reason." Still, it's a keeper for me. :tumbsup:

  4. Maybe they needed Desmond Child to help them out. :P

    Much like a generous portion of chocolate syrup makes everything better (well, sex & ice cream, anyway! :) ), a liberal dose of Desmond Child's songwriting/production talents makes just about any hard rock band better. Get Tyketto to reunite and record some Desmond-penned tracks and I'd buy a copy sight-unseen, or unheard, or whatever. I responded to the news that Desmond was producing the Scorpion's next CD by doing enthusiastic cartwheels, which wasn't pretty, 'cause I wasn't wearing clothes at the time (don't ask). :anon:

  5. I feel I must have missed something with 'Miracle mile'. :( I love 'Do you know what love is', but never really got into the rest at all. Perhaps I must try again. I think 'Fire and love' and the debut are much better, IMO. :)


    Still, this was an easy vote for Adriangale. :) If only for lyrical aspect alone.

    Nah, Geoff, you didn't miss anything with "Miracle Mile"...except for some kickass hard rock!! ;) Seriously, as much as I love this album, I can admit that not every song would be considered masterful, with tracks like "Long Way Home" & "Sweet Mystery" (for example) begging for bigger hooks. But even if you want to call half this album filler (I don't, but some might), the other half is flat-out awesome. "Mr. Do Wrong," "Curiosity Killed the Cat," "You and I," & "Do You Know What Love Is"...these are all monsters in my book, and all on their own make this CD a Guardian classic. I do like "Fire & Love" a little bit better, but not by much, and quite frankly, I think the debut blows donkey dick compared to "Miracle Mile." (That's not to say I don't like the debut, because I do...just think it pales in comparison to "Miracle Mile.")


    But hey, it's your opinion and you're entitled to be wrong if you want to... :lol:


    Mediocre bands? Are you kidding? Tyketto is in no way mediocre. The Waysted cd Danny recorded is in no way mediocre. From the Inside is in no way mediocre. I can see where someone might think that some of the Vaughn songs are mediocre but after I listened to them over and over I really learned to like them also.

    Don't get me wrong I do feel like Danny could do something better with Vaughn ( something like Tyketto would be nice ) but I still enjoy everything he's released with Vaughn with Fearless being my favorite.

    Well, mediocrity is subjective. Some people think Taco Bell is the epitome of mexican food, others think it's just one step shy of dogshit. All depends on personal preference. Same goes for Tyketto--Danny Vaughn & company give MJ more pleasure than a nuclear-powered vibrator :crazy: , but when I hear the band I remain emphatically unimpressed. Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, their highly-regarded status in the melodic rock community is undeserved. There are hundreds of better bands out there, even hundreds of better mediocre (or third tier, to use Jim's phrase of choice) bands. I respect that others love Tyketto, but to me, they are boring and banal. <_<

  7. This ain't gonna be a popular statement, but here goes...I think Danny Vaughn falls into the category of "good singer wasted in mediocre bands." The boy can belt out the tunes, of that there is no doubt, but not a single project he has been involved with has been anything I would call special.


    That said (and I can hear MJ sharpening her claws and oiling the meat grinder as I speak :axe: ), I voted for Tyketto, the best of a so-so bunch.

  8. From the first bunch of options, I went with KIX: "Hotwire," 'cause it still "kix" my ass to this day. :)


    From the 2nd bunch of options, I went with SKID ROW: "Slave to the Grind," because 15 years later it still makes my stereo its bitch at least once a week. :bowdown: One of the all-time great examples of how to properly merge melody with aggessive attitude. :headbanger:

  9. Yep, "Finnish version of Guns N' Roses" pretty much perfectly sums up this band's sound. Me likey, me likey a lot. I was sampling the song "Nymphomaniac" a few days ago and even my wife admitted that it was pretty catchy, though she would've preferred less sleazy lyrical content. :) (Funny, she said the same thing about Buckcherry's "Crazy Bitch"...)

  10. Some genuine hard rock masterpieces in this poll, but to quote Highlander, "there can be only one." Well, OK, I guess you could argue that technically there can be two, since there are two polls, but it's really only one choice per poll, so there really can be only one, at least in any one poll. So maybe that means there can be two only ones...or something like that...


    Aw, screw it. I went with Blue Tears and Firehouse.

  11. In my not-so-humble opinion, "Theatre of Pain" sucks, but I will admit to liking the sappy "Home Sweet Home" (does that make me a sap for sap? :blink: ).


    For "Girls Girls Girls," the title track does it for me.


    And from "Dr. Feelgood" comes my all-time favorite Motley song, "Kickstart My Heart." Been hooked at that tune ever since I first heard that huge "Whoa! Yeah!" chorus blasting from my college room-mate's stereo. :banger:


    Let this be a lesson to grooms-to-be everywhere: Don't even TRY to influence your bride-to-be about ANYTHING relating to "her" wedding. It ain't happening. Just shut up, show up at the right time on the right day in a tuxedo, and say "Yes, I do," and that should be the extent of your participation in the wedding process. The rest is up to the bride and her mother (and 1000 pounds of bridal magazines)


    Now, now, now, you're making a broad generalization (or should I say, a generalization about broads). ;) I actually picked the colors for our wedding, as well as most of the music, which included our dance song (Shakra: "I Will Be There") as well as the song we exited down the aisle to (Signal: "What is Love"). Oh yeah, I also wrote our vows. So, you see, guys, there are gals out there who will let you be more than a passive participant in their (your) wedding. Of course, finding them gals is a whole 'nother matter, and the best one's already taken, 'cause I married her. :wub:


    Oh yeah, to stay on topic, I voted for "King of Hearts."

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