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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Keen to hear what you thought of the Teargas 'Crazy' EP?




    I thought the Teargas: "Crazy" EP was quite good, very reminscent of the sound of the last couple Def Leppard albums. Anyone looking for crisp production, catchy hooks, and generous harmony vocals would do well to pick this one up. The band lists their influences as Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, etc. and it shows.

  2. Been a couple weeks since I posted (though I visit all the time, just to keep up on the madness :D ). Here's what I've added to my collection since the last time I put fingers to keyboard...


    FINAL AXE: "Beyond Hell's Gate"

    ROOSTER: s/t


    TAINTED SOULS: "Love Hate Pain"

    TEARGAS: "Crazy"

    WASP: s/t

    WASP: "Inside the Electric Circus"

    WASP: "The Headless Children"

    KAGE: "Shadow of Faith"

    STRIP ADICKTION: "In, Out & Gone"

    MR. BIG: "Lean Into it"

    ROB ROCK: "Holy Hell"

  3. Now for the law enforcement point of view...


    Law enforcement agents are paid to protect, and that means you sacrifice a little privacy in the name of society's safety. "Why are you mailing this package over here?" is a perfectly legitimate question for a US Customs Agent to ask. Now, I don't know what his tone was, but the question itself hardly qualifies as "attitude."


    Law enforcement is an unappreciated, underpaid job. People want to bitch when someone like the Custom Agents in question pull them over and thoroughly search them, but had someone with a bomb actually slipped through the screening process and managed to blow up a building, those same people would be bitching that the Customs Agents hadn't done their job. As a Federal law enforcement agent myself, I can testify to the fact that we live with the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" point of view all the time.


    Listen, I work with 300 fellow officers, and yeah, I'll admit some of them could brush up on their people skills. But on the flipside, we constantly deal with the assholes of the world and the truth of the matter is, even law enforcement officials are human. I don't care who you are, if you spend enough time getting attitude slapped in your face, eventually you'll give some back. Most of the time you're just doing the job you're paid to do and you get static from the very people you're trying to protect.


    Sorry, Ting, but I have friends in Customs and having you stand 7 ft. away from your car with your hands out of your pockets is simply standard procedure for a vehicle search. Hands outside the pockets means you're not reaching for a weapon and 7 ft. means (theoretically) that the officers will have time to react should you attempt to assault them. And your "Canadians don't carry guns!" remark was, quite frankly, laughable. What, you have honorable criminals in Canada who abide by all the gun laws? Like the officers should have instantly trusted you simply because you were Canadian? Please...


    Folks, while I'm sure it happens on rare occasions, I have never seen a law enforcement offical who was being treated courteously by the public react with anything other than polite courtesy in return. Don't cop a 'tude and then get pissed off when an officer gives you some in return. It's called reaping what you sow.


    As always, just my two cents' worth.


    Keep the faith.


  4. Last movie I went and watched at theaters was the awesome SIN CITY.


    The last DVD I watched was DIE HARD, because my wife made the mistake of telling me she had never seen it, thus forcing me to make her sit down and immediately rectify this gross oversight. ("No fucking shit, lady! Does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza?!") Sadly, my wife said it was just "OK" and failed to see why it is considered one of the all-time great action flicks. Still, it gave me an excuse to watch it again!!! :D

  5. Some of the best CDs in the Christian hard rock/metal genre are:


    BLOODGOOD: "All Stand Together"

    THE BRAVE: "Battle Cries"

    BRIDE: "Snakes in the Playground"

    FEAR NOT: s/t

    GUARDIAN: "Fire & Love"

    GUARDIAN: "Miracle Mile"


    IDLE CURE: "Eclipse"

    IMPELLITTERI: "Crunch"

    LEGEND: s/t

    NOUVEUX: "Beginnings"

    PETRA: "Beyond Belief"

    SILOAM: "Sweet Destiny"

    STRYPER: "To Hell With the Devil"

    WHITECROSS: "High Gear"

    WHITE HEART: "Power House"


    Now, if you're looking for stuff that's a bit more obscure, try these:


    BLISSED: "Waking up the Dead"

    SCOTT BRADLEY: "In the Beginning"

    BROKEN SILENCE: "Discerning the Times"

    CHRYZTYNE: "Tales of Paradise"

    CHYLD: "Saints & Sinners"


    EDEN: "Fan the Flame"

    ELECTRIK: "Love Buzz Harmony"

    HIGH VOLTAGE: "Written in Stone"

    NINETEEN88: "The Great American Rock and Roll Spectacle"

    SANXTION: "Think About It"

    TITANIC: "Screaming in Silence"

    VU: "Just as I am"

    ZAXAS: s/t


    And last but not least, if you don't mind the modern-melodic or nu-metal stuff, these are all good purchases:


    DAY OF FIRE: s/t

    DISCIPLE: "By God"

    JONAH 33: s/t

    KUTLESS: "Sea of Faces"

    PILLAR: "Fireproof"

    SEVENTH DAY SLUMBER: "Once Upon a Shattered Life"

    THOUSAND FOOT KRUTCH: "Phenomenon"


    Hope that helps!


    Keep the faith.


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