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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Just wondering what the rarest of the rare are that none can seem to find and that everyone wants.

    Not sure about the 'everyone wants' part, but these 3 CDs have eluded me for quite some time and appear to be harder to find than a pork-chop at a Muslim convention:


    ROMEOS TEARZ: "After Dark"

    PARADISE: "Prime Cut"

    KIDD SKRUFF: "Angels With Dirty Faces"


    Almost had the Romeos Tearz once, then the seller got a better offer and bolted without so much as a 'fare thee well.' :thppt: The Paradise I've only seen once, on eBay, and it went for a small fortune that probably could've cleared up the gross national debt of some third world country. I know Jim (Patton) has the Kidd Skruff, but he's the only one I'm aware of, and extensive searching on my part has yielded exactly zilch. So, yeah, those be some elusive mothers... :doh:

  2. I have to admit. Mark, I am offended that in noting the good songs you would mention the amazing 'Wave goodbye to a friend' but fail to mention the stunning, one-of-the-best-songs-ever-recorded glory of 'Down and lonely'!!! I thought our tastes were WAY too similar for you not to notice that song.

    Sorry, Geoff, no offense intended, but the only other song off "BabyTalk" that left an impression on me was "Broken Heart Charity Ball," which I thought was a pretty decent rocker. Truth be told, I haven't heard the album in years, so perhaps I would feel more kindly towards it if I picked it up again and gave it another spin or two. For the record, I don't think it's a bad album, just nothing special. We often agree, mate (well, except when it comes to religion, ha-ha :) ) but on this one we parted company after the awesome "Wave Goodbye to a Friend."

  3. The Friction one wasn't a silver-pressed one, was it? Sorry, I haven't really followed all this sort of stuff, but that Friction album is a deadset gem of a disc. I'd love to see that one get a fully artworked and silver-pressed re-issue... f*cking sensational album which deserves a place in everyone's collection.

    While I wouldn't mind seeing Retrospect give Friction a proper silver-pressed reissue, I have to say I don't understand all the hype/demand for the band. Aside from "Wave Goodbye to a Friend" (phenomenal ballad!), there's nothing on this CD that would make me call it a "deadset gem" (sorry, Geoff!!). Previously-mentioned ballad aside, Friction sounds like a whole bunch of formulaic early Bon Jovi B-sides. Nothing really wrong with it, but "f*cking sensational" it is not. Then again, what would you expect from someone who thought The Used: "In Love & Death" was a good album? :lol: (Sorry, Geoff, couldn't resist, but you know I jest, mate!) :drink:

  4. Looks like I'm the first whuss to choose 'Bringin' on the heartbreak'. Love that tune... the only one off this disc that ever made it onto any compilations/my Ipod. Not to say it's not a very good disc... but only that one tune really gets me. :)

    You're not alone, my friend. "Bringin' on the Heartbreak" is not only the song I voted for, but the only song from this album I like. The others aren't bad, mind you, but nothing special as far as I'm concerned. I know this ain't a popular position (at least on this thread) but I'll take "Hysteria" or "Adrenalize" over "High & Dry" by a long shot. You want some real blasphemy? I'll listen to "X" before I'll listen to "High & Dry." (Please don't hate me...I'm such a sensitive soul. :unsure: )


    I've been using X as a beer coaster for the last few years.

    Well, good news, my friend, you'll finally be able to give that beer coaster a rest, because there's a new beer coaster coming out next month. It's called Winger: "IV." :lol:

  5. Looks like I'm the first whuss to choose 'Bringin' on the heartbreak'. Love that tune... the only one off this disc that ever made it onto any compilations/my Ipod. Not to say it's not a very good disc... but only that one tune really gets me. :)

    You're not alone, my friend. "Bringin' on the Heartbreak" is not only the song I voted for, but the only song from this album I like. The others aren't bad, mind you, but nothing special as far as I'm concerned. I know this ain't a popular position (at least on this thread) but I'll take "Hysteria" or "Adrenalize" over "High & Dry" by a long shot. You want some real blasphemy? I'll listen to "X" before I'll listen to "High & Dry." (Please don't hate me...I'm such a sensitive soul. :unsure: )

  6. I don't know why some spend so much time worring about whether its original or authorized release by band. I feel if the band cared they would have kept it alive themselves. Are they making money from it? Would they be either way? If they're not trying to sell it themselves(no money), then what the hell's the difference whether someone else is? People PleasE!!!!!!!! Dont give me that shit about them losing money or it wasn't authorized as I could care less.

    Personally, I have no beef with Retrospect Records, as I have heard lots of accusations about them bootlegging, but precious little proof, and they seem to be making a serious attempt to establish themselves as a legitimate label.


    But the mentality hardrock80s exhibits leaves a bad taste in my mouth that has nothing to do with last night's beer & pizza. Just because a band doesn't want to try to sell their music themselves doesn't give anyone else the right to steal it, bootleg it, and profit from it.


    Consider this: some of you know I am a writer, and for the record, I have sold some short stories and poetry to various magazines, but I still have literally dozens of unsold novels, screenplays, poems, etc. that I have not even attempted to sell. So, hardrock80s, am I to assume that simply because I am not profiting from what I have written, you have the right to take my creative property without my knowledge/permission, make copies, and sell them? That's called theft, and it applies to music just as much as it does to anything else.


    I could ramble on, but I'll get off my soapbox now, as I believe my point has been made, whether you agree with it or not. :soapbox:

  7. Seriously, I think I would rather listen to "Hollyweird" than this bluesy misfire.


    Wow mate, purely looking out for your best interests I'd have to advise you to take another listen. As our tastes are often quite similar I'd be really surprised if you didn't enjoy 'Theatre of soul', 'Fire and ice', 'Blind faith', 'Ride child ride' etc. How long since you heard it last? You'd prefer 'Hollyweird'? *shudder*

    Sorry, Geoff, but I can't listen to "Native Tongue" again because I jettisoned the CD in my last round of "cleaning house." For the record, I do not hate "Native Tongue," but I do not think it's their best work nor do I think it was the best way for the band to follow up the awesome "Flesh & Blood." I'm not saying "Hollyweird" is any kind of masterpiece, because it's not, but I don't despise it the way some Poison fans do. On this one, we'll just have to agree to disagree. :)

  8. Local video store was having a 3-for-$25 sale on used DVDs, so I picked up...


    THE HILLS HAVE EYES (2006/Unrated version)--fantastic hardcore horror movie.

    DEATH TUNNEL--stylish as hell, but let down by a terrible ending.

    WOLF CREEK (Unrated)--just wanted to see if the unrated cut is any better than the R-rated one.

  9. Not really a fan of this album (not even sure I own it anymore), but my vote went to "Seven Days Over You," the best of a not-so-great bunch of songs. Seriously, I think I would rather listen to "Hollyweird" than this bluesy misfire. :anon: (I can hear all your boos and hisses now and want you to know that while your caustic cut-downs wound me, my eyes shall remain free of tears.) :crying:

  10. Sound clips (that include the chorus) are the only way to go. It's been years since I bought a CD without hearing a sample first. While I personally haven't purchased anything from Retrospect, I have listened to most of their samples and jotted down Roxy Lane and Shake City as bands I want to pick up at some point in time (building a new house has left my disposable income somewhere south of zero).


    So, to sum things up, gotta have the clips. :)

  11. I've bought this CD at least 3 times over the years and always end up getting rid of it. Got some good songs on it, but at least half the album is piss-poor in my opinion. I could have voted "good," but I thought that was giving them more credit than they deserved; however, they don't deserve a "bad" vote, so I went with the 3rd option.

  12. I used to sell CDs on eBay more frequently than I do now, but it's been months since I listed anything, since building a new house takes up all my free time. However, someday I will be living in the new house instead of building it, and at that point I will jump back into the eBay game, and ye shall know me by my name, which is...wait for it...metalmaniac777. Yep, same as here.


    As a sidenote, anybody thinking about building a house themselves...don't. :doh:


    As another sidenote, anybody who wants to come to upstate New York and help hang sheetrock, I've got beer, and I know lots of you like beer because somewhere I've seen a thread to that effect. :P Of course, I promise all the music blasting from the boom-box will be HH-approved. (Sorry, that means no Candlebox. :lol: )

  13. It's time to add some positive and factual info about RR on this forum so...



    As posted on the Rock Report forum....


    "My name is Mark Matthews, I play bass & sing in Defcon. I would just like to say that my experience with Sam & Retrospect has been awesome. Who would figure 15 years later this stuff would see the light of day again. The progressing success of Defcon (because of Retrospect) has coaxed us into a possible reunion and maybe some new material. The 2nd release will include better packaging, pics, lyrics, & some rare live material. You can get more band info at myspace/defconrocks. Hats off and much appreciation to Sam and Retrospect Records!!! "


    'nuff said.


    All I'm saying is instead of the above, how about this...


    As posted on the Rock Report forum....


    "My name is Mark Matthews, I play bass & sing in Defcon. I would just like to say that my experience with Sam & Retrospect has been awesome. Who would figure 15 years later this stuff would see the light of day again. The progressing success of Defcon (because of Retrospect) has coaxed us into a possible reunion and maybe some new material. The 2nd release will include better packaging, pics, lyrics, & some rare live material. You can get more band info at myspace/defconrocks. Hats off and much appreciation to Sam and Retrospect Records!!! "


    Reads a bit different, don't it?

    I see Chocularok's point. It's a matter of "tone." No, 80sMetalCollector (who, for the record, I have no beef with) did not exactly say anything to pick a fight, but by opening his posting with "time to add some positive and factual info about RR on this forum," he basically insinuated that all anyone does is speak negatively and tell lies about Retrospect Records. Yes, that does happen, but I've read plenty of praise for Retrospect as well, so yeah, 80sMetalCollector's initial posting does come across as a tad antagonistic. Maybe that's not what he meant to do, but as Chocularok pointed out, simply posting Mark Matthews' comments would have sufficed and not been remotely misconstrued.

  14. They're suited for either site (and that's the way I voted), but if they can only be added to one of the sites, I think Heavy Harmonies should be their home. Yeah, they're heavy, but they're also very, very melodic. Heck, we've got Sinner on HH, and personally I think they're heavier than Lordi.



    Ugh. Even if you're a diehard fan of zombie movies, avoid this low-budget hunk of junk, which had a cool premise but terrible execution. Seriously, I would rather let a real zombie gnaw my nads off with its bare teeth than suffer through this tripe again. Bad, bad movie.

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