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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. OK, I admit my curiosity is piqued. A seller on eBay, Hellbilly82, is selling an Anxiety: "If I Were" CD and he "borrowed," word for word, my review of the CD from the Comments section of this site to use in his auction description. Here's a link to my review (I'm M. Allen, BTW)...


    Anxiety Review....


    ...and here's a link to the auction:


    Anxiety eBay auction


    I'm not really mad--imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? RIGHT??--but I am curious to know who bootlegged my review. It's obvious someone familiar with this site...anybody know who it is? Anybody want to 'fess up? :P Enquiring--and curious--minds want to know.

  2. "Saints and Sinners" is not only the best Kane Roberts album, it's one of the best melodic hard rock albums of all time. Easily one of my top ten favorite CDs. Perfect in every way. And I do mean perfect...every song is great. Sure, some are better than others, but any song, taken on its own, is simply fantastic.


    My favorite song was, is, and I believe always shall be "Does Anybody Really Fall in Love Anymore."


    As for the debut...well, I no longer own it, and it's been so long since I heard it that I don't really remember the songs, so I chose not to vote.

  3. Loser number 1:


    His name is Jamie Levine from NJ. His present Ebay ID (he has had many) is 0313ja. This guy is real dumb, he bid on the tape, retracts his bid of 100$, because he says he bid the wrong amount. OK so far, yet he then comes back the next day and bids again for 125$. Knowing I would not get paid, I cancelled his second bid and blocked him. He loves to bid on KISS and Philadelphia Eagles memorabilia, so be on alert.

    Guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Mr. Levine (aka 0313ja) recently won a Blonz CD I put on eBay and paid promptly, no problems. Then again, the CD was only $1.00, so maybe he could actually afford that purchase... <_<

  4. A poll of one of the greatest, most-consistent melodic hard rock bands on the planet? Sweeeeeeeeeeet!! :banana: Not really a fan of their very early stuff, but from "Jump the Gun" on, they have never released a bad album, may even be genetically incapable of releasing a bad album, something buried in their DNA literally blocking such a travesty from ever occuring. Sure, "Planet Panic" is the worst of their more recent output, but as Geoff pointed out, it hardly qualifies as "bad." Every CD has had some pure gems, and in their prime ("Sin Decade," "Scream," "Spooked"), nearly ever song they released was a gem.


    Tough choice between the three I just mentioned, but I voted for "Sin Decade," which pretty much encompasses everything I love about melodic hard rock/metal. But if it's better than "Scream" or "Spooked," it's by nothing more than the skin of its teeth. Few and far between are the bands that can find the balance between rocking hard and maintaining real melody, but Pretty Maids seems to pull it off effortlessly.


    Great band, great poll. :headbanger:

  5. Not saying this guy is a good or bad buyer (though I can tell you which way I'm leaning), just wondering if anybody has heard of him or dealt with him or knows anything about him. After posting my last update (The Metal Sanctuary), he immediately emailed me asking for some CDs and stated he would pay immediately. I sent him the total...then waited 4 days, at which time I emailed him asking if he still wanted the CDs. At this point he said he would pay on 12/28, over a week away at the time, but I agreed. On 12/28 he emailed me and said he would pay within 24 hours. It is now 12/30 and I have received no payment.


    For the record, I emailed him and told him he had until tomorrow to pay me or I would offer the CDs to others who were interested or put them on eBay. So, I'm not really asking for advice on how to handle the guy, just basically wondering who has any information on him. I'm curious if anyone else has crossed his path and how their experience turned out.

  6. Other... 'Silent night, deadly night II'. :lol:

    The first "Silent Night, Deadly Night" is an 80s slasher classic, despite all the negative publicity it received. I always dig out my VHS tape this time of year and throw it in the old VCR. Watching crazy Billy in his Santa suit lopping heads off with that axe while screaming "Naughty!" just brings a warm, fuzzy glow to the cockles of my heart.


    Let's not forget Linnea Quigley being impaled on the deer antlers!

    There were deer antlers in that scene? All I remember are those jiggling norks!! :tits:

  7. Other... 'Silent night, deadly night II'. :lol:

    The first "Silent Night, Deadly Night" is an 80s slasher classic, despite all the negative publicity it received. I always dig out my VHS tape this time of year and throw it in the old VCR. Watching crazy Billy in his Santa suit lopping heads off with that axe while screaming "Naughty!" just brings a warm, fuzzy glow to the cockles of my heart.

  8. Keel: "The Right to Rock" is not a perfect album by any means (that didn't happen until their self-titled release), but I still voted for it, mainly for nostalgic reasons. In the late 80s, the song "Right to rock" was one of my favorite anthems, and I wore out countless tapes playing it ad nauseum, until even my best friends refused to ride in my car for fear of having to listen to the song again. (At least that's what they said...personally, I think they were scared of my driving.)


    For the second half of the poll, it was a no-brainer--STRYPER: "Soldiers Under Command." Their next album, "To Hell With the Devil," put them on the mainstream map, but it was "Soldiers..." that cemented their place as the leaders of the Christian glam/hair-metal movement. Love that CD.

  9. Pretty much a pitch-perfect melodic rock album. For the purposes of this poll, I picked "With a Little Love," but I probably could have randomly selected any song and at some point in time it was my favorite. One of the few CDs I own that gets played at least once a week, sometimes more. As I noted in the "Mood Swings" poll, I think "Mood Swings" has some better songs, but in terms of overall quality (i.e., no fillers), the debut takes the cake. A melodic rock masterpiece if ever there was one.

  10. I thought this disc was phenomenal!

    Yeah, me to...phenomenally boring. -_- Given how much most melodic hard rock fans like this, I guess my ears just hear something different. "Wave Goodbye to a Friend" is absolutely awesome, the rest is a bunch of dull, derivative Bon Jovi b-sides. The only reason I would pay more than $25 for it would be so I could turn around and sell it and use the money to buy a whole shitload of CDs actually worth listening to. :lol:

  11. Personally, I've never had a problem with Ryan or Metal Mayhem, but a few years back I did witness some downright nasty, obnoxious, and completely unprofessional behavior on his brother Chris's part, directed toward my brother. The story goes a little something like this:


    My brother buys a Metal Mayhem release off eBay, pays for it promptly, and then waits for it to arrive. A week goes by, no CD, so he sends an email.


    Chris' (Ryan's brother) reply: "Sorry, busy week, forgot to mail it. Will get it out to you today."


    My brother waits another week, still no CD, so sends another email.


    Chris' reply: "Impatient little prick, aren't you? If you're in such a fucking hurry to get your CD, you should have bought it from somewhere else. It's just one CD, hardly worth our time. Little fish like you piss me off. Still, to make you go away, I'll mail your CD out today, I promise."


    Now, admittedly, at this point my brother gets hot, and resorts to a profanity-riddled email telling Chris/Metal Mayhem to send him the CD or else.


    Chris' reply: "Fuck you, asshole. I'll send it when I'm goddamn good and ready. Or maybe I won't send it at all. Serve you right for crying like a little bitch. How'd you like that, huh? I take your money and you don't get a CD. Serve you right, fucker."


    Things deteriorated into back-and-forth "fuck you" emails until the CD finally showed up in the mail, nearly a month after my brother purchased it. Chris then sent a final email to my brother telling him to never order from Metal Mayhem again. Needless to say, my brother had no intention of doing so, and to this day badmouths Metal Mayhem to anyone who will listen to him. :angry:


    Since it's my brother we're talking about here, I admit to being biased, but delayed shipping, broken promises, childish threats, and foul language are not exactly professional methods of running a business. Not sure what made Chris act that way, but even though I still buy from them occasionally, that incident has always left me a little sour.

  12. TAMARA


    Direct-to-video horror movie about a geeky highschool girl who gets accidentally killed during a cruel prank and then rises from the dead as a gorgeous hottie to take revenge on her killers. It had potential, but in the end it was just pretty blah...though the scene in which the hottie makes one of her tormentors slice off his ear, cut out his tongue, and then stab his eye out with an X-Acto knife was pretty amusing...if you're into that sort of gory hardcore horror. The squimish need not apply. :puke:

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