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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. If I don't like beer, can I still post in this thread, or do I have to start another thread called "I Don't Like Beer: There, I Said It"?


    Seriously, just not a fan of the stuff. It's not that I won't drink one to be sociable, but I'd much rather have a Pepsi or Mountain Dew, quite frankly. Needless to say, I had a lot of friends in college, and they all called me by my nickname--Designated Driver. -_-

  2. Dunno if it's a case of getting it before anyone else, there's just some CD's that you just can't wait to hear.

    That's what I meant by "get it before anyone else." I don't really care if someone hears a CD before me, but when I'm really looking forward to a CD, I want it as soon as possible, and in the case of the D2: "Four the Hard Way" album, the band promised I would have it "weeks before it hits stores" if I would just preorder it. Instead, everybody and their brother owned the CD a month and a half before I gots mine. :angry: Luckily, it was well worth the wait. But I certainly learned my lesson about preordering.

  3. I see AOR Heaven in Germany has them, but we who preordered months ago are still waiting.

    I learned my lesson regarding preordering way back in the 90s when D2: "Four the Hard Way" was released. Excited as a virgin on his wedding night, I preordered the thing directly from the band, lured there by the promise of saving a few bucks, getting it before anyone else, and receiving an autographed photo of the band. Well, I kid you not, I didn't receive my copy in the mail until the CD had been available everywhere else for at least 6 wks. I did save a few bucks, but I sure as monkey stink didn't get it before anyone else, and the photo they sent didn't have a single autograph on it. When I complained, Ted Poley responsed, "Sorry, we were out on the road and unable to ship the preorders." Nice, real nice. That was the last time I preordered anything. I now avoid it like gay hermaphroditic porn... :butt:

  4. Bought SHOOTER on DVD yesterday. Best pure action movie of '07, if you ask me. It's loosely based on Stephen Hunter's (one of my favorite authors) novel "Point of Impact" and features a likeable but no-nonsense hero named Swagger wrongly accused and kicking all sorts of ass and creating all kinds of carnage. Even better, this hasn't been wussified for the teen crowd; it's a hard-hitting R-rated filck with plenty of graphic gunshots (Swagger is a master sniper) and blood-spurting mayhem. So, to sum it all up, if you like bloody, hard-hitting, revenge-fueled action films, SHOOTER will probably quickly take a place among your favorites.

  5. Holy crapola, this is bad. :thppt: Any self-respecting Poison fan should avoid this like Rosie O'Donnell avoids Slim Fast. After the much-loathed "Hollyweird" album, Poison needed to come back with a vengeance and knock one out of the park in order to win back--and retain--their fan base. Whatever idiot told them that a covers album was the way to go should be immediately terminated and never allowed to dispense music advice ever again.

  6. I voted for "Master of Disguise," but in all honesty, this band just never grabbed me. Just something missing that I can't quite put my finger on. All the ingredients are there, but somehow the whole is less than the sum of its parts. But hey, that's just me, and while I don't love 'em, I certainly don't hate 'em either. When I hear them playing, I don't grumble in disgust, but neither do I beg for the volume to be turned up.


    I guess ambivalent is the word I'm looking for... -_-

  7. Barren Cross came along at a time when Stryper was known as the heaviest band in Christian rock...and completely stole the title with their thundering guitars and heavy-metal riffs, not to mention the distinct powerhouse vocals of Mike Lee.


    "Atomic Arena" is easily the best of the bunch, but I like all their CDs. Still, for heavy production and killer crunch, you can't beat "Atomic." All too often back in the 80s Christian metal was viewed (often rightly so) as an inferior product, but Barren Cross showed they could rock with the best of 'em.

    Heaviest band in Christian Rock? I have to disagree with you on that. Listen to Mortification or Deliverence sometime...now those bands are pretty damn heavy...

    I'm not saying Barren Cross is the heaviest Christian metal band of all time, but they were pretty much the heaviest thing around when they hit the scene in '86. Sorry if my original post was confusing...as you pointed out, groups like Mortification, Deliverance, Vengeance Rising, etc. came along shortly after Barren Cross and completely crushed them in the heaviness department (though I still think Barren Cross is better than all of them combined), but when they first emerged, make no mistake, Barren Cross was the hardest rocking juggernaut that Christian music had ever seen/heard.

  8. Barren Cross came along at a time when Stryper was known as the heaviest band in Christian rock...and completely stole the title with their thundering guitars and heavy-metal riffs, not to mention the distinct powerhouse vocals of Mike Lee. Barren Cross delivered the goods for Christian headbangers the way Stryper had delivered the goods for Christian hair-metalers.


    "Atomic Arena" is easily the best of the bunch, but I like all their CDs. Still, for heavy production and killer crunch, you can't beat "Atomic." Still not exactly sure what they were trying to accomplish with their head-scratching reunion album ("Rattle Your Cage") but even that has grown on me over the years. All too often back in the 80s Christian metal was viewed (often rightly so) as an inferior product, but Barren Cross showed they could rock with the best of 'em.

  9. My local movie store was having a blow-out sale on used DVDs, so I picked up...


    SMOKIN' ACES (flashy, violent action-crime-thriller...Tarintino would be proud)

    THE DESCENT (awesome horror movie, a must-see)

    CRANK (one insanely wild action flick)

    SNAKES ON A PLANE (I thought it was fun times, but nothing special)

  10. Having recently found my interest turning a little toward the heavier stuff, not too long ago I perused the entire Testament catalog (the only other time I had bothered listening to them was years ago, when my tastes were decidely more melodic) and ended up impressed by a few of their albums: "Practice What You Preach," "Souls of Black," and "Low." Of those 3 keepers, "Low" is far and away their best, so that's where my vote went. (As a sidenote, there are good songs on "Ritual" and "Gathering," but not enough to make them keepers in my book.)

  11. In my opinion, this is a very underated band and release.

    I agree. Still remember picking this up in a Florida pawn shop based solely on the band photo on the back and hearing "Angel in Black" for the first time. Blown away was the only way to describe me at that particular moment in time. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I found out the rest of the songs weren't quite as good as that opening anthem, but were still quite excellent nonetheless. Only song I don't like is "Freight Train Rollin'."

  12. Wow, apparently I'm the only one 'round these parts who prefers Accept's heavier 90s output than their early stuff. Just never could get into them during their 80s heyday, not even their so-called classic "Balls to the Wall" album.


    I voted for "Objection Overruled." "Death Row" and "Predator" also slammed it home good, hard, & heavy. (Which, incidentally, is also what my wife said about me last night... :banana: )

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