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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Happy happy birthday May all your dreams come true I celebrate your birthday, So I can party, too!
  2. MySpace is still a thing? Who knew? I know, right?
  3. You've been creeping for 8 years?! You should have no problem fitting in, then.
  4. I second that! Not my childhood, but I concur.
  5. The Infinite ORDER - Living Sacrifice
  6. Sing a SONG - Earth, Wind, & Fire
  7. Drowning in Pinwheels (feat. Bed of Stars) - IG88
  8. You ain't never lie. I haven't even given Geoff's attempt a listen, but I know it won't hold a candle to this.
  9. I'll probably watch it. It won't even touch the original, but it should be a decent action flick. Story looks like shit, though.
  10. Stryper - Second Coming Rhapsody of Fire - Triumph or Agony
  11. LOVE's Worth Fighting For - Mariah
  12. Rain of a Thousand FLAMES - Rhapsody
  13. Superb film ... as is the second one ... Agreed, although I'm in a very small minority as I prefer the first one. A lot of people say the sequel is better, but for me the original is the best; such a classic. If I recall correctly, I would have to agree with you.
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