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Posts posted by Grey

  1. As a polar opposite of my other thread about great releases from bands you don't like. I have this topic, terrible or weak albums from bands you love.


    Danger Danger - Dawn (grunge shit! Just a terrible release)


    Harem Scarem - Voice Of Reason (way too dark and short on melodies and hooks)


    Not their best work, but you'll find my favorite track from each of those bands on those CDs - "Nobody Cares" and "Necessary Evil".


    I thought about starting a "Killer Songs on Sucky Albums" thread to mirror the other one with mentions of albums like those, but was kinda afraid of the replies I'd get.

  2. Honeymoon Suite - The Big Prize

    Loverboy - Just Gettin Started (much prefer this to their other albums which I don't even own)


    Another vote for each of those. I'll add:


    Bulletboys - Bulletboys

    Cinderella - Long Cold Winter

    Deep Purple - Slaves and Masters

    Dirty Looks - Five Easy Pieces

    Jackyl - Jackyl

    Little Caesar - Little Caesar

    Queensryche - Empire

    Slaughter - Stick it to Ya


    I'm sorry, we're gonna have to ask you to leave.





    To be fair, it's only Queensryche that I found truly shocking in that list. I can kind of sympathise with the Cinderella reference, as although I like the band, I do think 'Long Cold Winter' is massively better than anything else they've released. But there are plenty of decent songs spread across their other albums.


    I guess that's pretty much what I was saying. Without the albums I mentioned, I'd consider any of those bands average at best. Aside from one or two tracks here and there, they never did anything else that measured up to what I listed.


    As for Queensryche, I was never a fan of their style. It's only because the "Empire" CD got so much airplay, the songs eventually grew on me.

  3. Honeymoon Suite - The Big Prize

    Loverboy - Just Gettin Started (much prefer this to their other albums which I don't even own)


    Another vote for each of those. I'll add:


    Bulletboys - Bulletboys

    Cinderella - Long Cold Winter

    Deep Purple - Slaves and Masters

    Dirty Looks - Five Easy Pieces

    Jackyl - Jackyl

    Little Caesar - Little Caesar

    Queensryche - Empire

    Slaughter - Stick it to Ya

  4. I enjoy it mostly for the subtle '80s pop culture references.


    The new episode might have been better if I could remember what had happened in Part 1, other than Henry getting shot. That was almost a year in between episodes.

  5. If anyone's interested my username is ovalseven. Just put this in the search field: spotify:user:ovalseven


    Most of my collection is Modern Rock in the style of Hinder or Daughtry, some Hard Rock and the occasional Country tune. AOR is ok as long as it's not heavy on the keyboards or Hallmark card lyrics.


    As an example, here's what's new to my collection in 2013: http://open.spotify....HbpfI99YoVRo5xr

  6. Also, what's up with the stigma around LGBT people here? Queer is a reclaimed slur and you have no right to use it. Sometimes being a gay metal fan sucks, even as a woman. My identity is the first insult people use.What about Rob Halford? He started your leather and spikes look because he was gay and into S&M!


    Sometimes being a straight metal fan sucks, even as a man. What's your point?

  7. All of that time spent in the legendary Abbey Road Studio and they come up with an album that sounds completely dull and lifeless - complete with distortion on the low end and absolutely nothing on the high end. I've heard garage recordings that sounded better than this. WTF?


    Sorry, but audio quality plays a big part in my ability to enjoy music. Wolfgang Puck's food might be delicious, but I'm not enjoying it if it's served on a toilet seat.


    I can't even find anything worth posting, so here's a random track:




    I loved the last 3 albums, but this one is garbage. My most anticipated release will no doubt be my biggest disappointment this year. Has anyone else heard this? What do you think?



  8. I use it but hate that it continually wants to link to Facebook. Really annoying sometimes.


    Still it is a brilliant source for music so can't complain too much.


    Spotify no longer requires a Facebook account. You can sign up with nothing more than an email address.

  9. Just looking at Amazon, though, I wouldn't trust buying the CD from the site directly - that looks like a CDR. I got mine from a seller on amazon, who doesn't seem to have another copy listed. Looks like the CD is hard as f*ck to obtain. :(


    I just got mine from Amazon. It came in a jewel case with nothing but front cover art and the track list. This is most likely a CD-R, but it appears to be a high quality one with a professional-looking label like you'd find on any other retail CD. I can't complain. I got it because it was only $2 more than the digital download and I prefer to have my own lossless source so I can encode my own mp3s.

  10. I really wish more people here used this. It's now completely free in the U.S. (you just have to tolerate an occasional commercial), and I've been able to find pretty much every band mentioned in these forums. It would be cool to get some playlists from the guys here that like the same stuff I do.

  11. I have iTunes so it's not a problem for me. Not sure if they made physical copies of the new disc.


    I asked the band. Here's their reply:


    Available on Google Play and Spotify. You can also purchase the old cd "The Cover-Up" from our online store and we'll throw in copy of "Down Here" for free!


    Also worth noting: The track list above includes two different EPs with two different lead singers. Only the first 6 of that list are from "Down Here".


    The other 6 tracks from their first EP can be heard here:

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