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Posts posted by Grey

  1. Though nowhere near a huge KISS fan I find this release to be decent. If I had to pick a favorite KISS release, strangely enough, it might be "Lick It Up". Not popular among KISS fans V.Vincent would be my favorite guitarist in KISS.


    My fav KISS CD too. It's even got my favorite KISS track, "All Hell's Breakin' Loose" and my fav KISS ballad, "A Million to One".

  2. Now that you mention it, it does kinda sound like Skynyrd. My first thought was Pink Floyd as it reminds me of the solo in "Young Lust".


    Whatever it is, it sound pretty damn cool to me. Too bad there's no way to contact whoever posted that to find out if he ever figured it out.

  3. Hungry Like The Wolf - Guild Of Ages - cover of Duran Duran


    I love the cover. I'm loving the rest of the CD too. I found some hq samples onlne. I'd never heard of these guys before.


    Amazon has the CD for $4. Cool.


    I'd forgot about Thunder's "Gimme Some Lovin'". Got that in my collection too. Though, I'm partial to Great White's version of it.

  4. Has anyone else heard this yet? What do you think?


    I stumbled across this one last night while bored and browsing for new music, and I'm very impressed. They have a sound much like like Krokus, and this will easily be my 2nd favorite CD of 2010 so far - right behind Hoodoo. They're all good, but "Black Clouds" is my favorite track at the moment.


    Sound samples are available at the record label's website: http://www.escape-music.com/ESM205.htm


    Any other bands that sound like this?

  5. So the only way this could possibly be called a good-sounding album is if you only buy Frontiers (or modern AOR/MHR albums) - by which standards it's pretty okay. By anyone else's standards, in 2010, this is a gutless-sounding poorly-mixed disaster. Not suggesting I'd like it a ton more if it sounded as punchy as "Tough It Out" - but it shouldn't be too hard to better the sound quality of a 20 year-old album. Seriously, why can't people record albums properly these days, when studio techniques ought to be so much better? I listen to this back-to-back with STORY OF THE YEAR or TREAT's new albums & they totally blow it away (sound-wise). Outside of this, I pretty much agree with Geoff's rundown of the tracks above - apart from "Wildside" which I really dislike...


    I have to agree with you completely on this. This CD is definitely a casualty of loudness war. As far as audio quality goes, it sounds awful. I spent as much time playing with the EQ as I did listening to the disc - just attempting to minimize the distortion.


    It's a real shame too, because this CD has some otherwise really good material on it.

  6. Could it be one of thaose songs written by an independent writer and bought/recorded by both artists? Kind of like KISS, Ace Frehley and some female singer all did with the song "Hide Your Heart"


    You mean Molly Hatchet?


    Or Desmond Child, Paul Stanley and Holly Knight maybe ;)

    Hehe your all wrong...I had to cheat and look it up to refresh my memory but it was Bonnie Tyler I was thinking of...among many others apparently. :bananamac:


    I'd forgotten that Holly Knight co-wrote that. I never knew Bonnie Tyler recorded it as well. I knew Molly Hatchet did, and I should know that nobody here would mistake that name for a woman.

  7. I really want to pick this one up, but I'm worried about the packaging. Yes, the packaging.


    I'm a REALLY anal collector, and these new cardboard sleeves (not a standard digipack with a jewel case type tray) destroy CD's. No, they don't render them unplayable, but they scratch the hell out of them, and that won't do for me.


    I looked at this set yesterday and it appears the discs are shoved right into the cardboard case (very similar to the latest Foreigner set) with absolutely no protection (like a record without a sleeve). Am I correct?


    Right now I have only the digital-download version, and don't have a physical copy yet. I'm sure you're right though. The 2 CDs come with a 68-page book which wouldn't fit in a standard jewel case or digipak.


    I hate those cardboard sleeves too.

  8. I'm really surprised more people here aren't interested in this one. Ok, if you don't like the vocals, but this one has 7 good instrumentals that sound just like Savatage- one of them being a cool cover of Emerson, Lake & Palmer's "Nutrocker" and features Greg Lake on bass.


    They also cover Savatage's "Believe" - much like they covered "Back to a Reason" on the last Christmas CD. It's good, but I'll stick with the original.


    This is easily my favorite Hard Rock CD of '09.

  9. I'm a big Savatage fan, especially with Zak Stevens on vox. I've owned at one point every TSO release, however I never really got into them and got rid of them. The music is generally fantastic, however the singers are usually not cohesive with the music being played. For example the first track ''Sparks'' has a cool lick, however the singer sounds like a cross between Joe Cocker and Barry White. I really don't think I could get into this one as well. Please bring back Savatage between 1989 (Gutter Ballet) to 1998 (The Wake Of Magellan), I really miss that era of Savatage music.


    Agree with you on the vocals. I'd love another Savatage CD in that style with Stevens on vocals. Some of TSO just sounds like Hard Rock show tunes. A couple are good, but I'll pass on most of 'em.


    I just listened to the whole Night Castle CD. If you're not into the vocals, this has some damn good instrumentals on it. A few of those sound similar to what you'd find on Wake of Magellan, Dead Winter Dead, or Beethoven's Last Night.


    I was a bit disappointed the Oliva didn't do any vocals on this one like he did on Beethoven's Last Night.

  10. FUCK!

    They reissued THE ROCKETS? :guitbannana:

    It better be silver pressed or there will be one pissed off Junky.


    I'm sorry I wasted my money on that one. The sound is flat, over-filtered and clipped. It has all the telltale signs of being from a vinyl source.


    My own vinyl rips of those two albums sound much better. I'll keep listening to those.

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