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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. No no no NO NO!!!! I LOVED the Crow!! Well at least the first one with Brandon Lee?? After that they pretty much suck, SO I can only conclude this re-boot, without Brandon Lee, will indeed.. SUCK!!!!
  2. Django Unchained If you like Quentin Tarantino movies?? you will LOVE this!! I really enjoyed it!! Violent, bloody and just a great movie!!
  3. One of the funniest movies I have EVER seen!!!! :rofl2: :rofl2:
  4. I agree.. His last album I really enjoyed?? Was Waking Up the Neighbors from back in like 1992?? Makes three of us.. I like his earlier work better. I haven't heard any of his current stuff.. When I saw him in concert back in 2005?? He played one of His new songs, Room Service?? It's not bad, but yea I prefer His older stuff.... Have a listen....
  5. I agree.. His last album I really enjoyed?? Was Waking Up the Neighbors from back in like 1992??
  6. Here's a few more videos.. Cause for some reason you can only post 5 per post???
  7. Been listening to Him a bit lately and was wondering.. Any other Bryan Adams fans on here??? [/img] [media] Sorry No ballads...I heard the ballad from that Robin Hood movie TOO DAMN MANY TIMES!!! Oh and I did see Him live back in 2005 with Def Leppard?? Pretty good show actually.. They were co-headlining?? Trading off every few weeks as to who would play first?? I am just SO Glad Bryan Adams played first?? OR after Def Leppard, there would be ALOT less fans there for Him!!
  8. Oh Man I forgot about that show!! Holy shit it was AWESOME!! 20+ years later, whenever I think back to that show I *still* get a six foot erection with a cheeseburger on the end of it Yea I bet you do Man!!! Hell I still bust out that Ghost in the Ruins live CD and play the few tunes recorded at that show and was like I was there!!!! I also remember how absolutely EXHAUSTED We were by the time Savatage played Hall of the Mountain King!! Still one of the BEST shows I have ever seen!!
  9. Educate Yourself Man..... My wife is a huge Country fan....
  10. Never knew they made a video for this!! GOOD tune!!!
  11. Oh Man I forgot about that show!! Holy shit it was AWESOME!! Oh and thank you for the correction on Crimson Glory.. Yea it was 1989, but hell it's all a blur now.... Oh almost forgot.. Aerosmith with Dokken in the Fall of 1987.. My first REAL concert!!
  12. Yea and if I didn't break My collar bone I woulda gone to that show too.. Course after hearing how INSANE the pit was I probably woulda broken something else there!! And gee you don't miss Robert Trujillo on bass???
  13. Ok.. Wow that's a hard one.. Pick just one??? Not sure I can...... But here's some of My favorits.. Operation Rock and Roll, Summer of 1991, Judas Priest, Alice Cooper, Motorhead, Metal Church and Dangerous Toys Metallica w/ Queensryche Spring 1989 Metallica w/ The Cult Summer 1989 Overkill w/ Dark Angel and a couple local bands.. L'amour 1990 Sepultura with a few local bands L'amour 1989 Lizzy Borden with a couple local bands L'amour 1989 I think?? Crimson Glory at some club called Zone dk in NYC 1990 I think?? coulda been 1991... Kiss w/ Skid Row and Ted Nugent October 2000 Queensryche w/ Type O Negative Summer of 1994... And that's just off the top of My head.. Hard to pick just one....
  14. Last album I really liked was "Lights., Camera, Revolution" I kinda lost interest after that, but this new one sounds promising....
  15. Yea so am I.. That lil snippet DOES sound promising!!
  16. Hell yea!!! I Be buying this!! Definitely!!!
  17. Yea I am bummed Crixus died.. But I KNEW someone HAD to die.. Ya know??? Also I REALLY could have done without seeing Ceasar getting ass raped...
  18. Man am I glad My wife HATES Twilight as much as I do!!! I tried.. I mean I TRIED to watch the first Twilight movie?? but I simply could NOT get through it..... You are a braver man than I..... You ARE a good man though, for watching it with your wife on her birthday,. I will say that....
  19. I Liked Nostradamus too.. Not My favorite Priest album or anything, but it IS pretty good... I can't WAIT for the new album!! Oh and that Epitaph Live DVD/Blu Ray too!!!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFwbrHAyuaw Oh HELL yea!!!
  21. Yea but they STILL made another what 5 movies in that series?? All direct to video of course.....
  22. HELL YEA!!! LOVE the new tune!! Also think it's cool the drummer is rockin a Napalm Death Shirt!!
  23. Always did like their debut album.. Never heard the second one though....
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