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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Midnight Run http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1_N28DA3gY Seen this I don't know HOW many times and I STILL love it!! Just a classic in My opinion!!
  2. This was OK but I still was kinda disappointed by it... Mega-zillion dollar budget and the best they could do with it was a giant CGI apartment building?? Stallone's "Dredd" sucked but at least it had cool visuals (it wasn't a good film but it was a great looking film, if you know what I mean...!)... Too bad they couldn't take the Karl Urban portrayal of Dredd out of the new movie and dropped him into the "Blade Runner" lookin' future of the Stallone film.... Ya know?? you make a good point Man I never thought of it like that.. Sure the Stallone movie wax pretty crappy, but it DID look good... Shoulda combined the look of the Stallone flick with the feel of the new one... I did like how gritty the new one is, but I see what you mean Man.....
  3. I just use Facebook.. Tried Twitter but didn't like it much....
  4. Dredd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbCfqGsXu3M Ok If you have seen the Judge Dredd movie with Stallone?? This one is MUCH better.. It's rated R thank GOD! And is ALOT more violent than the Stallone version!! Not that I hated that movie or anything, but this one is MUCH better....
  5. Killer Elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-Z6gp1_1aI Pretty decent Political action flick.. Based on a true story... Jason Statham, Robert DeNiro and Clive Owen star in it.. Set in the early 80s Pretty decent flick, some nice twists in the story.. I liked it...
  6. Yea that's about what I was expecting from you Man!! Well I won;t be rushing out to see it either.. Maybe if it comes on Netflix and I watch it for free.....
  7. Well Here it is..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INmtQXUXez8 Honestly?? It doesn't look as bad as I was thinking.. Not saying it's awesome or anything like that.. And I HATE the fact it's PG-13.... Oh and they completely changed how the cop dies and becomes Robocop.. But I DO like Samuel L Jackson in it..... And Michael Keaton.... Now let the hatred commence.....
  8. XXX State of the Union http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LZmVnBEWA0 A pretty decent action flick.. Ice Cube is actually a decent actor.. I liked this one better than the original XXX with Vin Diesel....
  9. Well I Still can't see that video.. BUT I did find another video for a song off their new album and it is pretty damn GOOD!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os1biJHMOOw
  10. LOVE Sabaton!!! I believe it was Keith that turned Me on to them with their Primo Victoria album....
  11. He's a decent actor, but for a good hunk of his career, he appeared in shitty movies with alarming regularity.... Of course, he and J-Lo appeared in the infamous "Gigli," but he's also been in such stink bombs as: "Phantoms" "Armageddon" (I don't care how much f*ckin' money that movie made, it sucked!) "Forces of Nature" "Reindeer Games" "Pearl Harbor" "Surviving Christmas" ...need I go on? To quote Jay from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back... Speaking to Ben Affleck... "You da bomb in Phantoms yo!!" Never seen the movie to be honest.. and yea I heard how BAD Gigli was and refuse to watch it... And I liked Armageddon to be honest.. Not for Ben Affleck though.... I Personally, prefer the Kevin Smith movies He's been in... Mallrats... Dogma.. Chasing Amy and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back... You'll notice I did not mention Jersey Girl.... Cause I REALLY didn't like that movie very much....
  12. Aside from casting a big bald black guy instead of a big bald white guy as The Kingpin, "Daredevil" was remarkably faithful to the comic series, which is unusual for a comic book film. The only real problem I had with that flick (aside from its reliance on irritating, watery wanna-be goth rock like Evanescence on the soundtrack) was that it was too damn dark. Yeah, I know, most of it took place at night, so it's supposed to be dark, but I swear that the nighttime scenes were so under-lit that sometimes It was hard to see what the f*ck was going on onscreen Oh yeah, I vividly remember the outcry when Keaton was announced as the new Batman in '89. Of course we didn't have the Internet then, but if you walked into any comic book store around that time you were bound to overhear someone saying, "the guy from BEETLEJUICE? What the F*CK?" Haha. Up until that point Keaton was known as a comedic actor, nobody thought he could cut it. ...then the movie came out and we all had to swallow our pride and admit that dammit, he actually did a pretty decent job. Yea I remember the outcry when Michael Keaton was named as Batman back in 1989... But He did a pretty damn good job!! SO, who knows?? Maybe Ben Affleck can too??? Daredevil was not really a bad movie.. My wife HATED it, but.... I actually enjoyed it.. Only problem was Kingpin being a big black guy... I Do love that actor so I didn't mind as much as some people did.... I will be looking forward to trailers actually, and will probably go and see it when it comes out.. Maybe Ben will prove a lot of people wrong?? He IS a good actor.. Just look at Argo for proof of that....
  13. Ben Affleck?? Wow.. Really??? Did someone ask Kevin Smith who should play Batman or something?? I was not exactly impressed with him in Daredevil.. I HOPE He does better as Batman.. Time will tell I suppose..... http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-talk/holy-big-ben-affleck-set-play-batman-man-022440197.html
  14. Love this movie.. Should check out the sequel.. The Whole Ten Yards.....
  15. Ok Why not another list?? Here's My top ten favorite Horror movies.. Again in NO particular order.... The Texas Chainsaw Massacre [1974] Friday the 13th part VI: Jason Lives Halloween [1978] Evil Dead Hostel Saw[ALL of them...] The Omen[1978] The Exorcist Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning Hellraiser
  16. Ok here goes.. My top 10 Superhero movies.. In NO particular order.... The Dark Knight Man of Steel Spider Man (2002) Avengers Thor Iron Man Fantastic Four Iron Man 2 Captain America The Dark Knight Rises
  17. I saw this for free with My wife?? She HATES it.... Me?? Eh I liked it actually.. Though Ben Affleck should NEVER play a Superhero ever again, but it wasn't as bad as everyone seems to think it was.... I liked Colin Farrell as Bullseye, sure it was pure camp, but He did it SO well.....I hear they are thinking about doing a reboot here soon.. No idea who is gonna be in it yet... Hopefully NOT Ben Affleck.... As for the change in Kingpin?? I don't think they could find a big ass bald white dude, so they had to go with the guy from Green Mile.. May He rest in peace....
  18. Man I love this movie!! No I haven't seen it as man y times as you have, but it is still one of My favorite movies... I am proud to say it IS on My DVD rack with most of those other movies you mentioned... No Decline of Western Civilization Part II though.... One of My favorite lines... "I'm first in line, and if you don't like it you can put it where the monkey puts the nuts!"
  19. I actually really enjoyed this.. No it does not forgive the GOD awful St. Anger album, but you are right it DOES explain WHY it was such a mess.. It also shows Lars can be a total douche at times....
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp1yJAYXU8M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rQrxBJDZUY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqs-DvkLJO8
  21. Yea I agree Man.... Last really good CD was Let's Rumble.. I'm Not Happy was Ok.. Had a decent cover of I am the Walrus....Never knew they recorded anything after that... And after reading Jizzy split halfway through their last album?? not exactly gonna run out and check out those two albums.. I AM Hopeful the new album kicks some ass though....
  22. The Whole Nine Yards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNBiaOwXwos I really love this movie... Funny, and plenty of twists and turns.. Plus I Do love Matthew Perry and Bruce Willis....
  23. OH yea!! Can't wait for the new album!!! LOVE these guys!!
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