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Everything posted by Glen

  1. At least you havent had to buy a new car. More skint than a fuckin church mouse....................(you know the rest)
  2. Runnin On Luck Again - Valentine
  3. where do you think australians came from Geoff? A Test tube??
  4. MPG - s/t Moritz - City Streets Airrace - Shaft Of Light Marcello/Vestry - s/t
  5. Im there mate. Ordering the tickets tomorrow. The reason I said might is that I was looking for someone to go with. At my age I refuse to stand like Billy No Mates Stoked about this show...its gonna rawk. Wow mate, you would suck at being me. I go to pretty much ALL my concerts by myself. I've only ever been to 4 in my whole life with someone else. I cant help it if you havent got any friends I have a couple (literally) but I'm too young to know anyone into "hair metal" and too old to know anyone into modern rock. Either way, I honestly like going by myself. I'm only there to enjoy the music anyway - not there to chat. I couldn't give a lesser f*ck in the world if I'm there by myself. Poser. A man of your vintage should surely know by now that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you. A man of my vintage needs someone to go to the bar and get the beers in
  6. See what I mean....I got that at release for about £10. Great album
  7. Im there mate. Ordering the tickets tomorrow. The reason I said might is that I was looking for someone to go with. At my age I refuse to stand like Billy No Mates Stoked about this show...its gonna rawk. Wow mate, you would suck at being me. I go to pretty much ALL my concerts by myself. I've only ever been to 4 in my whole life with someone else. I cant help it if you havent got any friends
  8. Im there mate. Ordering the tickets tomorrow. The reason I said might is that I was looking for someone to go with. At my age I refuse to stand like Billy No Mates Stoked about this show...its gonna rawk.
  9. Jesus mate, youve lost me. Are these classics that I need to hear?? PLEASE REPLY NOW OH YES THEY CERTAINLY ARE!! What sort of era are we talking?? early 80's?? Early - mid eighties mate. I'll try to sort you some links out so you can check them all out. You are a gentleman and a scholar
  10. holy shit. The most ive paid is about £15-20. Tops. Mind you I bought most of what are deemed the classics when they came so dont have to do so much 'hunting'.
  11. Jesus mate, youve lost me. Are these classics that I need to hear?? PLEASE REPLY NOW OH YES THEY CERTAINLY ARE!! What sort of era are we talking?? early 80's??
  12. Yeah, another Brit on the boards................ Welcome mate
  13. You mean Back Talk Talking To Myself - Terraplane
  14. Yeah happy bday mate Enjoy a few cold ones
  15. How perfect is that whole album. (except Million Nights of course..............)
  16. Jesus mate, youve lost me. Are these classics that I need to hear?? PLEASE REPLY NOW
  17. Last I heard, the FF crew were still waiting on the 'special guest' to confirm.....playing silly buggers I reckon. They are working on a plan B and a plan C. I reckon we wont ever find out who this mystery artist is, cos it wont happen and the FF crew wont get involved in a slanging match.
  18. I might go to see HEAT at the London Camden Underground on March 18th. Make up for missing them at Firefest in Oct 09.
  19. Again...... Loving this....... I thought it was pretty patchy actually. Well I like it.......Actually !!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, Glen, it's not bad. Stop sucking. OK, I'll clarify. In comparison to 'Revolution', its pretty patchy. & in comparison to Place Vendome's newie, its shite.
  20. Im not voting cos I know f all about Bonham or Trixter. But for the others - Babylon AD - s/t Firehouse - s/t Giant - Time To Burn (just) Steelheart - s/t
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