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Posts posted by Glen

  1. 1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

    I would definitely check out YT samples before investing as the vocals can be somewhat of an acquired taste... a bit Justin Hawkins-esque at times.

    harsh lol. no one is as bad as him 🤣🤣

    I agree that Muse can be an acquired taste and on previous albums I've probably only liked about 50% tbh.

    This one really appeals to me though.

    2 great synthwave styled songs, 2 great ballads and 2 or 3 cool rockers as well.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Didn't we do this not even two days ago? The part where I mentioned with and from and 2.7 chronic illnesses etc? 

    At the start of the pandemic, the media were spurting loads over footage of as much panic and mayhem as they could possibly find, demanding we all believe we were all going to die. 

    Like I'm sure I said two days ago, it became very evident very quick that the virus was not great for a very clearly defined group of people and... well, just go back and read that one rather than me typing it again. I probably ended it in mentioning that the massively overwhelming of people who have had covid did not die. 

    I'm not sure why you think I'm doing this, but you're not? Must be missing something again. I seem to be good at that. 

    no not really. Quite often in the past on this forum I have read yr posts and thought a bit differently. But you my friend have never ever once changed your viewpoint on any matter (including music) in the whole 16 yrs I've been on this forum.

    No matter. I'll leave you to crack on with CTS

  3. 7 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Again, it's like they don't have a valid point to argue now

    I have made my valid point over and over but you still never falter from your blinding vision that yr opinion is correct and the only way that everyone should think.

    a bit sad really 

  4. 7 hours ago, Geoff said:

    If by bite you mean I'll reply if addressed, that is what I do. 

    I am certainly squirming with regard to what gets certain people excited. 

    When I still trusted the media, to a degree, to report with some level of accuracy? Didn't take long for that illusion to be stripped away. 

    I feel as stupid replying to this as you guys look, referencing what I said two and a half years ago. But as above, I feel an obligation to reply when I'm spoken to. 

    so you now think the death toll is a lie. right on. 

    Fact of the matter is at one point you were actually shocked by the death toll, now you just dismiss it - this has been my point all along, which you continually miss. 

    Aus restrictions have gone on too long but you now dismiss everything as one big mistake. and belittle a virus which was devastating to many people and families.

    That is what irks me

  5. 2 hours ago, auslander said:

    Reading back posts from years ago to score points in a present argument is a pretty beta move. It's all pretty pointless now. For a while it was like grabbing a box of popcorn and watching this unfold, but now it's gotten cringey. Time to move on methinks.

    he did say it tho lol. ;)

    and what's more in the same post he said he was actually enjoying lockdown 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍


  6. 3 hours ago, Geoff said:

    I don't jest over how deadly it was... just trying to remain reasonable. You know I read earlier tonight that over 90% of covid deaths in Australia (which is relative to the rest of the world) were in people with an average of 2.7 other chronic illnesses. From the Australian Bureau of Stats, no less. But, apparently, covid is the only reason these people sadly passed. Not going to go into number crunching again... just a gentle reminder of the distinction between with covid and from covid. 

    And there are other graphs that will tell you that lockdowns did not reduce the death rate. I just had a quick look at that world-o-meter site and Sweden is down the list of deaths per million, with countries like the US and UK well above it. So what does that say about lockdowns?  

    Sweden was heavily criticized for not locking down, but you'd be a madman to not acknowledge that when all is said and done, they will definitely not be worse off than a lot of countries, and in the long run, will probably be better off than the vast majority of them. Including Australia, I'd dare say. 

    Like I've said, I'd have been able to understand some targeted action directed towards the vulnerable (the actual vulnerable - not everyone who was scared into submission by a relentless media), but I will never be able to support the shutting down of the world for something that was not harmful to the unquestionably overwhelming majority of people. 

    And if we're talking timelines, say what you want about the start of the pandemic, but the part of it that really, really got to me was when the elderly and vulnerable had all been vaccinated. I don't know when it was in your country or mine, but as soon as that had happened, every single restriction should have been lifted. I did a quick google and it sounds like maybe Feb 2021 in Australia? I don't know, but the moment everyone who wanted to be vaccinated was vaccinated, there should never have been any grounds, anywhere, to keep restrictions in place. That, surely, must be an unarguable point? Yet the restrictions and lockdowns went on, long past these milestones. 

    As Auslander said above, we had almost entirely vaccinated states locked down for one positive case (not death, just a case). And now we're up to 14,457 deaths and counting (until they start separating with and from) and the lockdowns aren't necessary? Health orders and science are tops. ;)

    Like you say, common sense to me too. 

    But we've covered all this, my good man. Endless pages to look back over to see rehashes of these discussions. :) :(


    mate you can't compare Sweden to UK. It has less than the population of London lol. With London you had 15 million people packed together spreading the bloody thing like wildfire.

    Just saying.

    And the graphs are fairly plain to see for UK - 2 massive death peaks and immediate drop off following lockdown - I would share them but no idea how to lol.

    Completely agree on restrictions and soon after vaccines the UK moved quickly to ease all restrictions.

    Aus is just dumb in this regard.

  7. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    Haha, delta certainly wasn't nothing to you when we were discussing back in the day. ;)

    No need to retread grounds we covered with tiresome detail. 

    I just find that when I hear your take on the pandemic, I don't actually know how you made it out alive. I'd expect England to be vacant land with no humans left when I hear your words. 

    All I know is what I experienced first hand in Australia, and I find it strange to hear people with similar thoughts to me, from the US and UK. 

    So maybe there's a middle ground being skipped over? No one's ever denied that covid wasn't great for a very clearly defined group of people, nor is anyone denying that certain measures to protect these people would have been accepted. It's the one-size-fits-all approach that is the issue.  

    by the time delta hit we had almost started to open back up cos our vaccine rollout was actually fast & effective ;)

    Typical comment jesting over how deadly it was. Yes millions did recover of course, mainly in the under 40 bracket, but that does not mean you can trivialise the impact of the virus or that lockdowns were essential to protect the more vulnerable parts of society. 

    You can't just look past 2000 deaths a day and say that was nothing. Cos it wasn't, it was pretty bad. The mortality rate in the over 70s was 14% at the beginning - that is a pretty alarming stat. 

    The graphs timelines for the deaths clearly shows how effective the lockdowns were in preventing the spread and reducing the death rate.

    All I'm trying to do here is to explain why the action taken was essential and in a way the actions in Aus actually prevented you guys getting hit in the worst part of the pandemic.

    I completely agree that your govs continued actions are stupid and that all restrictions should now be removed. 

    Not sure what else to say really, but this is all just common sense to me.


  8. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    Nope, my brother was much earlier on, definitely delta. 

    Delta was nothing. That didn't hit uk til about 1 year (around April 2021) after the pandemic started and around the same time I got vaccinated so didn't really have much impact at all.

    It was more transmissible but much less virulent.

    I'm talking before that - April- June 2020 - original strain & alpha, and winter 2020 - Beta.

  9. 18 hours ago, Jez said:

    Absolutely loving this album, so many great tracks. Faves so far....... 'Heroes', 'Heartbeat',  'Heart Worth Breaking',  'Energy Never Dies' &  'Golden Gate'

    Golden Gate is a terrible opener and I fail to see what is great about Energy Never Dies 🤔

    2 worst songs on the album mate!

    Most of the rest is pretty good, just wish it wasn't so ballad heavy. 


  10. 2 hours ago, auslander said:

    The main thing that continues to annoy me about the covid saga is that no-one will ever be held to account in government or media for the utter beat up and overeach at the start. Secondly, the hypocrisy and stupidity of the lockdown decisions that were made early, and now compare the utter disregard of covid. From closing down entire States due to a handful of positive cases to now having thousands of cases a day and no longer even reporting on it. Yet the public are like "it's all fine" when asked about the "health expert" ruled years when countless lives and businesses were ruined by unnecessary draconian laws.

    you can refer to the post above as well. 

  11. 15 hours ago, Geoff said:

    My unvaccinated brother had two uncomfortable days, my unvaccinated son one and my daughter zero. Most people I've heard about, personally, unvaccinated or vaccinated, seem to have the two bad days and that's about it. 

    from Omicrom yes.

    Which is now basically just flu.

    Thankfully for you Australia was protected from the more deadly variants before there were any vaccines. It never properly hit your shores until vaccines had been developed and the strains had waned to nothing.

    This is the point you continually miss.

    Had you been in the UK which was an absolute disaster with 1000s dying a day and 1000s of people of all ages on ventilators in hospital your overarching view of this virus might be different.

    (100% agree that kids under 15 were never really badly affected and should never have been vaccinated)

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