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Everything posted by whiplash1972

  1. I'm really diggin' 'em, that's fer sure! Listening to "Dashboard Mary" again at the moment...got a Tesla meets Silvertide vibe....
  2. Currently.... Podunk - Throwin' Bones Earlier: Steamroller - Dead Man's Tan Voices - Anything Can Happen Sedona - Reel History
  3. Went and saw the movie "Serenity" this weekend, and thoroughly enjoyed it. They spend the first 9-10 minutes setting up the storyline, and then it kicks in big time. Overall, just a few "slow" sections during the 2 hours....and if you've never seen Firefly before, here's 4 good reason's besides the kickass storyline, and great fight scenes to go see Serenity:
  4. 'Serenity' now for sci-fi fans By Ray Richmond As a general rule, television series that tank after less than one season don't translate into successful feature films. There isn't much demand for movies based on, say, "Supertrain" or "Manimal." Perhaps the only time it has really been attempted was with the three "Naked Gun" flicks that rose from the ashes of the short-lived 1982 ABC comedy "Police Squad!" So it's highly unusual that Universal Pictures' "Serenity," which hits theaters on Friday, is happening at all, a monument to the perseverance -- and some might say hardheadedness -- of a fellow named Joss Whedon. Whedon, the creator and executive producer of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel," two prominent recent additions to the annals of cult TV faves, crafted "Serenity" following the failure of a short-lived Fox sci-fi drama from the 2002-03 season (which was something of a Nielsen waterloo period for Fox) called "Firefly." If you remember it, consider yourself a sci-fi geek in good standing. It ran for 11 episodes, out of order, before being axed. But Whedon didn't let a little thing like a cancellation discourage him. Thanks to "Firefly" DVD sales that exceeded 200,000 units, he got the green light to write and direct the $40 million "Serenity" (named after the creaky ship in "Firefly" that traverses space). Yes, once you get the sci-fi True Believers on your side, all things are possible, Whedon understands. "We have a much broader base than just sci-fi people," he says. "That's what I found in our screenings so far. They're a diverse group, fairly well-adjusted socially, and I expect that a lot of them are even having sex. I really think the line between geeks and the rest of the world is blurring." "Serenity" has been screened nearly 100 times to date, Whedon estimates, many of them designed to stir interest among that fanatical subculture that either embraces you with all of their heart and soul or rejects you with incalculable venom and rage. There isn't a whole lot of middle ground with the "Firefly" group that refers to itself as the "browncoats." "First off, you can't make the movie for the fans of the TV show because then there will be a lot of people who don't know what's going on," he believes. "Yet it's a fine line because you also can't talk down to the real fans because it's their support that's getting the film made in the first place." When these browncoats see a filmmaker as having committed blasphemy, "halfway through the screening they light torches and chase you down the street crying 'Monster! Monster! Monster!"' Whedon observes only half-jokingly. "Fortunately, there have been no torches so far." There has instead been a vibe of massive anticipation for "Serenity" in the sci-fi community, which means, of course, that certain individuals with too much time on their hands -- depicted so memorably in the film "Galaxy Quest," which Whedon jokingly labels "a documentary" -- will be devoting an abundance of energy to "Serenity" worship. Sean Maher, who portrays Dr. Simon Tam in both "Firefly" and "Serenity," was present at last week's L.A. premiere of the new film and saw one attendee dressed in his character's trademark white button-down shirt and vest. "It always takes a moment for me to process something like that," Maher admits. "I think I'm prepared for it, but it's like receiving a really generous compliment that leaves you at a loss for words." That kind of extreme-geek support tells Whedon that he did the right thing in fighting to spin a movie no one expected from a TV series nobody watched and a DVD that captured a momentum no one knew existed. "This is really a classic underdog story in every way," he observes, "and I think I'm safe in saying this is the finest film ever made."
  5. Wow...I can honestly say that when I posted this thread yesterday, I had not dropped by their MySpace page, so I did not realize who exactly was involved...I knew I loved the music, and wanted to share (that's right, I wanted to share Big Cock with all my HH friends! )....finding out that Robert Mason is involved makes it that much cooler! The guys do indeed f'n RAWK, and as anamal said, you can't beat the price! *I also saw that they got mention on MelodicRock.com today...that is awesome...these guys deserve to get noticed!
  6. http://cdbaby.com/cd/bigcock http://www.bigcockrocks.com/ Check these S.O.B.'s out!
  7. Excellent show! I'm re-watching the series on the Sci-Fi Channel on Fridays at 7pm EST, and can't wait for the movie!
  8. For Dokken to come back with the excellent "Erase the Slate" after the festering pile of cow dung that was "Shadowlife" was pretty cool. Also, even though "Done With Mirrors" was technically their comeback album, Aerosmith showed everyone they could still rock with "Permanent Vacation".
  9. Cute blonde, cleavage showing, about to down a beer at Oktoberfest....sigh.
  10. First Strike - Only For You Excellent "hair metal"...for fans of Ratt, LA Guns, Kix, etc.... catchy choruses, great guitar work...just great overall!
  11. I'm not 100% positive that this is James Arwine, but it sure as hell looks like our old buddy: musiccllctr2259 http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...rows=100&sort=3 Just thought I'd throw a word of warning out to everyone!
  12. And don't forget Jim, Rob Rock and Chris Impeliterri were in a very early incarnation of the band too....
  13. Well...well...well. From what I understand, this thread has caused quite the stir behind the scenes. Evidently, one of the "elite collectors" who frequents this messageboard (usually logged in anonymously) is upset because Vice - Hot Just Looking At You somehow got listed on the main site. NEWSFLASH - it's been on the main site since January of this year (look at when it first started receiving comments) . Here's another newsflash - it was submitted to the database by Heavy Harmonies member dog2020 (ask her yourself) , NOT yours truly, so don't worry, your little trading circle hasn't been infiltrated.
  14. Just finished up $Green Dollar Colour$ - S/T and now listening to: Dusty Reavis - What The Hell Is This? http://www.dustyreavis.com/
  15. Well, Metal Mayhem Music is one of the distributors carrying the disc, so it's not strange to see it on eBay through them at all: http://search.ebay.com/surrender-better-la...ojsZ1QQfromZR40
  16. Ethel loved to speed in her wheelchair and charge around the nursing home,taking corners on one wheel and getting up to maximum speed on the long corridors. Because the poor woman was one sandwich short of a picnic, the other residents tolerated her, and some of the males actually joined in. One day, Ethel was speeding up one corridor when a door opened and Kooky Clarence stepped out with his arm outstretched. "STOP!" he shouted in a firm voice. "Have you got a license for that thing?" Ethel fished around in her handbag and pulle dout a Kit Kat wrapper and held it up to him. "OK" he said, and away Ethel sped down the hall. As she took the corner near the TV lounge on one wheel, Weird Harold popped out in front of her and shouted, "STOP! Have you got proof of insurance?" Ethel dug into her handbag, pulled out a drink coaster an! d held it up to him. Harold nodded and said, "Carry on, Ma'am." As Ethel neared the final corridor before the front door, Crazy Craig stepped out in frontof her, stark naked, holding a very sizable erection in his hand. "Oh, good grief," said Ethel. "Not the breathalyzer again!"
  17. Cocksucker is back again; his latest eBay ID is: rockerherc block immediately!
  18. I haven't asked Ken, but going by the band pic that's included with "Better Later Than Never" I'd say Michael Olszewski = Mic Carrey
  19. Surrender - Better Later Than Never 2005 Kihmo Records 1. Never 2. Claire 3. Sunrise Goodbye 4. Nikki 5. Feel The Burn 6. Last Time I Say Goodbye 7. One Tough City 8. Later 9. Thought You Should Know 10. Carrie (Bonus Track) 11. A New Game (Bonus Track) 12. Little Asia (Bonus Track) Kenny Hamberg: Drums and keyboards Michael Olszewski: Guitars and basses Frank Siccoli: Vocals tracks 1-10 Eric Thompson: Vocals tracks 11-12 http://www.surrendertunes.com
  20. Redneck Newlyweds A week after their marriage, the Redneck newlyweds paid a visit to their doctor... "I can't figure it out doc, and I'm really worried," said the husband. "My testicles are turning blue." "That's pretty unusual," said the doctor. "Let me examine you." The doctor takes a look. Sure enough, the Redneck's testicles are blue. The doctor turns to the wife. "Are you using the diaphragm that I prescribed?" "Yes, I am," she replied. "And what kind of jelly are you using with it?" "Grape", she replied ...
  21. I think alot of people kind of overlook Sammy's solo stuff, but the man has put out some SMOKING releases....particularly "Standing Hampton" through "I Never Said Goodbye". He was hitting on all cylinders at that point of his career.
  22. Had to go with Earthshaker on the strength of "Rescue Me" (one of my favorite hard rock songs ever) along with "Dirty Girl" and "I Believe in You", but they have so many good songs on In Rock We Trust, Down For the Count, Contagious (which contains my fave Y&T song "Eyes of Stranger"), and Ten that it really does make it tough to choose....
  23. Two families moved from Pakistan to the USA. When they arrived, the two fathers made a bet -- in a year's time, whichever family had become more American would win $1000. A year later they met again. The first man said, "My son is playing baseball, I had McDonalds for breakfast and I'm on my way to pick up a case of Bud, how about you?" The second man replied, "F#%k you, Rag head.”
  24. Got an interesting batch with me at the office today: Metal Rose - S/T <---These guys do a rocked up version of "The Jeffersons" theme song! Cariot - Right Between the Eyes Dr. Sin - Shadows of Light The Downtown Clowns - S/T Rabbit Hill - Carrots and sticks
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