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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. On 1/16/2022 at 5:47 PM, auslander said:

    What does having a large post total do for anyone? Trying to "compete" with the spamming "song and album game" posters seems a pointless exercise.

    Not sure what having more posts means for the status on the site. I'm already a "headlining act" according to my profile. So I guess I will fade away into irrelevance and end up with a Vegas musician residency in a few years for my inglorious end...

    From what I can see, the higher your profile on this site, the more jokes you get from other members about your sexuality or penis etc. So, there's that, I guess. :)

    Or you could just go look at how many posts Wes and Rick have, or fuck, just go look at Dan's, pretty sure he's the leader on here, I mean those are numbers so high it's almost mind boggling trying to figure out how anyone could've posted that much, or if I can get some in and just accidentally added 100 before my thread count total, dammit, wink wink

  2. On 1/15/2022 at 12:50 AM, Darkstone said:

    Talking about obscure Robin Williams cameos, have you ever seen "Shakes the Clown"?

    Starring the Hilariously Legendary Bobcat Goldthwait.

    I don't know if you know this, but good old Bobcat was banging the ULTRA HOT "Nikki Cox" in her prime. A very worthy addition to the "Titties" thread.



    I know they were on that Married With Children rip off sitcom together, Unhappily Ever After, no I havent seen Shakes, but Have you seen Bobcats movie Sleeping Dogs Lie? theres some entertainment of a Beastial sort for you.

  3. 7 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    What happened if you read the article or watch the video is that Rogan said something that was incorrect and the other person called him out on it.Rogan had his own producer search for the correct answer on the internet.So the other person didn't cite another story-it was Rogan's own producer who bitch slapped Rogan !:rofl2:

    So your excited cause he was wrong about something? seems a little petty, BTW it shows how much you really watch the not left wing media, because Joe Rogan isn't even a right winger, he's a fucking Bernie Sanders supporter, that's socialism, so maybe you should do a little research b4 spouting off, cause it does look bad, well petty, like your trying to troll the Aussies and get them going.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    That's the typical right wing response in the USA but again it's false.99% democrat controlled media ?? Not true

    Then what percentage is it? 98? 97? I mean this is a person in Australia and he says it, maybe you got blinders on, huh?

  5. 7 hours ago, Crazysam said:

    I agree, I'm familiar with Joe Rogan and have seen some clips of his,  but have never listened to any of his podcast episodes.  But as usual a story like this seems way overblown just to try to bring someone down for no other reason then he has a big following and questions a narrative.  He stated something that was based on studies that have shown some young males experience myocarditis after receiving the vaccine.  And the other person cited another study that didn't contradict what Joe said but rather added context.  The story doesn't even say whether that other study has been thoroughly peer reviewed or anything like that.  So we have one person citing a study and another citing another study.   If that means he's constantly spreading misinformation than I'd say just about every news outlet, politician and even some health experts have done the same over the last two years when it comes to covid.

    Yeah it's total jealousy bro, you hit it on the head, Rogan pulls more viewers then every cable media station in the country put together, then X3, he has such an absurdly huge amount of viewers it's mind blowing, of course the shills wont be having that, so they are all on a dead sprint to cancel him, which is something they will never do, as he is so much bigger then them at this point it's really improbable ANYONE could take him out, but their still gonna have a whack at it, plan on seeing many more of these smear pieces the lemmings will be putting out, we can just stand and watch them each get squished like bugs, it will be entertaining.

    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    Joe Rogan Gets Brutally Fact Checked In Real-Time By Aussie Podcast Guest

    Hannah Blackiston

    Published 3:37, 14 January 2022 GMT

    Joe Rogan Gets Brutally Fact Checked In Real-Time By Aussie Podcast Guest

    Joe Rogan may think he has all the information when it comes to Covid-19, but he was just proven wrong in real-time on his own podcast.

    The podcaster sat down with Australian broadcaster and fellow podcast host Josh Szeps for a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience.

    Everything was going well until, Rogan began spouting some incorrect information about myocarditis.

    Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscles and can be a side effect of the Pfizer vaccine, but is much more commonly a result of contracting the Covid-19 virus.


    Rogan boldly stated that myocarditis is a 'common' side effect in children who have had the vaccine, but Szeps cut him off quickly to point out that it isn't true.

    "For young boys in particular, there's an adverse risk associated with the vaccine. There's like a two to fourfold increase in the instances of myocarditis versus hospitalization," Rogan said during their chat.

    Szeps responded with: "You know that there's an increased risk in myocarditis among that age cohort from getting Covid as well - which exceeds the risk of myocarditis from the vaccine."


    "I don't think that's true. I don't think it's true," Rogan combatted.

    And the final shutdown from Szeps: "It is."

    So what does Rogan do when faced with someone using facts against him?


    He turns to the internet.

    "Well let's look that up, because I don't think that's true," he said, quickly putting his producer on the job.

    Related video:

    Unfortunately for Rogan, the producer found this article from UK-based science journal, The New Scientist, which clearly supported Szeps.

    "[Males aged] 12 to 17, were [most] likely to develop myocarditis within three months of catching Covid at a rate of 450 cases per million infections. This compares to 67 cases of myocarditis per million of the same age following their second dose of Pfizer," Rogan reads aloud from the story.


    Joe Rogan Experience Joe Rogan Experience

    "Yeah, so you're about eight times likelier to get myocarditis from getting Covid than from getting it from the vaccine," Szeps confirmed.

    What I find particularly amazing is how quickly Rogan moves past this.

    "That's interesting. That is not what I've read before," he said, before going off on a tangent about fact-checking and finding information on the internet.


    Spotify, the streaming service that hosts Rogan's podcast, was recently sent a petition from 270 doctors and scientists.

    They were calling on Spotify to punish Rogan for being a 'menace to public health' and for spouting misinformation on the coronavirus pandemic.

    What makes the Aussie right? is he a specialist?

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/13/2022 at 10:28 AM, Darkstone said:

    Ha! Yes!

    Classic movie I discovered on VHS when I was about 10.

    There's another similar classic movie called "The Groove Tube" I discovered around the same time.

    I remember watching Kentucky Fried Movie when my mum walked past the TV during one of the raunchy scenes.

    She wasn't happy.

    The Groove Tube was hilarious, wasnt there a sequel to it, or maybe im thinking of another one of these movies.

  8. Here is another independent news outlet, perhaps the biggest true independent, it's where Krystal and Saagar come from, pretty much just people reporting the news, no spin or bullshit, I like Krystal and Saagar more, but these guys are honest, i just like to look at Krystals titties while I get the news, the same issue I used to have trying to watch Robin Meade give me my news and I'd suddenly have to go wack it.



  9. 18 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    I have occasionally made a troll post but that was not one of them....it sickens me when I think of the fact that he and his family get death threats because of his job....has he made mistakes? sure who in positions of responsibility all over the world can say they had this pandemic figured out? not a single fucking one....blaming Fauci and making him the focus of the looney right wing's anger is a travesty IMO...

    I don't know Mr. Planet, it doesn't appear we are talking about the same Fauci, or there is a HUGE disconnect in what each of us believes about him, you obviously only get your news from left wing sources, you cant tell me you watch anything else, I know better, so that may be why you think he's such a great upstanding guy, and not a sleazy fucking dirtbag bureaucrat who's fucking stepped on a lot of people who may have been able to see us through this pandemic, primarily the 3 I discussed earlier who had huge breaks and discovery's in herd immunity and natural immunity, they were all fucking stifled, why do you assume that is? cause he's in search of the REAL way to absolve us of this fake ass bullshit that he has a hand in?? it's odd why do you think the right would have it out for him? just for the joy of it? just shear pleasure? let's go after the guy who is in charge of the CDC? why do you think the Dems well they celebrate him? because he's a middle of the road non political guy just doing his job? maybe just for the fun of it, you should tap into some different news sources, here is the one Ive been watching lately, I don't know if you've heard of it, it's people that left The Hill and started their own channel, and it's totally independent, they do what I like, they just report the fucking news, Krystal is liberal, Saagar is a Libertarian, and they just tell you the news, they don't fucking spin it or put their political slant on it, it's really great, it makes me long for the early 2000's. IDK maybe you may feel like I do and like it?



  10. 1 hour ago, auslander said:


    If they let people know they had a 5% chance of penis shrinkage by getting covid more unvaxxed men might get the shot! 😀 

    See that, Dead Planet, If i'd have gotten the Vax, I might as well just get tits and call myself Sharron, It would take me down to a large clit, so there you have it, you cant go much further from 1 1/2 inches, it's all vaginal from there.

    • Haha 1
  11. 9 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    True !

    Also Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are 2 of the reasons why Kentucky is one of the poorest and least educated states.

    Hey have you heard of or do you live by a place called North Hills? if you know of it, what's it like?

  12. 13 minutes ago, auslander said:

    Fauci is a monster who funds inhumane experiments on animals. In fact his organisation insists on it, refusing to fund research unless animal experiments are included, even when the research gathered leads to zero useful information. Yet, because he is a tool of the left wing, no one cares about his history.

    Oh now that's kind of mean, how could you say such cruel things about such a pillar of the medical community, this man truly cares about the health of the citizens, and not the Pharma bottom line, he didn't snub and bury all those "fringe" epidemiologist's because they might have been on to something, it's cause they were quacks, and didn't know as much as he did, perfectly good reason, I think you need to show a little heart when talking about this brave, and courageous man, he has been so neutral and willing to ignore all the politics and just do his job, I think you need to post an apology towards this great man of integrity, and never speak an ill word of him again.

  13. 26 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    The guy has a tough job and people like Rand Paul make his like a real misery....he is doing the best that he can and few would be able to do it better...considering that he and his family are getting death threats because of all the idiots that believe the bullshit from the right wing I say he deserves some respect for hanging in....

    He has a tough job lol, people in his position should be the last ones to play politics with shit, he's a bureaucrat, plain and simple, and he's shady, he might've once been good and on the up, but he's done the biggest no no and politicized the pandemic, I guess he's not your instructor so you don't have to worry about the bullshit he's done, what will you say when it comes back that he had something to do with all of this? or at the least covered it up? I'm curious to know then what you'd say. and don't act like it's a pipe dream, it may be a lot more probable then you may think.

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