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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 22 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

    The acceptance of transgender Males competing athletically with Females baffles the fuck out of me.

    Surely any sane person could see how ridiculous it is, yet it's not just accepted, it's encouraged. 

    I can't understand it.

    Nothing against transgender people, but this is some bullshit.

    It also makes you wonder what sort of satisfaction an athlete would get knowing that they have a huge biological advantage against their opponents.

    I'm not including all trans males in this statement, but the ones competing against girls/women must be sociopathic. 

    Slighty off topic, but I watch the USA Today show in the morning and they did a story a couple of days ago about your latest "Jeopardy" record breaking champ.

    A lovely looking lady.

    Seriously though, that's fine, her gender orientation didn't give her an advantage in this example and good on her.

    The ones competing in female sports though, should be ashamed of themselves. 

    Dusty, did you watch the video? this faggot is walking around the girls locker room with his cock hanging out, he still likes females, he's made sure to open his towel to some of these girls, and he always makes sure his cock is in sight, this university is letting a fucking Rape-O just hang out around all these girls, swinging his cock, beating them in swimming they have now reported they feel threatened, and their coach told them if they wish to lose their spot on the team then they should keep complaining, my rant wasn't about ferrys swimming against chicks, everybody knows that dude couldn't beat any dudes, so he had to beat chicks, out of all the shit going on right now, this has gotten to me the most, and I will tell you right this second, on my little girls life, my girls one of those girls who feels threatened(which she would just take care of it herself) but if she was that motherfucker wouldn't make his next swim meet, and I would be charged proudly with a hate crime, im just waiting to see if any of these girls dads have a set of balls on them, how they can just passively wait around while this fucking rape-o is stalking their daughters in the girls locker room and he has cart blanche to do it, blows my mind. that dude wouldn't swim again, within the next year or so, I don't think he'd want to be on the swim team anymore, call up a couple of my closest Tongan pals and take that fucker out somewhere in the Uintahs, and say k motherfucker you wanted to be a girl, well your transitions on us.

  2. When my daughter was going into Jr High, 7th grade, there was a huge PTA and school board meeting, because there was going to be 2 trannies attending the JR High with my daughter, and they of course were boys who acted like girls, and they were not going to be using the boys bathrooms, and this got an entire jr high school and parents of around 3000 people jammed into a gym built for around 900, so it had to be held out on the soccer field, all of this over 2 little pukes who wanted to see snatch, and parents were actually voting yes to this, well being the supportive dad I am, trying to remember my daughters athletic name could ride on what I said, her being in the first year of the school I walked up to the microphone to address the school board and the parents, her mom mouthed something at me then ran her finger across her throat, but this was my little girl, I kept it civil, until one of the queers dads started to tell me I was a piece of shit and how would I like it if my daughter was ostracized all year, and then his fucking jumbo wife jumped in with her louder then average shrill, honestly she could've gone for a dude, but I just stood there, and of all the shit I was ready to hurl at them, and completely say what every parent I knew that was there wanted to say, I took a deep breath and I looked at the school board members and ignored the mutant parents, bit my lip and said the most minimum thing I could think, I said OK, I'll no vote this and not against it, but the first time one of them little dudes follows my daughter into the girls bathroom, im gonna follow him in there, and I cant promise anything goods gonna happen except my daughter wont ever have to worry about boys in her bathroom again, and I walked off, because that's exactly what I felt.

    I cant imagine there's a father of a girl on this swim team who's gonna be able to just stand there and bite his lip much longer, I was dead serious when I said that, I don't give a fuck if those boys were 15, that's my little baby girl, and ill fucking wreck anybody who lays a fucking hand on her, she's 20 yrs old and I still feel this way, if one of those fathers doesn't take care of this for everyone, Ive lost faith in humanity, and any of you who have a baby girl, unless your a fucking scumbag, I know you feel this way, so does anyone wanna make a friendly wager if this will happen or not? you make the call, im bored and stoned, and im tripping im seeing the day they allow a fucking scumbag faggot piece of shit cocksucker run around a fucking little girls locker room and just snatch watch, that's their sport, I think this dude needs to be taken into some hills, and maybe explained how he should rethink his position, OK, thank you rant over, hit me up if you wanna bet cause im dead serious, there's 35 girls on that team, you cant tell me 35 dads are just gonna look past this.



  3. 5 hours ago, Stefan said:

    Jimmy Dore have many great videos on his Youtube channel. I just watched his report on fact-checking. It is as we all know completely bullshit. Even Facebook admitted in a court case that their fact-checking is only political opinions (read left opinion).

    There isn't a thing call 'fact-checking'. They're all politiclal opinions benefiting the narrative. The vast majority of the 'fact-checkers' are funded by the big left-leaning establishment.

    I like most of his stuff.

    You know these are the guys im finding im maneuvering towards, IDK if it's the natural me coming back, or if they took a similar path to get where they are, I cant stand Hannity, O'Reilly, Bongino, etc, I don't mind Carlson, but these liberals who are getting red pilled seem to speak to me the most, I don't know if it's because I was pretty liberal then got red pilled, or if its just that they are more entertaining, but for years Dore disgusted me, anything to do with the Turks did, I was liberal, they aren't liberal, they are just fucking crazy, but as pretty much a Libertarian now, Dore is a fucking beast, who ends their show with fuck Neil Young, fucking piece of shit? that's just about the greatest snippet of journalism I'm sure that's been shown in a decade.

  4. On 1/29/2022 at 11:45 AM, Dead Planet said:

    I figure Bill deserves his own thread....here is his latest monologue and his take on the M&Ms situation is funny as hell, more politically correct BS


    Maher is a master, not very many people sit where Maher does, Maher is getting red pilled though, it's going to be interesting to see after last weeks assault what Bill is really about, getting completely destroyed by everyone from the view to the young turks last week for his conversation with Barry Weiss where they announced they're fucking done with covid, the blowback was fucking brutal, for both of them, like I said, it's not just a matter of a bunch of fucking libtards agreeing on something with the other side, there is a few factors at work,, nobody just agrees with the other side for starters, even if they do they cant publicly say it, and the other thing is these aren't just your average run of the mill progressive shit eaters, this Is fucking Bill Maher, this is Jimmy Dore, this is Barry Weiss, this is that soft spoken British dude who was married to Katie Perry, and yesterday possibly the biggest fucking Biden simp on the planet snapped and said on a livestream where is Trump, Charlagmane the Unfunny spouted off and I would to if I was him, he's been played multiple times by Biden and Kamel Kunt, that was an unexpected turn nobody could have seen coming.

    Bill Maher is in the top 5 greatest comedians of all time, and top 5 overall personalities,


    • Like 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    I must admit that I have had the same type of experiences with Americans, despite all the shit you hear in the media , the majority of people you meet in most countries are good people....although I've heard strange things about those close to the Antarctic ;)

    Dude you can just say it, nobody here's gonna call you out as Antaphobic, your speaking of Antarticans, and everybody knows not to take them around any fine dinning or china shops, they are like the 3rd class, so no judgment there.

    • Haha 1
  6. Watch this all the way through, keep in mind Jimmy Dore was one of the "big liberals" he worked on the Young Turks for a few years, then he got vaxed and it completely fucked him off, to this day he's still dealing with a whole bunch of fucked up health problems, so now he kind of see's the other side of some things, he's still a fucking idiot on most things, but even on a lot of those things he's started to draw them out and make some sense, Ive only began watching his shit since of course he's been completely shelled by every single person who was his "friend" until he committed the ultimate sin and dared speak of what the vax did to him, the Young Turks and him completely and unmercifully spit personal and many times disgusting shit back and forth at each other, which I gotta admit I find a little entertaining, seeing it all stems from him merely going public with what the vax did to him, now his leftist buddy's want him drawn and quartered, you couldn't write this shit, but check this out. It's pretty interesting.



  7. 10 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    Yeah, you're right.

    I shouldn't generalize anyway.

    It's just that the only interactions I've had with Canadians is on this forum and...

    ... I call 'em as I see 'em.




    Dusty, now now, one of my best buds is a guy who moved here in 96 from Regina to try out for the minor league hockey team, he was 6'8, about 265, and his fists were the size of clothes irons, I met him and got him a job being a door guy at the metal club I did remotes from, he was who showed me the bands White Heat, and Big House, one of the best dudes I ever met in my life, and I certainly never had any problems with drunk fuckers when he was standing next to me, he was really the first Canadian I ever really got to know, and I always thought he was a little off, or I should say I always thought he was way to nice, I wasn't use to it, now he works for the US Forest Service and make mucho money, I went up to North Dakota to his huge fucking compound and road snowmobiles right after thanksgiving, so my experiences with Canadians up to this point in life is the ones Ive met in person have all had kind of the same demeanor, my other buddy Van is from Hamilton and he acts way different, but they are all upstanding people, i know there's shitbags up there, but I have yet to meet one in person, well other then the fucking stooge who waited on us at the Gotham Steak House in Vancouver, that dude could've been straight out of LA or Portland, probably was. 

  8. 50 minutes ago, Glen said:

    I'll leave that to you then 🤣 3 hrs?? err no thanks ;)


    Honestly bro, I really don't listen to his podcast since he went to spotify, I'll watch clips on Youtube, 3hrs is really long, even when he's talking to somebody im interested in hearing, but the 3hrs is telling, cause you really cant miss to much when you talk to them for 3 hours, I forgot he was also the host of Fear Factor, LOL, I don't consider myself a Rogan podcast fan, I fucking think his stand up his hilarious, but I do think he's the most fair person out there as far as letting anyone willing have their say, and he doesn't challenge them, or call them names, regardless what their point of view is, aren't to many of those guys around, so I sincerely respect that, and it's bullshit you cant even be neutral and not have these morons trying to take you out.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Darkstone said:


    The one and only motivation for these two Muppets. 

    Yep and just piling on more and more publicity for Rogan to the people who hadn't heard of him that will now go check him out, and probably like him, but Young and Mitchell,  these people use to be the people who spoke out for free speech, right? the hippies and shit, maybe all that Vax is altering their brains, these people that outside of probably us nobody whose not my dads age has even heard of, what im loving and finding so amusing is all the cockroaches who have come out of the dark who have clearly never listened to Rogan piping up, spouting off FOR THE CAUSE, makes you wonder what else they chime in on they they know absolutely nothing about, I told you watch, they are going to start unloading on Rogan, trying to cancel him, the fucking guy caught Covid, cleared it in something like 3 days, and simply explained what he did to get rid of it, he didn't tell anyone they must do the same thing, he didn't tell anyone it was the right way to do it, he's never told anyone not to get vaxed, matter of fact he's made it crystal clear if you you feel you should get the vax then you should get it, it's a personal choice, he just didn't personally feel like he felt comfortable doing it, that's all he fucking said.

    What was fucking classic was when he got CNN's medical guy Sanja Gupta on his show and called him and CNN out for lying about Ivermectin, and lying about him, and the puke admitted they were lying about him, straight up said they did it, and apologized for doing it, but now he's spreading misinformation and none of these android mouthpieces could even tell you or even know what he said, they just heard he was spreading misinformation,

    I'm tellin ya man, maybe the US needs a good dose of attitude adjustment, cause these people are right, their not interested in facts or discussion, the news people said it, so it's fact and if you disagree your a white supremacist, but seriously it's getting fucking old, and people are growing tired of it, I know personally cause Ive been told endlessly, I'm a white supremacist, and a racist, and guess what? I don't think I give a fuck, if that's what I am so be it, but at least im a racist with a brain of my own that thinks for myself, and not a lemming that just spouts off the daily talking point, idiots.

  10. 18 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    He may very well be.

    It's rampant over there.

    I use the term in the original context, as in like a fucking douche bag, or a fucking piece of shit, not in it's stolen context meaning homosexual, I dont care about that shit.

  11. 18 hours ago, auslander said:

    He is from a very connected family. His dad was PM in Canada. A bit like the Bush family of political animals. It's so funny how people think anyone can one day lead a country in a democracy. Yeah right. If you are rich and from a connected family like Trudeau maybe.

    Well I would think that you just made a point that not everyone could lead a country, cause that dude is not a leader, he's a pussy, and he sounds just like all of them, spouting the same bullshit that nobody buys anymore, saying the trucker line is "fringe" Canadians, I think this may be what blows everything open, cause I know for the Canadians to get that riled up that they pull off some record breaking truck line like that, you gotta literally make Canadians that fucking mad, I think most know that, it's like the voice that never talks gets everyone's attention when they do.

  12. 17 hours ago, Glen said:

    who the hell is he? I still have no clue lol. never heard of him before reading this thread and news story. 😳 

    He's just a dude, he was a comedian, then he was on a couple of TV shows, if you ever heard of Newsradio with Phil Hartman, he's been the color commentator for the UFC for like 20 years, he was in a couple of fights, but decided he started to late, then he started doing a podcast in like 2006, and it's slowly become the biggest podcast I believe in the world, he gets stoned as fuck and just sit and talks with whoever is on for 3 hours, it's not even political unless he has a political guest on but he has had everyone you can think of on, he's not adversarial in any way shape or form, he's a fucking liberal, but he's not a preachy liberal, he just states his business, he doesn't debate, or argue, if someone has a different opinion he talks about it with them, like trying to figure out why they have that opinion, he's not an arrogant fucker, he doesn't toot his own horn, matter of fact, he never acknowledges any of the shit going on around him or about him, he just does his show, and collects his money.

  13. On 1/28/2022 at 10:18 AM, nyoilers said:

    3 worst voices are the Beastie Boys but since one passed away I'll throw in Yoko

    Nope not worse then the Young and Dylan, not even close, plus they are rapping, not trying to sing.

  14. 3 hours ago, martinsane said:

    Shakes the Clown, fucking brilliant. Jerry the mime. Fucking hate mimes. lol. Cody you desperately need to see this as it is funny funny funny throughout and Bobcat gets to bang the late great Florence Henderson.

    Speaking of Bobcat he is quite prolific and even did a "scary movie" (which be damned is real good):


    And I do like very much Cecil B. Real fun film, but it has Waters and Dorff in it right?

    Yep, it's about Outlaw Cinema, they kidnap Melanie Griffith and make her star in their outlaw movies, where you only get one take, and people may die

  15. 1 hour ago, Metal T said:



    Because they've never won a SB...and im sick of seeing 'Side Show Bob' and tired of watching 'Fat Andy' slobber on himself over on the sidelines...I will self medicate to watch the NFL to not have to suffer through those horrible commercials...

    I completely agree with you, I'd love to see the Bengals get a ring, it would be nice for once.

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