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Another Ebayer to be Cautious of

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Ok folks, I wanted to give everyone the heads up......there is another Ebayer from China/Taiwan that everyone needs to be very cautious of......He was recently NARU'ed for the 2nd time recently.........His past usernames are:



Chemical5566 (most recent one to get NARU'ed)


and he has now started using:




I dealt with him a long while back and he eventually paid but it was such a hassle.....And recently he has stiffed a few ebayers for stuff he bid on, then either didn't pay, or decided he no longer wanted the items.......I myself have just blocked him.........But i wanted everyone to have the heads up......




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thanks for the Headsup Lon!! Good advice, I have blocked him as well......

take care.





Ok folks, I wanted to give everyone the heads up......there is another Ebayer from China/Taiwan that everyone needs to be very cautious of......He was recently NARU'ed for the 2nd time recently.........His past usernames are:



Chemical5566 (most recent one to get NARU'ed)


and he has now started using:




I dealt with him a long while back and he eventually paid but it was such a hassle.....And recently he has stiffed a few ebayers for stuff he bid on, then either didn't pay, or decided he no longer wanted the items.......I myself have just blocked him.........But i wanted everyone to have the heads up......




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Ditto what Mike said Lonnie.....my blocked bidders list is a large as my CD collection list almost!!!!! Just kidding..........


I always appreciate others sharing these lowlifes hanging around wasting our time and always add them to my blocked bidder list. Problem is, as always, they keep coming back in mutated form, so we have to keep everyone current!! E Bay certainly isn't any help with these people although they'd like you to believe they are...... LOL!!!!!

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