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nashville rawk on eBay

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This is Jamie Rowe's brother Mick. (Or at least someone he lets use his name.)


Anyway, way back on October 11, I won a Nineteen88 CD from this seller. I "paypal-ed" and expected I'd get my disc within 2 weeks.


Suffice it to say, I'm STILL w/o the disc. I've kept every email I've received and sent and I guess I'm going to give him one more chance (although the last email has gone unanswered) before I attempt to get my money back and leave negative feedback. (Or if that's unavailable, go through eBay and at least see if something can't be done to warn people.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is Jamie Rowe's brother Mick.  (Or at least someone he lets use his name.)


Anyway, way back on October 11, I won a Nineteen88 CD from this seller.  I "paypal-ed" and expected I'd get my disc within 2 weeks.


Suffice it to say, I'm STILL w/o the disc.  I've kept every email I've received and sent and I guess I'm going to give him one more chance (although the last email has gone unanswered) before I attempt to get my money back and leave negative feedback.  (Or if that's unavailable, go through eBay and at least see if something can't be done to warn people.)


No one?

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  • 1 month later...

Please give me your address I will send you a bunch of shit dude (for the problems) I have quit selling Nineteen88 cds as I got so many orders I just lost track.. I had a few other people get on to me as well.. but I always make it right... I am not trying to fuck you over in anyway dude... so Please. just send me an address again and I will get you a confirmation number within 24 hours!


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Am I wrong for giving this guy yet ANOTHER try?



When is enough finally enough? I seriously hope it works out this time. As much as I talk shit, I'm done trying to be fair and look at it from all points of view.


For everyone's sake, I'm hoping this is the last time I have to post (negatively, anyway) in this thread!

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I will get you a confirmation number within 24 hours!



Well, so far he hasn't lived up to what he said. Let's hope he follows through better on actually sending the CD!


Well, he said he already quit selling this CD, so I think in most case you will get some sort of substitute (so called "shit" in his previous message, I hope he didnt mean it literaly...heh) - better ask for refund in my opinion!

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I will get you a confirmation number within 24 hours!



Well, so far he hasn't lived up to what he said. Let's hope he follows through better on actually sending the CD!


Well, he said he already quit selling this CD, so I think in most case you will get some sort of substitute (so called "shit" in his previous message, I hope he didnt mean it literaly...heh) - better ask for refund in my opinion!


I can almost guarantee that I wouldn't get a refund (at least not through Paypal. I'm sure they have some 30/60/90 day rule, and guess what, it's LONG after all of those periods!) It would have to come from him, and, since I'm having trouble getting the CD, I'd probably have more trouble getting the money.


I'm just hoping that he comes through with the music. Then at least I can have a non-commital opinion of him instead of a completely negative one.

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I emailed him my address Sunday night. Nothing Monday. Friday, I write asking if he had a confirmation number for me. Still no response.


At least he's consistent in his methods.



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I emailed him my address Sunday night.  Nothing Monday.  Friday, I write asking if he had a confirmation number for me.  Still no response.


At least he's consistent in his methods.




I'm sorry to hear that hsf and feel for your loss.

Obviously Ronnie537 is not alone out there...

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I emailed him my address Sunday night.  Nothing Monday.  Friday, I write asking if he had a confirmation number for me.  Still no response.


At least he's consistent in his methods.




I'm sorry to hear that hsf and feel for your loss.

Obviously Ronnie537 is not alone out there...


Thanks Storm, although, I'm stupid enough not to count it as a loss yet. I mean, he usually makes right, although, it may be 2 years down the road. LOL. Hopefully, eventually I'll get my CD (I'm sure a refund is out of the question.)

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Thanks Storm, although, I'm stupid enough not to count it as a loss yet.  I mean, he usually makes right, although, it may be 2 years down the road.  LOL.  Hopefully, eventually I'll get my CD (I'm sure a refund is out of the question.)


Maybe because he has to order it from Hangloose records first, hehe :P

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Thanks Storm, although, I'm stupid enough not to count it as a loss yet.  I mean, he usually makes right, although, it may be 2 years down the road.  LOL.  Hopefully, eventually I'll get my CD (I'm sure a refund is out of the question.)


Maybe because he has to order it from Hangloose records first, hehe :P


With this guy, ANYTHING seems possible! :lol:

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Still nothing. (Maybe if I post enough on here, email him enough, and just in general bother him enough, he'll do something just to get me to leave him alone!)

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Apparently Mr. Mick Rowe doesn't feel the need to respond to his emails. (After I told him I was going to post here and he posted here on Sunday the 13th (and emailed me with the same message), I haven't heard a thing from him.)


So, to give you all a glimpse of Mr. Rowe's business practices, I'm going to give you a little glimpse into the kind of person/businessman he is.


I won the auction on October 11th, 2004. (Yes, it HAS been 4 1/2 months! I know!) After not receiving the disc after 2+ weeks, I emailed him just to check on it's status. (Since I payed by Paypal, I figured it wouldn't take THAT long.) Anyway, no response. I emailed him again on November 9th. That same day, I got this response: "I will ship another tomorrow. sorry!".


After not receiving THAT disc, I emailed again on 11/22. I got a response that day as well: "Hello, I sent a bunch out today. Yours should be there! let me know in a couple of days when you get it. MIck."


Still not wanting to believe I was getting screwed, I wrote again on 12/5, questioning a mail mixup or something. The same day, I got the following: "jay,

I will package one up fo ryou right now and send it out tomorrow! I

am real sorry for this delay....". Now I'm really starting to question this. The delay? What delay? The fact that it's been almost 2 months and you've supposedly sent 3 CDs that haven't made it to me yet?


I wrote again on 1/17/05 to tell him I was fed up with the process and got this same day reply: "but all cds have went out!" Later that same day, I get the following: "I just looked it up and your cd was sent. but I am not gonna fuck anyone over... so I will send another with a t shirt (if ya give me yer size) and make it right.. Mick." Seemingly a nice guy, regardless of how fucked up the process is, right?


So, giving the benefit of the doubt again, I say thanks! I even make a joke about the postal service messing up. I ask that THIS copy be sent to my dad's address. He says fine.


After a healthy wait (almost a month), I finally write back" Mick,

I'm guessing almost 4 weeks is long enough to assume I'm not going to get the "latest" version of the CD that's been sent.

If you did actually try to send it as many times as you've claimed, I apologize. I suggest getting in touch with the PO and trying to find out what they've got against you (or me) and why I never received my CD. First time I've been burned with eBay. SOMEONE should be proud, eh?

Anyway, I just wanted you to know the effect that "they" have on your business. I thought I'd throw this link up for you to see. http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=3591. I'm not the only one that's had trouble receiving merch from you. I've been to Jamie's board a few times, but never saw any mention of it, but it doesn't matter.

Also, to be fair (although I think I've been WAAAAAAAY MORE than fair), I thought I'd show you my next post to preview to see if you think it's fair. If you dispute any part of this, I'd appreciate knowing. Not that I'll change anything, because I have every email from both sides since I've had the problem. I've re-read them in an attempt to be fair, and, anyway, it's MY side of the story I'm telling.

(I know you're selling on walmart.com now and aren't as worried, or not worried at all, about eBay anymore.) But, I thought I'd let other people know that, if they care at all and it might influence their decision to buy the CD, that I was done wrong by the seller (or the Post Office, right?).




Well, I gave him a BUNCH of time. I finally emailed him back saying that I was going to notify the appropriate entities of what happened. He emailed me back saying he had sent it out a BUNCH of times, but he wasn't out to screw anyone, to send him my address and he'd send me the disc AND a t-shirt.


I wrote him back saying I didn't need a t-shirt, but appreciated the thought. I wasn't out to bilk anyone out of extra stuff (or more CDs as he'd "sent" a few already), I just wanted the CD I'd ordered. I said how about we try a different address. He said sure, so I had him send it to my dad's house.


Sure enough, it never came. Now, wouldn't you, as an eBay seller, question someone who has written to you five different times (many more than 5 emails, but 5 times w/ week or longer gaps in between) saying that they didn't receive an item that you sent? I mean, if you KNEW you sent this item, wouldn't you possibly think someone was trying to scam you for free CDs or something and call them on it? Or do SOMETHING? He's never even brought this up.


Every time it's all "Oh, a bunch went out and yours was probably in there" and stuff like that. Probably? You have no way of checking/knowing what you sent out? WTF kind of way is that to run an enterprise? ("Enterprise, why Enterprise?" Sorry, needed some kind of comic relief, if even for my own sanity.) Or, how about "I'll get one sent out right away. Sorry." Does that imply that you've already done it?


I'm just majorly pissed and I don't want anyone else to get ripped off by this guy. Who knows, maybe he is "legit" (Too Legit To Quit?....Hammer), but I know if I was the seller, I'd question a buyer who repeatedly says something about that. (But then again, after I looked at his feedback, maybe I WOULDN'T question it.)


And, I paid via paypal as soon as the auction was over. And I didn't get any feedback at all. My part of the transaction was over (done very well, I might add -according to other sellers) and I got NO feedback. Just very jaded over the whole deal.


And the best part? I got a mass-mailing email the other day that said to check him out on myspace. Yeah right! And leave an asshole message so OTHER people can see not to buy from him. (Although, since he can be purchased online via a retailer, I think he stopped selling on eBay. At least maybe others who buy won't get screwed since HE'S not doing the shipping.)


He writes back the same day, with "Please give me your address I will send you a bunch of shit dude (for the problems) I have quit selling Nineteen88 cds as I got so many orders I just lost track.. I had a few other people get on to me as well.. but I always make it right... I am not trying to fuck you over in anyway dude... so Please. just send me an address again and I will get you a confirmation number within 24 hours! Mick." (Which he posted here as well.)


Since then, he hasn't written me back once, to either give me the confirmation number or to answer any of the emails I've written about that since. I've tried to rationalize saying "well, maybe he's on tour or writing music and doesn't check online" or "something terrible happened to him or someone close to him and he's busy", but haven't I already given the benefit of the doubt too much?


So, finally, the other day, I write: "Still nothing? I really don't like the inconvenience, to me, of being a pain in the ass. I don't want to have to start writing every day just to get the merchandise for which I paid. I'm posting the attached comments on not only the web site I previously sent, but Jamie's site, and any other music affiliated place I can think of/find. (And believe me, of the 900+ members on my main MB, SOMEONE will know other places to post.) And, if I can find a way, something to do with Walmart.


I hate being an ass like this, but I feel my hand's been forced in this situation. I've been WAY more than fair with you while I've been waiting. And, I have NEVER had to wait 4+ months for an item I've ordered online. (Can't think of any instances where it's longer than 8 weeks, and that was probably due to sending payment via mail or waiting for a check to clear.) I just want the CD I bought or a refund (which, I imagine this far down the road is pretty much impossible.) I'm just so tired of these games. (Telling me you'll send me a confirmation number and then not hearing from you for over a week! And having someone else tell me you said the same thing to him and then said the PO wouldn't do it or something like that. I'm prepared for THAT response next. He said it was 6-8 months before he got his stuff. I'm not THAT nice anymore.)


Please make this the last email I have to send threatening actions to try to recoup my CD/ money/ trouble. I don't have time tor all of this stuff.





Guess what? Still NOTHING! I guess it's time to go into asshole mode. (Which, admittedly is hard for me. It's EASY to joke around like one, hard to actually be one, but, I guess it's time to step up.)


If anyone has actually read all this shit, thanks and sorry. Just had to get it off my chest. It's also helpful to now have a link that I can post when I go to other places to tell about him.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Not that anybody gives a hoot, but I thought I'd update y'all with the latest.


The other day, I got another invitation to add Mick's band as a friend on myspace.com and, since each email I've sent Mick since his promise to send one out and give me a confirmation has gone unanswered, I responded to this email saying "WTF would I ever join his page for since he screwed me over?"


The person in charge of running that page wrote back and apologized and asked what happened. I, succinctly as possible, updated the situation to him, telling him about this thread and that I had ALL of the email correspondence between Mick and I. He said he apologized for Mick, and that he had to hire some people to make sure things were done correctly because he had too much to do by himself. He took my address and said he'd send out a CD. I'm anticipating it before next weekend. We'll see. (Haven't heard anything from him since the promise, though, so, I'm not getting too excited.)


This saga will NEVER end! :crash:

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Not that anybody gives a hoot, but I thought I'd update y'all with the latest.


The other day, I got another invitation to add Mick's band as a friend on myspace.com and, since each email I've sent Mick since his promise to send one out and give me a confirmation has gone unanswered, I responded to this email saying "WTF would I ever join his page for since he screwed me over?"


The person in charge of running that page wrote back and apologized and asked what happened.  I, succinctly as possible, updated the situation to him, telling him about this thread and that I had ALL of the email correspondence between Mick and I.  He said he apologized for Mick, and that he had to hire some people to make sure things were done correctly because he had too much to do by himself.  He took my address and said he'd send out a CD.  I'm anticipating it before next weekend.  We'll see.  (Haven't heard anything from him since the promise, though, so, I'm not getting too excited.)


This saga will NEVER end! :crash:


Hahaha, you should have told the guy to rename their band to "eBay Robbery" or something similar :P

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Hahaha, you should have told the guy to rename their band to "eBay Robbery" or something similar  :P


Well, hopefully this guy's on the up & up and I'll have my disk soon and it won't be a COMPLETE robbery!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The same update as before. That guy "Tim" - probably Mick in disguise just to f$@k with me - was worth as much as Mick.


Still have no copy. I don't care about the music (honestly wasn't majorly impressed with clips I heard.) Just pissed about getting screwed (the principle of the whole thing. I've lost more money on football pools or drinking at Amen's w/ SHK and the gang on Saturday nights. It's just the flippin' principle!)

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