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Amazon links back... for now...

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Amazon links are back on HH and BM on a trial basis. I know that some folks were upset when I removed them after Amazon fired all of the Illinois affiliates.


In case you don't realize it, when you decide to shop on Amazon or eBay, if you click through from HH or BM and actually buy something, I get a tiny commission on the sale. It doesn't cost you anything, but cumulatively it helps support the site. All the pennies, nickels, and dimes from everyone's purchases add up. It's the only way I can afford to keep things going given the shortfalls on the donation drives.


I'll have to see how the Amazon links affect the eBay revenue. If it ends up being a net decrease, I will pull the Amazon links again.


So for now, enjoy the old functionality back again, and when you go to Amazon or eBay, please go through Heavy Harmonies to do it, even if what you are shopping for has NOTHING to do with music... it's the conversion and proximity in time of the clickthrough to the sale that matters, not specifically what is purchased.





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The links are on both the band pages and the individual CD pages. Right now it's just the .com, not .de or .co.uk. I need to check into those affiliate programs.


BM = BrutalMetal.Com, not what you were thinking. :lol:

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