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Sorry! gotta give 2 of my most favorite songs props


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Giving 2 of the coolest songs ive ever heard the respect they deserve







What Do I Have To Do



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Hmmm, I always thought these guys sucked, didn't they? I actually have one of their CDs in my house somewhere... in some condition. I doubt it's still playable. Can't even remember where I got it from. Anyway, point of this post is that I kinda like those songs, especially the first one. What CD are they from? Is it from their famous one? Is there a famous one?

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Hmmm, I always thought these guys sucked, didn't they? I actually have one of their CDs in my house somewhere... in some condition. I doubt it's still playable. Can't even remember where I got it from. Anyway, point of this post is that I kinda like those songs, especially the first one. What CD are they from? Is it from their famous one? Is there a famous one?


Their 1st 2 cd's are killer, everything after that kind of blows, these 2 songs are off Blistered Withered And Peeled, yeah the song What Do I Have To Do, got some radio time, they had another song called Save Me that was their most popular song, I thought it sucked it was off one of their later albums, their 1st cd is by far their best, Violent Mood Swings, is a killer song, but yeah I love these guys. and it was hard for me, because these early groups that are kind of industrial reject metal crossovers were usually not good songwriters, and the 1st Stabbing Westward disc was way more industrial\electronic themed then any of them, but it had strong and powerful songwriting, the next disc which these 2 songs are off of, were geared way more away from that industrial feel, and absolutely rocked from a metal type standpoint, but still using plenty of electronic elements, after that they went way off the trax.


this is by far their most popular song, and i'd have to imagine you had one of these later cd's G-Off, because they are rather dull, but Save Me is their most known song.




This is my favorite song off the debut cd Ungod, this is Violent Mood Swings, if you listen to the actual song Ungod, you'll notice it has the EXACT! same guitar riff in the chorus as the Filter song Hey Man Nice Shot, because the guitarist was playing for both bands at the exact same time, the bands agreed not to sue each other over it, I thought that was funny.


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