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mpire of evil

Dead Planet

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  • 3 weeks later...

The vocals take some getting used to (at times a bit Lemmy-ish, occasionally even leaning towards death metal growling) but this is great stuff! Fantastic guitar, great solos, really good tunes. Definite must buy for me. Nice one.

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Am I really the only one loving this? Very mixed reviews of the album online, these are a couple of the positive ones:






Have to say, I find myself agreeing with the Metal Observer on this one. I'm no Venom fan, but this rocks like a bastard!

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  • 1 month later...

FFS! Yet another album I've bought after listening to and really enjoying tracks online, then finding that's it's not that great. This has happened to me so many times now, I think I need to shoot myself in the f*cking head! :doh:


So, one good song (the opener, 'Hellspawn') a few reasonable tracks and a load of filler. Only one song I'm ever likely to play again though. What am I like? GAAAAAHHHH!



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Seriously ... SELF CONTROL! :) Not that I'm complaining, mind you - 'cause at least I'll get to hear the album without having to pay a penny for the privilege ... selfish? Moi? ;)

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