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66 mustang

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just bought this at Walmart for $2.50. I enjoyed the show when it was on but it was canceled.


just finished this a couple night ago. Great series. the first 10 episodes were fantastic. the last three were ok but felt like it should have ended after 10 episodes. for the money you can't go wrong. think 24 meets Ground Hog day with a little bit of the movie Vantage Point thrown in.




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Yes it was. I don't see how this didn't catch on and was cancelled. Oh wait, it had Adam Baldwin in it. Don't take that as a negative, I love Baldwin. His portaial of Jayne Cobb is perfect and the episode JaynesTown should be Classic TV. That episode is just incredible.

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Yes it was. I don't see how this didn't catch on and was cancelled. Oh wait, it had Adam Baldwin in it. Don't take that as a negative, I love Baldwin. His portaial of Jayne Cobb is perfect and the episode JaynesTown should be Classic TV. That episode is just incredible.


Baldwin has been great in everything I've seen and yes the JaynesTown episdoe was awesome. If Chuck gets cancelled I wonder if it will get blamed on Baldwin? It's almost like a curse with him. Firefly and then he shows up the end of Angel and they were supposed to be renewed for two seasons but then got the axe at the last minute. Not that it was really Baldwin's fault as he was great in it. He was also great in X files but again he showed in the last season as the super soldier and then they were cancelled. Poor Adam.

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