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Snake Eyes Seven


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One for the thrash/heavy metal fans out there, has anyone heard of this band? Just read a very positive review of their new album, '13 Crows', the tracks on Myspace sound really good:


Snake Eyes Seven Myspace

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No interest in this one? It's quite hard to find any reviews. I've found one from a German music site, which says they could be described as a mixture of Rammstein and Black Sabbath (which is intriguing). I think the last sentence suggests that one should give the album a listen, but apart from the first 2 sentences and the last one, the rest of the review is well beyond my grasp of German. Any German speakers fancy translating the highlights from this? Please?:


"Die alten Black Sabbath treffen auf Rammstein. So soll man Snake Eyes Seven beschreiben können, die neue Band von Kick Axe Sänger Victor Langen. Old School soll auf Moderne stoßen. Auch wenn nicht wirklich viel Rammstein in Snake Eyes Sevens selbstbetitelten Debüt ist, kann man ganz klar raushören, dass Black Sabbath ein sehr großer Einfluss für die vier kanadischen Musiker gewesen sein muss. Auch wenn es übertrieben klingt: stellenweise glaubt man wirklich Ozzy raushören zu können. Los geht’s mit dem rotzigen, recht mystischen Hell Or High Water, während der freche Stil auf den folgenden neun Songs fröhlich weitergeführt wird. 70er Gitarren treffen auf eine intelligente, weil passende allerdings nicht schlechte Produktion und Elemente moderner Metal Musik. Thrashige Drums bombadieren den Hörer hinterhältig mit purer Zerstörungswut (besonders gut auf Bitter Pill zu sehen), Songs wie Comin’ Down, Bullets & Booze oder Breakdown heben die Laune ins Unermessliche und lassen einen das Bein zum Tanzen heben und die Nackenwirbel brechen. Snake Eyes Seven ist mal eine sehr feine Abwechslung zu modernem Hard Rock und darf jedem ans Herz gelegt werden, der sich für alten 70er Hard Rock begeistern kann, auf schrammeligen Rock steht oder einfach nicht von den alten Sabbath genug kriegen kann. Mit einer überraschenden Hingabe und Leidenschaft schafft es die Band tatsächlich den alten, zeitlosen Stil wiederaufleben zu lassen und nicht zu kopieren. Sollte man sich mal anhören!"

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  • 4 years later...

Figured I would resurrect James' thread in lieu of a new one, but here is the video "Show Me The Money" from the 13 Crows album.


The band is currently working on a new record entitled Medicine Man which is slated for a in the not so distant future release...


Of note for James, I hear zero Black Sabbath and an absolute zero of Rammstein. Sounds more like a mix of Ratt, Tesla and Spread Eagle to me, played by the guys in Molly Hatchet. :)


But I like it!


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HighVolMusic To Release Medicine Man


HighVolMusic is pleased to announce the signing of the Canadian heavy metal band Snake Eyes Seven. Snake Eyes Seven is currently recording their latest effortMedicine Man with producer Cam McLeod (White Wolf) at the Wolfsden (pic below) in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.



Medicine Man marks the bands 3rd release with label president Bill Chavis. BothSnake Eyes Seven (2007) and 13 Crows (2010) were released with Bill. "I am very happy to have Cole and company back on-board. Cole and I developed a great friendship from day one. He is a great person and loyal friend to the end not to mention a prolific riff master and writer. We have worked together for so long it just seems logical for me to be involved with the next Snake Eyes Seven chapter. Cole called and said will you do this, I said when do we start? I discovered Cole and his band years ago but actually turned him down the first few times. It was only after Cole's non-stop perseverance that I caved in. The first release was OK but 13 Crows was outstanding. I don't think it caught on but it was a great release. Medicine Man proves to be the best Snake Eyes Seven release yet and judging by the demo material, it will be a game changer."


Snake Eyes Seven now features Cole 'The Madman' Stevens - guitar, Cam McLeod - guitar, Danny Deane - vocals, Mike Cillis - bass, and Erik Young - drums.

Snake Eyes Seven recently launched their Facebook page with a new website to follow in the coming days. More details on Medicine Man including soundbytes and other information will be revealed soon.

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