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Shipping times from the US


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Why is it that when purchasing from the US and as far as I know, the postage used is just normal air mail, that when the item is being sent to Australia, it takes anywhere from 9 days to virtually 4 weeks for the item to arrive......why is there such a wide variance in time????......I know towards Christmas it usually takes a fair bit longer but mid year baffles me as to why.

The average is normally just under 3 weeks but every now and then you get a huge surprise when it turns up after 9 or 10 days or you can also start shitting yourself that it is approaching 4 weeks and there is still no sign of it. :yikes:

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Yeah, it's an odd one. I've had a few items turn up recently in less than 5 working days, which is insane. Other times, yeah, you wait a couple of weeks.


The time to get here doesn't worry me as much as the variance in costs to get stuff here. Like I said in the NEH thread, they're charging us$8 to get the first CD here and $3 for each CD afterwards. If I don't see a $12-$14 price tag on this box when it arrives I'm going to have words. I don't get why every other American can ship a CD to me for $3.40 to $4.40, plus the cost of an envelope, but some people feel the need to charge this high. It just baffles me.

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Yeah, it's an odd one. I've had a few items turn up recently in less than 5 working days, which is insane. Other times, yeah, you wait a couple of weeks.


The time to get here doesn't worry me as much as the variance in costs to get stuff here. Like I said in the NEH thread, they're charging us$8 to get the first CD here and $3 for each CD afterwards. If I don't see a $12-$14 price tag on this box when it arrives I'm going to have words. I don't get why every other American can ship a CD to me for $3.40 to $4.40, plus the cost of an envelope, but some people feel the need to charge this high. It just baffles me.


Could not agree more mate, when you see some of the bullshit prices they charge for shipping and compare it to the amount they were charged to ship it {which is clearly on the envelope or package} that really does piss you off <_<

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